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Does Facebook have email?

Does Facebook have email?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, used by billions of people around the world to connect with friends and family. One common question people have is whether Facebook has its own email service similar to Gmail or Yahoo. The short answer is no, Facebook does not provide users with an email address. However, it does have some email-related features built into the platform.

Facebook Messages

While Facebook doesn’t have a full-fledged email service, it does have Facebook Messages. This is an instant messaging system built into the platform that allows users to send private messages to each other. These messages get delivered to the Facebook user’s inbox, similar to an email.

There are a few key differences between Facebook Messages and email:

  • You can only message other Facebook users – there is no ability to message someone’s email address if they are not on Facebook.
  • Messages only get sent within Facebook – users cannot connect their Facebook inbox to an external email account.
  • There are no subject lines, CC/BCC, attachments, etc like with email.

So while Facebook Messages allow for private communication similar to email, they exist entirely within the Facebook ecosystem rather than connecting to external email providers.

Who Can Message You on Facebook

Your Facebook privacy settings control who is able to send you Facebook Messages:

  • Everyone – Any Facebook user can message you.
  • Friends of Friends – Your friends plus their friends can message you.
  • Friends – Only your Facebook friends can message you.
  • Custom – You can customize exactly who can message you.

Notifications for New Messages

Since Facebook Messages act similar to email for internal communications, Facebook does provide notification options when you receive a new message:

  • Facebook app notifications – You can allow notifications to pop up when you receive a new Facebook Message in the Facebook mobile app.
  • Email notifications – You can configure Facebook to email you whenever you get a new Facebook Message.
  • SMS notifications – For urgent messages, you can choose to get an SMS text notification sent to your phone.

Enabling one or more of these notifications ensures you don’t miss an important Facebook Message by having it get sent to your external inboxes.

Using Facebook Messaging as Email

For many Facebook users, Facebook Messaging serves the same purpose as email for their day-to-day communication needs. Some key ways Facebook Messaging can be used similar to email include:

  • One-on-one conversations
  • Group message threads with multiple recipients
  • Sending photos, videos, audio clips, documents
  • Creating message folders to stay organized
  • Quick, real-time communication

The main limitations are the inability to message non-Facebook users and lacking some more advanced email features. But for communication between Facebook friends, Messaging often serves a similar role as email.

Emails Sent by Facebook

While Facebook doesn’t provide users with email addresses, there are some cases where Facebook will send emails to users from official Facebook email addresses:

Notification Emails

Facebook sends notification emails from addresses like [email protected] or [email protected]. These are used for notifications when you get tagged in a post, invited to an event, receive a new message, etc.

Security/Account Emails

For security-related notices like login notifications, Facebook uses email addresses like [email protected] or [email protected]. Password reset emails also come from accounts with domains.

Facebook Business/Ads Emails

Facebook uses email addresses ending in or for notifications related to business accounts, ad accounts, Meta Business Suite, etc.

Oculus Emails

For Oculus virtual reality products owned by Facebook, email addresses like [email protected] are used for account-related communications.

So in summary, while Facebook doesn’t provide personal user inboxes, it does utilize its and domains for sending a variety of notification, security and business-related emails.

Connecting Facebook to an Email Inbox

While you don’t get a personal email address, there are a couple ways to connect your Facebook notifications to an external email account:

Forward Facebook Notifications

Under Facebook’s Notification Settings, you can choose to forward your Facebook notifications to an email address. This sends copies of notifications from your Facebook account to your regular email inbox.

Import Facebook Messages

Facebook allows you to export a CSV file containing your Facebook Messages. You can then import this file into an external email client to access your conversations outside of Facebook.

So with the forwarding and import options, you can integrate Facebook notifications and messages with traditional email.

Email Search on Facebook

Facebook has an email search feature that allows you to find people you know by searching their email address. When searching by email, Facebook will show a list of any users who have added that email to their Facebook account.

For example, if you have someone’s personal email address, you could search it on Facebook to potentially find their account and connect with them. This allows finding Facebook profiles based on an email address.

Facebook Account Recovery with Email

If you forget your Facebook password, the main way to recover and reset it is by having a reset link sent to your email. This allows using your email address on file to securely regain access to your Facebook account.

Your email is also used to confirm changes to your Facebook account for security purposes. So while not a communications tool, your email helps verify your identity when making account changes.


In summary, while Facebook does not offer full email accounts to users, it does have messaging features comparable to email as well as integration points with external email providers. The Facebook Messages system allows users to have private conversations similar to email strictly within the Facebook ecosystem. And email notifications, imports and account recovery use your external email for key functions on Facebook. So while perhaps not a complete email replacement, Facebook does provide messaging and integration with email in a variety of helpful ways.