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Does Facebook delete your account if its locked?

Does Facebook delete your account if its locked?

Having your Facebook account locked can be a frustrating experience. You may find yourself locked out of your account and unable to access your profile, photos, messages, and other data stored on Facebook. This leaves many users wondering – does Facebook delete your account if it gets locked?

What does it mean for a Facebook account to be locked?

A locked Facebook account is one that has been temporarily disabled by Facebook. This usually happens if Facebook detects suspicious activity or potential policy violations associated with the account. Some common reasons an account may get locked include:

  • Entering an incorrect password too many times
  • Violating Facebook’s terms of service or community standards
  • Suspicious login attempts from unknown locations or devices
  • Too many blocks or reports from other users
  • Suspected hacking or compromise of account security

When your account is locked, you are unable to log in or use any Facebook features. You may see a notification that your account has been “disabled” or a message prompting you to take certain steps to regain access to the account. This is Facebook’s way of protecting accounts until any potential issues can be resolved.

How long do account locks last?

The duration of a Facebook account lock can vary depending on the reason for the lock. Here are some general timelines:

  • 24 hours – For suspected hacking, multiple login attempts, or other minor violations
  • 3-7 days – For more serious or repeated violations of Facebook’s policies
  • 2 weeks – For very serious violations or continued evasion of bans
  • Indefinite – For severe or dangerous violations that may warrant permanent deletion

In most cases, an account lock is meant to be temporary. Facebook will send the account holder notices about the lock and provide instructions for regaining access. Taking the requested steps, such as resetting the password or confirming your identity, can usually restore access once the allotted time period expires.

When does Facebook delete locked accounts?

Facebook will permanently delete accounts only in certain rare circumstances. These include:

  • Extreme or repeated violations of policies related to dangerous organizations, criminal activity, sexual exploitation, terrorism, or violence
  • Severely abusing Facebook’s reporting and blocking features as harassment
  • Evading suspensions or restrictions by creating multiple accounts
  • Sharing child exploitative imagery
  • Committing identity fraud or obtaining accounts through deceptive means

For normal policy violations resulting in a locked account, Facebook will not immediately delete your profile and data. The company states in its policies that they “will notify you before we take any action that results in permanent deletion of your account.” They allow for appeals of decisions to disable accounts in most cases.

How to regain access to a locked Facebook account

If your account gets locked, you will see on-screen instructions for unlocking your account when trying to log in. Here are the steps Facebook recommends:

  1. Check your email address associated with the account for a notification from Facebook. This should explain why the account was locked and what steps to take.
  2. If prompted, verify your identity by submitting your full name, date of birth, or a copy of your government ID. Facebook will check this against your account details.
  3. Reset your password if you have forgotten it or have entered it incorrectly too many times.
  4. Complete any other actions Facebook requests, such as removing problematic content or confirming your posts/info comply with policies.
  5. Wait out the allotted time period of the lock and try logging in again once it expires.
  6. If access is not restored, you can appeal the decision through the Help Center.

What to do if Facebook deletes your account

If Facebook disables your account permanently without allowing for an appeal, here are some steps you can take:

  • Check all associated email addresses for a notice from Facebook stating why the extreme action was taken.
  • Do your own research into which policy violations or prohibited behaviors may have triggered the deletion.
  • Consider whether the account was hacked and used for policy-violating purposes without your knowledge.
  • Use Facebook’s contact form to request a review of the decision, providing any evidence you may have.
  • File a complaint with the Better Business Bureau to dispute Facebook’s actions.

Unfortunately, there are limited options available if Facebook deems an account violation severe enough to warrant permanent removal. The company is usually strict on its decisions for full deletions. You may need to cut your losses, start a new account, and be careful to avoid any behavior that got your previous account deleted.

Can a deleted Facebook account be recovered?

Recovering a Facebook account after it has been permanently deleted is extremely unlikely. Once Facebook disables an account for a serious policy violation, the company states it takes the following steps:

  • All associated content like posts, photos, videos, and profile info is deleted
  • The account is removed from Facebook’s internal systems and databases
  • The account holder will no longer be able to log in or retrieve data from the disabled account

Essentially, the account ceases to exist on Facebook’s platforms. Any data tied to it is erased (with some exceptions for legal obligations). Facebook does not provide a way to recover or reactivate deleted accounts.

The only slim chance you may have is if the deletion was truly in error and you can provide strong evidence the account was hacked or disables unjustly. Facebook may potentially be able to locate traces of the account in backups and restore limited components. But this would require extraordinary circumstances and effort on their part.

Steps to prevent your Facebook account from being locked or deleted

To avoid having your Facebook access disrupted, be sure to:

  • Carefully read and follow Facebook’s Terms of Service, Community Standards, and other policies.
  • Do not post illegal, dangerous, explicit, or harassing content.
  • Do not engage in bullying, predatory, deceptive, or abusive behavior towards others.
  • Use real identities – do not impersonate other people or organizations.
  • Do not spread misinformation or share content that could put others in harm’s way.
  • Secure your account by using strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication.
  • Do not buy, sell, share, or access any accounts that do not belong to you.
  • Provide accurate details about yourself if prompted for identity confirmation.

Keeping your Facebook presence positive and acting ethically on the platform is the best way to avoid account-damaging violations. But if you do end up with a locked account, stay calm and take the necessary steps to regain access.


Having your Facebook access temporarily disrupted by an account lock can be inconvenient. But in most cases, it is not permanent – Facebook will unlock accounts after a set time period or when the account holder takes corrective action. Outright deleting accounts only occurs for severe or repeated violations of Facebook’s rules.

As long as you use Facebook responsibly and rectify any accidental violations if notified, you should not need to worry about Facebook permanently removing your profile and data. Be sure to secure your account, follow all policies, and stay engaged with the platform in a positive manner. With prudent Facebook use, you can avoid both temporary and permanent account termination actions.