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Does Facebook delete accounts when someone dies?

Does Facebook delete accounts when someone dies?

Facebook has specific policies in place for what happens to a person’s account when they pass away. Here is a quick overview of Facebook’s account deletion policies after someone dies:

Quick Answers

  • Facebook will memorialize accounts of deceased users if requested by verified immediate family members.
  • Memorialized accounts are frozen – no one can log into them or make changes.
  • Friends and family can still post on the memorialized Timeline to remember their loved one.
  • Facebook does allow for permanent deletion of accounts if requested by verified immediate family members.
  • Facebook requires proof of death, such as an obituary, to verify requests to delete accounts.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore all aspects of what happens to a Facebook account when someone passes away. We will cover:

What is memorialization on Facebook?

Memorializing an account on Facebook is the main option available when someone passes away. It essentially freezes the account in time while still allowing it to remain visible.

Here’s what memorialization does:

  • Converts the account to a memorialized account
  • Name added to “Remembering” on profile
  • Friends can still post memories on Timeline
  • Profile pic remains visible
  • Content remains visible to audience it was shared with
  • No one can log into the memorialized account

Memorializing the account allows the memory and posts of your loved one to remain available for friends and family to see. It becomes an ongoing memorial page where people can post memories, photos, and stories.

Who can request memorialization?

Facebook has a hierarchy of who can request memorialization of an account:

  1. Immediate family members
  2. Other verified family members
  3. Executors of estate
  4. Anyone with legal documentation proving authority to act on behalf of the deceased

Immediate family members include spouses, parents, siblings, and children. Facebook may ask for documents proving relationship such as marriage or birth certificates.

How to request memorialization

To request memorialization of a Facebook account, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Memorialization Request Form and select “Request to Memorialize an Account”
  2. Enter the deceased person’s name and Facebook url
  3. Indicate your relationship to the deceased
  4. Attach proof of death such as obituary or news article
  5. Hit submit

Facebook will review the request and follow up if any other documentation is needed. The account is typically memorialized within 24 hours of approval.

What if someone is memorialized by mistake?

If someone’s account has been memorialized by mistake, Facebook allows undoing memorialization if the person can prove they are still alive. They simply need to reach out to Facebook directly to provide proof of identity such as a photo ID.

Can you delete a memorialized account?

Yes, Facebook does allow for permanent deletion of accounts if requested by immediate family members after memorialization. This completely removes the profile and all content from Facebook.

To request deletion:

  1. Go to Memorialization Request Form
  2. Select “Request to Remove an Account”
  3. Enter name and Facebook url
  4. Indicate relationship to deceased
  5. Provide proof of death
  6. Explain reason for requesting deletion

It may take Facebook up to 90 days to delete all of the data from backups and systems after approval.

What happens if a deceased person’s account is not memorialized?

If no requests are made to Facebook after someone passes away, here is what will happen to the account:

  • Profile remains visible as usual
  • Friends can continue posting on Timeline
  • Name will not be changed to “Remembering”
  • Account will not be frozen

Essentially, the profile will remain active as it was before the person passed away. Friends may naturally post condolences or memories as they learn of the person’s passing.

Can someone inherit a Facebook account?

No, Facebook does not allow accounts to be passed on or inherited by another person after someone dies. The account can only be memorialized or deleted.

What about other social media accounts?

Other major social networks have similar policies for memorialization of accounts:


  • Immediate family can request account deactivation
  • Provides option to download archive of tweets before deactivating


  • Turns account into “Remembering” memorial page
  • Allows managing by legacy contact approved by user before death


  • Closes account and removes from search results
  • Immediate family can request via online form

Most platforms aim to balance memorialization with security/privacy of accounts after someone has passed away.

Legal issues around digital asset inheritance

Managing someone’s online presence and digital assets after they die is an evolving legal area. Here are some key considerations:

  • Most platforms prohibit account transfer in their TOS
  • No federal law addresses digital asset inheritance yet
  • Some states have passed laws allowing executors access
  • Best to specify digital asset wishes in will to allow access

Appointing a digital executor and spelling out wishes is recommended to make settling digital affairs easier for family members.

Downloading data from a deceased person’s account

Facebook does allow immediate family members to request downloads of the deceased’s account information including photos, posts, profile info, etc. The process is:

  1. Request data via Memorialization form
  2. Select “Request Info from a Deceased Person’s Account”
  3. Provide information and proof of authority
  4. Facebook will email download link if approved

This preserves memories and data from the account before deletion.


In summary:

  • Facebook memorializes accounts if requested by immediate family
  • Memorialization “freezes” the account and adds “Remembering” title
  • Accounts can also be permanently deleted from Facebook if desired
  • Proof of death is required to verify requests
  • Friends can still interact with memorialized profiles
  • Other platforms have similar options to memorialize accounts

Facebook’s policies aim to balance privacy and access when someone passes away. Appointing a digital executor and specifying account wishes can ease the process for family members.

Platform Memorialization Process Account Deletion Process
Facebook – Immediate family requests via form
– Converts to “Remembering” memorial page
– Immediate family requests deletion via form
– Removes all account data
Twitter – Family requests deactivation
– Downloads tweets first
– Same process as memorialization
– Twitter deletes account
Instagram – Converts to memorialized “Remembering” page – No deletion option
– Account remains memorialized
LinkedIn – Closes account and removes from search – Same process as memorialization
– LinkedIn deletes account