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Does Facebook have interactive posts?

Does Facebook have interactive posts?

Facebook, the popular social media platform launched in 2004, has evolved greatly over the years to keep up with changing consumer demands and preferences. One of the biggest shifts has been towards more interactive and engaging types of content. So an important question is: does Facebook have interactive posts?

Definition of Interactive Posts

Before answering whether Facebook has interactive posts, it’s helpful to define what makes a post “interactive.” An interactive post is one that goes beyond just static text, photos or videos. Interactive posts allow the viewer to interact with the content in some way. This could include:

  • Polling or surveys – Allow viewers to answer poll questions or take simple surveys
  • Quizzes – Users can take entertaining quizzes and share their results
  • Chatbots – Bots can have conversations with users through Messenger
  • Augmented reality – 3D effects and filters that can be applied to photos or videos
  • Interactive video – Videos that allow choices or have clickable elements
  • Shopping features – Enable direct purchasing through the post
  • Instant experiences – Mini web apps that allow interactive experiences

The key is that interactive posts encourage participation, engagement and conversations versus just passive consumption. This tends to increase their reach and impact.

The Rise of Interactive Content

Interactive content has become immensely popular across all social platforms and websites in recent years. Some key stats:

  • Posts with GIFs get 55% more engagement than posts without (Socialinsider)
  • Interactive content receives 3x more social shares than static content (Buzzsumo)
  • 64% of people feel more connected to a brand after taking a social media quiz (Hubspot)
  • Chatbots can achieve up to 95% open rates and up to 50% click rates on messages (Drift)

People enjoy interactive experiences that are fun and immersive. These statistics make clear that interactive content performs very well and helps foster brand connections.

Facebook Supports Many Interactive Post Formats

So what about Facebook specifically? Facebook has evolved to support many different types of interactive posts and content over the last few years. Some of the key interactive post formats include:


Facebook Polls allow users to ask questions and get feedback from their audience. Poll posts can include a clickable question along with answer choices. Viewers can easily vote and see real-time results. Polls lead to good engagement when the questions are fun or provocative.


Facebook enables chatbots on Pages and in the Messenger app. These AI-powered bots can have conversational experiences with users. Brands can use chatbots for customer service, lead generation, promotions and interactive content.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Facebook has AR Studio which allows for augmented reality effects to be added to photos or videos. These immersive effects aim to be entertaining, educational or helpful for branding. IKEA and Sephora are brands using AR effects well.

Instant Experiences

Instant Experiences are interactive mini web apps that people can discover from posts. They enable full-screen interactive content right within Facebook. Brands can use them for product demos, virtual try-ons, quizzes, presentations and more.

Interactive Video

Video posts can include interactive elements like clickable links, buttons and graphics overlayed on them. This helps direct viewers and enables choices or shopping functionality.

Live Video

Facebook Live allows real-time broadcasting and interaction with audiences. Viewers can react, comment and interact with the broadcaster. Live video works well for Q&As, how-tos, announcements and behind-the-scenes footage.

Shopping Features

The Facebook Shop enables products to be tagged and made available for purchase directly within posts. Instagram also has in-app shopping options. This seamless path from discovering to buying products is extremely valuable.

Case Studies of Top Brands Using Interactive Posts

To showcase how effective these interactive posts can be, here are some real examples from major brands:

Sephora’s AR Beauty Try-On

Sephora, the cosmetics retailer, leveraged AR on Facebook to allow virtual try-on of lipsticks. By aiming a smartphone camera at their lips, users could see themselves wearing different shades. This immersive experience drove major engagement. According to Sephora, their AR campaign achieved:

  • Over 6 million interactions with AR content
  • 800% higher comment rate than non-AR content
  • Average interaction time of over 80 seconds with AR effects

Walmart Fashion Polls

Walmart has used polling posts on Facebook to get feedback on upcoming fashion products and trends. For example, they asked people to choose their preferred style of jeans for the season. This type of poll performs very well for Walmart, generating high reach and thousands of votes. It shows how retailers can leverage interactivity in planning products and inventory.

Wyndham Hotels Chatbot

Wyndham deployed a Facebook Messenger chatbot to engage with customers in a conversational way. The AI-powered bot helps with bookings and provides destination recommendations. Within just 6 months, the bot had over 70,000 users and a 90% satisfaction rate. Wyndham was able to provide fast customer support at scale with the bot.

Best Practices for Interactive Facebook Posts

Here are some top tips for brands and marketers to create effective interactive content on Facebook:

  • Match the interactive post to your audience and brand voice. Stay on-brand with the style of interactivity.
  • Make it visual and easy to participate. Interactive posts should work seamlessly on mobile as well.
  • Ask intriguing questions or frame quizzes around buzzworthy topics to prompt shares and reactions.
  • Highlight user-generated content like reviews, testimonials or user photos that feature your brand.
  • Give people opportunities to showcase their personality and get rewards for participating.
  • Test different formats and evaluate performance metrics – likes, shares, comments, click-throughs.
  • Promote your interactive content through ads to reach wider audiences.

The Future of Interactive Facebook Posts

Facebook will likely continue expanding its interactive post formats, ads, augmented reality effects and messaging capabilities. They have also discussed potential virtual reality (VR) integrations. Some futuristic interactive concepts could include:

  • Shared VR spaces where people can explore and interact together
  • Multiplayer AR gaming experiences
  • More voice-enabled interactions through AI assistants
  • Integrated mobile payments for frictionless transactions
  • Co-watching synchronous video with groups of friends

Facebook wants to build the “metaverse” – an immersive digital reality with endless interactivity. So creativity in interactive posts will be core to their vision going forward.


In summary, Facebook absolutely has interactive posts across many formats like polls, quizzes, chatbots, AR effects, instant experiences, and more. These interactive experiences enable brands to engage users in deeper, more memorable ways. When matched to a brand’s objectives, interactive posts can become a core part of the marketing mix. With Facebook committing heavily to the future of the metaverse, creativity and innovation in interactive content will be crucial.