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Does Facebook have a post scheduler?

Does Facebook have a post scheduler?

Yes, Facebook offers several options for scheduling posts so users can plan their content in advance. Scheduling Facebook posts is a useful tool for social media managers, businesses, and personal users who want to space out their updates and save time.

Facebook’s Built-In Scheduling Options

Facebook has a couple built-in options that allow users to schedule their posts directly within Facebook:

  • Facebook Creator Studio: This is Facebook’s free social media management platform that includes a post scheduler. It’s designed for creators and businesses to analyze their Facebook and Instagram accounts.
  • Facebook Pages Manager App: The Facebook Pages Manager app for mobile devices includes the ability to schedule posts. This can be used by admins of Facebook Pages.

To use Facebook’s scheduling options, users simply need to access the Creator Studio dashboard or Facebook Pages Manager app, create a new post, and select the date and time they want the post to publish. The post will be saved in Facebook’s system and automatically published at the scheduled day and time.

Some key things to know about Facebook’s built-in scheduling options:

  • Only Facebook Pages can schedule posts with Creator Studio, not personal profiles.
  • Posts can be scheduled up to 6 months in advance.
  • Scheduled posts can be edited or deleted before they publish.
  • There are browser extensions that add scheduling abilities directly to the Facebook post composer.

Third-Party Scheduling Tools

In addition to Facebook’s native scheduling features, there are many third-party apps and social media management platforms that provide more robust scheduling options for Facebook.

Some of the top third-party Facebook scheduling tools include:

  • Hootsuite
  • Buffer
  • Sprout Social
  • Sendible
  • AgoraPulse
  • Loomly
  • MeetEdgar

These tools allow users to schedule Facebook posts and full social media campaigns weeks or months in advance. Key features include:

  • Schedule posts to Facebook Pages, groups, or personal profiles
  • Add images, video, hashtags, @mentions, and more
  • Schedule recurring posts or post series
  • Preview scheduled content in a calendar view
  • Collaborate with team members
  • Analyze performance of scheduled posts
  • Integration with other social platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn

Many social media managers prefer the advanced functionality of third-party schedulers compared to Facebook’s built-in options. However, Facebook’s free tools can be great options for casual users looking for basic scheduling.

Best Practices for Scheduling Facebook Posts

Here are some top tips to ensure success when scheduling Facebook posts:

  • Schedule during optimal times based on when your target audience is most active on Facebook.
  • Spread out your posts throughout the week and avoid scheduling too many posts close together.
  • Write evergreen content that will stay relevant even when scheduled weeks ahead.
  • Double check scheduled posts for errors before they publish.
  • Use relevant hashtags, @mentions, visuals, videos, and emojis to make posts stand out.
  • Mix up your post types with a balance of links, photos, videos, questions, and more.
  • Analyze your results and adjust your scheduling strategy accordingly.

Advantages of Scheduling Facebook Posts

Here are some of the top benefits of scheduling Facebook posts in advance:

  • Saves time – Schedule once, post for weeks or months
  • Allows planning of social media campaigns in advance
  • Post when audience is most engaged, like weekends or evenings
  • Provides ability to stagger posts and prevent flooding followers
  • Schedules content when out of the office or taking a break
  • Avoids always posting in real-time, appears more natural
  • Creates a consistent stream of content on business Pages
  • Maximizes chances of being seen by followers

Potential Disadvantages of Scheduling

While scheduling has many benefits, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider as well:

  • Less ability to react to trendsing news/topics in real-time
  • Scheduled posts may seem outdated if not evergreen content
  • Harder to engage with followers and respond to comments
  • Too much scheduling can appear robotic rather than authentic
  • Technical errors can lead to issues with scheduled posts

The key is finding the right balance between scheduling and active engagement. Scheduling all content too far in advance can reduce the ability to post relevant, timely content.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I schedule Facebook posts for free?

Yes, Facebook’s built-in Creator Studio and Pages Manager app allow free scheduling. There are also free tiers or trials of most third-party scheduling tools.

What’s the best time to schedule Facebook posts?

It depends on your audience! Use Facebook Insights to determine when your followers are most active. Morning and evenings on weekdays or midday on weekends tend to work well for many business pages.

Can I schedule Facebook events?

Yes, Facebook events can be scheduled just like regular posts. Simply choose the event date/time when creating the event.

Do scheduled posts show up in my Facebook feed?

Scheduled posts will only appear on your own Facebook feed once they are published. Followers will not see them in their feeds until the scheduled time.

Can I schedule Facebook Live videos?

No, Facebook Live videos cannot be scheduled since they must be live and in real-time. However, you can schedule a post to remind people about an upcoming Facebook Live stream.


Scheduling Facebook posts is a simple but effective strategy to save time, maximize reach, plan content, and reach your audience when they are most engaged. Take advantage of Facebook’s built-in schedulers or the advanced functionality of third-party tools like Hootsuite and Buffer.

By scheduling social media updates in advance, you can develop an efficient process that grows your following and creates more impactful Facebook posts over time. Just be sure to find the right balance with active community engagement.