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Does Facebook have a fundraising platform?

Does Facebook have a fundraising platform?

Facebook is the world’s largest social media platform, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2021. Given Facebook’s enormous user base, many organizations and individuals use Facebook to fundraise for causes they care about. But does Facebook itself offer tools to help users fundraise on its platform?

Does Facebook Allow Fundraising?

Yes, Facebook does allow users and organizations to fundraise on its platform. In 2007, Facebook launched a feature called Causes that allowed users to set up pages for causes and nonprofit organizations. Users could donate to these causes through the pages.

In 2015, Facebook introduced Donate buttons that nonprofit organizations and personal fundraisers could add to their Facebook Pages or posts. The Donate buttons allow people to donate directly on Facebook without leaving the platform.

So in short, Facebook has provided tools to enable fundraising on its platform for many years. Fundraising campaigns can be run through Facebook Pages, using features like Donate buttons.

Facebook Fundraisers

In 2017, Facebook introduced a dedicated fundraising platform called Facebook Fundraisers. This made it even easier for individuals to create fundraisers for nonprofits they care about.

With Facebook Fundraisers, users can set up a fundraiser for a nonprofit organization in just a few clicks. The fundraisers feed right into the user’s News Feed so friends see it and can donate easily. 100% of the donations go straight to the nonprofit organization – Facebook does not take any fees.

Some key things to know about Facebook Fundraisers:

  • Anyone can create one for a nonprofit organization that has registered with Facebook as a nonprofit.
  • Fundraisers can be created for birthdays, as tributes, or just to support a cause.
  • The money is transferred directly to the nonprofit, not the individual fundraiser.
  • Facebook pays all credit card fees so 100% goes to the organization.
  • Facebook Fundraisers have raised over $2 billion for nonprofits since launch.

So in summary, the Facebook Fundraisers feature provides a really easy way for individuals to leverage their network to fundraise for causes on Facebook.

Steps to Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Creating a Facebook Fundraiser is a quick and straightforward process. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Click “Fundraisers” in the left menu of your Facebook account.
  2. Click the “Raise Money” button.
  3. Select the nonprofit you want to fundraise for from the list.
  4. Select the type of fundraiser – Birthday, Tribute, or Support Cause.
  5. Add a fundraiser title, goal amount, cover photo/video.
  6. Describe your fundraiser in the Details section.
  7. Click “Create.”

Once published, the fundraiser will feed into your timeline where friends can see and donate to it. You can share it, edit it, and check the real-time progress.

So setting up a Facebook Fundraiser takes just minutes, making it easy to leverage your network to fundraise.

Benefits of Facebook Fundraising

There are several benefits to fundraising directly on Facebook:

  • Reach – Can access your wide network of family/friends.
  • Ease – Quick and easy for you and donors to set up and donate.
  • 100% to charity – Facebook pays fees so full amount goes to cause.
  • Trust – Donors know Facebook is a trusted platform.
  • Real-time updates – See progress in real-time.

By using Facebook for fundraising, individuals can tap into the power of social connections to generate donations for worthwhile causes. And nonprofits receive more support.

Successful Facebook Fundraising Campaign Examples

Many fundraisers on Facebook have gone viral, raising huge sums for various causes. Here are some examples of successful Facebook fundraising campaigns:

JJ Watt Hurricane Harvey Relief

In 2017, NFL player JJ Watt used Facebook to raise money for hurricane relief in Houston. He set a goal of $200,000 but ended up raising over $37 million from over 209,000 donors.

Time’s Up Legal Defense Fund

The Time’s Up movement against sexual harassment raised over $24 million for its legal defense fund through a Facebook fundraiser. 900,000 people donated.


A viral Facebook fundraiser for RAICES, a nonprofit providing legal aid to immigrants, raised $20 million from over half a million people.

March for Our Lives

The March for Our Lives Facebook fundraiser for gun violence prevention raised $3.5 million from over 56,000 donors in 2018.

So these examples demonstrate the immense fundraising potential that Facebook offers when campaigns gain widespread attention and engagement.

Tips for a Successful Facebook Fundraiser

Here are some tips to increase the success of your Facebook charity fundraiser:

  • Choose a meaningful cause that’s important to you and your network.
  • Share the fundraiser frequently – don’t just post once.
  • Share photos/videos to make it personal.
  • Thank donors by name when they contribute.
  • Share updates on your fundraising progress.
  • Use the Stories feature to publicize your efforts.
  • Ask your close friends/family to share the fundraiser.
  • Message contacts directly asking them to donate.

Promoting your fundraiser and keeping it top of mind will help drive donations from your network.


Facebook provides powerful tools for fundraising right on its platform. Through Facebook Pages, Donate buttons, and Facebook Fundraisers, it is easy to set up effective charity campaigns. Facebook Fundraisers make it seamless for individuals to harness their community to raise money for meaningful causes. With a vast user base and integrated payment features, Facebook offers a dynamic fundraising platform for nonprofits and donors alike.