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Does Facebook Dating Unmatch?

Does Facebook Dating Unmatch?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new dating app feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with other users for dating purposes. One common question that arises with any dating app is whether the app will unmatch users automatically, or if a user can become unmatched from another user. There are a few key factors that determine whether Facebook Dating will unmatch users.

How Facebook Dating Works

Before getting into whether Facebook Dating unmatches users, it’s helpful to understand how Facebook Dating works in general. Facebook Dating allows Facebook users to opt-in and create a Dating profile separate from their main Facebook profile.

Users can then browse other users’ profiles and like or message potential matches. If two users like each other, it’s a “match” and they can begin messaging. Facebook Dating uses a user’s location, interests, events, Facebook activity, and other factors to recommend potential matches. Users can also browse events and Facebook groups to find potential dates who have similar interests.

Unmatching vs. Deleting a Connection

When considering whether Facebook unmatches users, it’s important to understand the difference between unmatching and deleting a connection. Unmatching is when the app itself automatically disconnects two users who previously matched. This is typically done when one user reports or blocks the other user.

Deleting a connection (or disconnecting) is different – this is when one user proactively goes into the app and deletes a previous match connection. The distinction is important for understanding how Facebook Dating handles matches.

Does Facebook Unmatch Users Automatically?

Now to the main question – does Facebook Dating unmatch users without them proactively disconnecting a match? The short answer is no, Facebook does not automatically unmatch users.

Unlike some other dating apps like Tinder or Bumble which will unmatch users automatically in certain scenarios, the only way to become unmatched on Facebook Dating is if one user proactively goes in and deletes the connection.

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not automatically unmatch users:

Users Have Control Over Connections

Facebook designed Facebook Dating to give users full control over their matches and connections. Users decide who they want to interact with and when to delete connections. Auto-unmatching would go against this approach.

No Time Limits on Messaging

Some apps like Bumble auto-unmatch users if they don’t begin messaging within 24 hours of matching. But Facebook Dating has no time limits – matches stay connected until one person deletes the connection.

Negative User Experience

Auto-unmatching users without notice could create a negative user experience. Users might be confused why a match disappeared, think the app is buggy, or feel rejected.

Less Hostile Environment

By having users proactively delete connections, there is less chance for a hostile or aggressive environment if one user is auto-unmatched without their consent.

The only exception here is if a user is reported and banned from Facebook Dating – then matches would be removed as they can no longer access the platform.

When Might a User Become Unmatched?

While Facebook itself does not unmatch users, there are some scenarios where a match could disappear if the other user disconnects the match:

After Meeting in Person

If users meet up in person after connecting on Facebook Dating, one or both may decide there wasn’t enough chemistry and delete the match connection afterward.

No Response to Messages

If one user messages the other but gets no response, they may take the hint and delete the connection.

Found a Different Match

Users browsing Facebook Dating may end up matching with multiple people, and once they hit it off with one match they may delete connections with others.

Abusive Behavior

If one user exhibits abusive, inappropriate, or harassing behavior, the other user can delete the connection and report them.

Changing Dating Intentions

A user who was actively dating may end up in a relationship and delete their Dating profile and matches. Or someone may decide to take a break from dating.

Accidental Swipe

Users may accidentally swipe right or like a profile, quickly realize it wasn’t intended, and delete the match.

How to View Former Matches and Connections

When a Facebook Dating match disappears, users may wonder who unmatched them or want to view former connections. Here are a couple ways to do so:

Activity Log

In Facebook Dating, users can go to their activity log to view former matches and connections. This will show the name and profile of past connections.

Messages Tab

Even if a match is deleted, any messages exchanged will still be visible in the messages tab. So users can look back through past messages to jog their memory on former connections.

Profile/Discovery Settings

In the Discovery Settings, users can set profiles they’ve interacted with before to not show up again in Discovery. So matches that disappeared can potentially surface again here.

Can You Get Unmatched Repeatedly?

Since unmatching requires one user to proactively disconnect the match, it’s certainly possible for a user to get unmatched repeatedly if multiple matches end up disconnecting for any of the reasons mentioned earlier.

Some reasons a user may get unmatched repeatedly include:

Poor Conversational Skills

If a user struggles to hold an engaging back-and-forth conversation, matches may disconnect after a few exchanges.

Misrepresenting Themselves

Users who inaccurately portray themselves on their profile may get unmatched after the truth comes out during messaging or a first date.

Inappropriate Content

Sharing offensive, controversial, or inappropriate content could lead matches to unmatch.

Spamming Matches

Matches who feel spammed with constant messages from a user may unmatch due to feeling overwhelmed.

Different Dating Goals

If a user is looking for something casual and matches are seeking relationships, disconnects are more likely.

Reason Example
Poor conversational skills Sending one-word responses, never asking questions back
Misrepresenting themselves Using heavily edited or old photos
Inappropriate content Making offensive jokes or comments
Spamming matches Messaging repeatedly before getting a response
Different dating goals Looking for hookups when the match wants a relationship

What to Do If You’re Getting Repeatedly Unmatched

If someone finds they are being unmatched by match after match, here are some tips:

– Review your dating profile and make sure it accurately reflects who you are and what you’re looking for. Remove any photos or content that could be turning off potential matches.

– Reflect on your conversational style over messaging – are you asking questions and furthering the dialogue?

– Avoid inappropriate or controversial topics until you get to know the person better. Keep early conversations light and positive.

– Don’t spam matches with constant messages right away; give them time to respond before following up.

– Adjust your dating preferences or age filters if you seem misaligned with matches.

– Take a break from dating apps for a while if you feel burnt out or frustrated.


In summary, Facebook Dating does not automatically unmatch users unlike some other dating apps. The only way a match can disappear is if the other user proactively disconnects the match for any reason. While rejection is never fun, users who find themselves repeatedly unmatched should reflect on how they represent themselves and engage with matches to make necessary improvements. With time and effort, Facebook Dating can still be a great way to make meaningful connections.