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Does Facebook have a public API?

Does Facebook have a public API?

Facebook does provide several public APIs that allow developers to integrate with and build applications on the Facebook platform. However, access to some Facebook data and features is restricted and requires review and approval by Facebook.

What is an API?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. An API is a set of programming instructions and standards for accessing a web-based software application or web tool. APIs allow developers to programmatically retrieve data and interact with an external service. They enable different software systems to communicate with each other by calling features and data from one system to another via the API.

Types of Facebook APIs

Facebook offers several different public APIs that provide access to core Facebook data and functionality:

  • Facebook Login – Allows app users to log in with their Facebook account
  • Graph API – Provides access to user data, page data, marketing data, and more
  • Marketing API – Enables ad targeting, campaign management, and analytics
  • Instagram API – Allows access to Instagram user media, profiles, hashtags, and more
  • Messenger Platform API – Enables bot development and management for Messenger
  • Business SDK – Tools for businesses to manage interactions with customers

These APIs are public in the sense that they are openly available for any developer to implement. However, Facebook still controls access to user data and core features. Developers must apply for API access keys and submit their apps for review by Facebook to gain full permissions.

Accessing the Facebook Graph API

The Facebook Graph API is the primary way to programmatically access Facebook data. It allows you to retrieve data about users, Pages, posts, photos, videos, events, groups and more. Nearly all types of Facebook data can be accessed through the Graph API.

To use the Graph API, you need to:

  1. Register as a Facebook Developer
  2. Create a Facebook app
  3. Get an access token
  4. Make API calls to retrieve data

Here is a quick overview of how to get started:

  • Register as a Facebook Developer at This gives you access to Facebook developer tools.
  • Create a new app through the App Dashboard. This generates an app ID and app secret needed to make API calls.
  • Generate an access token for your app so it can make API calls. There are different types of access tokens such as short-lived tokens for server-side apps.
  • Use the access token in your API requests to the Graph API to retrieve data. For example, to get a user’s profile info you would make a GET request to /me?fields=id,name,email with the access token.

The Graph API uses a REST-based structure with resource URLs like /me for the current user’s profile or /{page-id} for a Page’s profile. You can specify what fields to return for each object using the “fields” parameter. The API returns output in JSON format.

Graph API Access Levels

The Facebook Graph API provides different levels of data access depending on the app review process:

Access Level Description
Public access No review required. Provides basic read access to public Page info, public posts, friend lists. No access to personal user data.
Friends access Minimal review required. Provides access to a user’s friends list in addition to public data.
User access Full review required. Provides read/write access to non-public user data like email, birthday, photos, posts, etc.

To gain access beyond public data, you must submit your app for review by Facebook. The review checks for compliance with platform policies and proper privacy controls. User access in particular requires a full, manual review which can take 2-3 weeks.

Public Data Available

Without any review, the Graph API provides access to read-only public data including:

  • Page access – Page IDs, names, category, location, website, affiliates, etc.
  • Page posts – Public posts made by a Page.
  • Page photos – Public photos on a Page.
  • Events – Public details about an event.
  • Groups – Public details about a group.
  • Comments – Comments on public posts.
  • Friend lists – A user’s friend list if made public by the user.

This allows apps to show public Facebook content without needing specific permissions. However, any personal user data, non-public posts, user connections, etc. require review and access authorization.

Restricted Data Requiring Approval

Access to the following Facebook data requires app review and approval:

  • User profile data – Name, birthday, location, education, work, relationship status, etc.
  • User connections – Friends list, groups, events, Pages liked, etc.
  • Private messages – Between a user and other users or Pages.
  • Non-public posts – Posts by users with privacy settings.
  • Non-public events/groups – Private events or groups.
  • Page messages – Messages between users and Pages.
  • Page roles – Admin/editor roles for Pages.

This data is considered personal and sensitive. Facebook reviews apps to ensure proper usage and safeguards around private data. Apps must have a specific need for the data and handle it securely.

App Review Process

To gain access to any non-public Facebook data or features, apps go through the following review process:

  1. Developer registers the app in App Dashboard
  2. Developer requests desired permissions/features
  3. Facebook reviews permissions request
  4. If approved, developers implements approval
  5. App goes live with approved access

Approval can take 2-3 weeks in some cases, like for extended User data access. Facebook evaluates potential risks and complies with privacy laws. Apps must have a legitimate use case and security measures for the data.

App Dashboard

The App Dashboard at provides tools to:

  • Register new apps
  • View app settings and credentials
  • Generate access tokens
  • Request permissions and submit for review
  • Add platform products like Login, Messenger, etc.
  • Monitor traffic, installs, and other analytics

Developers manage API access, submission for review, and analytics all through the App Dashboard. It is the central place to control app settings and permissions.

Graph API Explorer

The Graph API Explorer is a tool in the App Dashboard that allows testing API calls:

  • Choose an app to use its access token
  • Build and execute API calls interactively
  • View docs for each endpoint
  • Examine full request URLs, parameters, headers
  • See the structured JSON response

The Explorer allows developers to quickly test Graph API calls without coding to better understand responses. It also serves as a debugging tool when developing applications.


In summary, Facebook does provide several public APIs but access is limited in some cases. The main Graph API requires app review and authorization to retrieve most user data or non-public content. Apps need specific approval to access restricted data based on their use case and security measures. However, basic public Page, post, and event data is readily available. Facebook’s developer platform allows building engaging social apps but also aims to protect user privacy.