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Does Facebook have auto translate?

Does Facebook have auto translate?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of October 2022. With users from all around the globe, Facebook aims to connect people across different languages and cultures.

One of the ways Facebook enables cross-cultural connections is through its auto translation feature. When enabled, this feature can automatically translate posts and comments into the language preferred by the viewer.

An Overview of Facebook’s Auto Translate Feature

Facebook’s auto translate option allows posts and comments to be translated into over 100 different languages with just one click. This feature helps break down language barriers on the platform.

Here is a quick overview of how Facebook’s auto translate works:

  • The feature translates text between languages using automated machine translation.
  • It is enabled by default for Pages, allowing Page posts to reach a broader audience.
  • Users can select their preferred language in their account settings for automatic translation.
  • When a post or comment is in a different language than the user’s preference, there is an option to “See Translation.”
  • Clicking this will translate the text into the user’s language of choice.

Facebook’s translation capabilities have improved significantly over the years with advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI). While not always perfect, the translations provide a good general understanding of different languages.

Availability of Facebook’s Auto Translate

Facebook’s auto translate feature is available in both Facebook’s mobile apps and the desktop website. However, there are some differences in availability:

  • In the Facebook mobile app, the auto translate option is available for both Android and iOS devices.
  • On the desktop website, the auto translate feature is currently only available on Facebook when using Google Chrome browser. It does not work on other browsers like Mozilla Firefox or Safari.

So mobile users and Chrome desktop users have access to the tool, while support is limited for other desktop browsers. Facebook has indicated plans to expand support, but has not provided specific timelines.

Platform and Browser Availability

Platform/Browser Auto Translate Available
Facebook Mobile App (Android and iOS) Yes
Facebook Desktop Website (Chrome) Yes
Facebook Desktop Website (Firefox, Safari) No

How to Use Facebook’s Auto Translate

If you want posts and comments on Facebook to be automatically translated, here are the steps to enable the feature:

On Mobile:

  1. Open the Facebook app and tap on the three-line menu icon.
  2. Go to “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings.”
  3. Tap on “Language.”
  4. Under “Facebook language,” select your preferred language.

This will set your default language for translations across Facebook. When you now view posts and comments in other languages, you will see the “See Translation” option.

On Desktop (Chrome):

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of Facebook.
  2. Choose “Settings & Privacy” > “Settings.”
  3. Click on “Language and Region” in the left menu.
  4. Under “Facebook language,” pick your preferred language.

With your language set, posts and comments in other languages will have the translation link when browsing Facebook on Chrome desktop.

Troubleshooting Facebook Auto Translate

While Facebook’s auto translate feature works well in most cases, sometimes you may run into issues getting it to work properly. Here are some common troubleshooting tips:

Translate Option Not Appearing

  • Make sure auto translate is enabled in your account settings by following the instructions above.
  • Be sure the post or comment is in a different language than your set preference. The feature only shows for foreign languages.
  • On desktop, auto translate currently only works when using the Chrome browser. Use Chrome if on a computer.

Translations Are Inaccurate

  • Machine translations are not 100% accurate. The technology is still improving.
  • Try using the “See original” link to compare the original text to the translation.
  • For important posts, ask the writer to provide the translation or use a professional human translator for the most accuracy.

Only Some Posts Are Translated

  • Auto translate shows for posts and comments from Pages you follow and friends/connections.
  • It may not appear for posts on public Pages that you don’t follow.
  • Make sure to follow or be connected with someone to see translations of their posts.

The Pros and Cons of Facebook’s Auto Translate

Facebook’s auto translate feature provides some useful benefits, but also has some limitations to keep in mind.


  • Allows users to understand content in many different languages.
  • Helps connect people across language barriers.
  • Easy and quick translation with one click.
  • Free to use for all Facebook users.


  • Machine translation quality is not human level.
  • Mistranslations or incorrect translations can occur.
  • Nuanced expressions may be lost in translation.
  • Only supports a subset of all global languages.

So while auto translate provides a good gist translation, for important content professional human translation may still be preferable when accuracy is critical.


Facebook’s auto translate feature allows users to view translated posts and comments with just one click. This helps share ideas globally across over 100 different languages.

To enable auto translate on Facebook:

  • Mobile users can adjust translation language in App Settings.
  • Desktop users on Chrome can set their language in Facebook Settings.

The tool provides fast basic translations powered by machine learning and AI. While not perfect, it facilitates communication across language barriers on one of the world’s largest social platforms.