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Does Facebook Dating show exact location?

Does Facebook Dating show exact location?

Facebook Dating is a relatively new dating feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match with potential romantic partners. One common question that arises is whether Facebook Dating shows a user’s exact location to their matches. The short answer is no, Facebook Dating does not reveal a user’s precise location or enable location tracking. However, the feature does show a user’s general area to potential matches.

How Facebook Dating Works

When setting up a Facebook Dating profile, users provide basic information about themselves such as name, age, gender, and can choose to add photos. Users also have the option to fill out additional profile prompts to showcase their personality and interests. An important component of Facebook Dating is the user’s location. When creating a dating profile, users must enable location services on their device and select a geographic radius in which they want to match with other users (up to 100 miles).

However, Facebook Dating only shows a general location area rather than pinpointing a user’s exact coordinates. For example, a user located in Los Angeles may show up for potential matches as being “in Los Angeles, California.” The feature does not reveal specific neighborhoods, streets, or other granular location details.

Why Exact Location is Not Shown

There are a few key reasons why Facebook Dating does not reveal a user’s precise location:


Showing a user’s exact location all the time would raise significant privacy concerns. Many users want to control what personal information they share with matches in the early stages of dating. Keeping location vague helps maintain privacy and safety until users are ready to reveal more specifics.


Pinpointing someone’s exact coordinates could enable unwanted stalking, harassment, or other dangerous scenarios. General regions help minimize safety risks in online dating.

Encourage Conversations

By only seeing a wide location area, users are encouraged to have conversations to learn more about each other and share additional details when they feel comfortable. This helps build connections more organically.

Reduced Location Data Collection

Collecting precise GPS coordinates would require more user location data that many would perceive as invasive. Showing general regions reduces the amount of data Facebook needs to gather and store.

When Exact Location May be Shared

While Facebook Dating does not show exact spots, there are some situations when more precise location could be revealed:

In Messages

Once matched, users can exchange messages and share details like neighborhood or hometown. This gives users control over when to disclose more specifics.

Facebook Profile

If a user has their precise location enabled on their regular Facebook profile, this could be visible to matches who view their full profile. But it is not shown directly within Facebook Dating itself.

Date Locations

When planning to meet up for dates, users may need to share more granular meeting points or directions. But these details are only exchanged when necessary.

Third-Party Apps

Some third-party dating apps connected via Facebook may have access to more location data. But the Facebook Dating feature itself keeps locations approximate.

Pros of General Locations

While some users may prefer to see exact locations, keeping things general has some advantages:

More Intention Required

Seeing less specifics encourages users to be more intentional about dating rather than just matching with those who happen to be closest.

Wider Pool of Matches

A general area enables matching with great potential partners across a whole city or region rather than just down the street.

Avoid Judging Based on Locality

Knowing less about a match’s exact spot avoids pre-judging them based on perceived socioeconomic status of a neighborhood.

Build Deeper Connections

Conversations start based more on personal interests and compatibility rather than proximity.

Cons of General Locations

However, there are also some disadvantages to only seeing approximate areas:

Harder to Suggest Good Meeting Spots

Without knowing exactly where a match is, it may be tricky to recommend a place to get together that is convenient for both parties. It requires a bit more coordination.

Increased Chances of Long Distance Dating

Matches may actually live quite far apart in a big city, which could be frustrating if looking to date someone nearby.

Lack of Local Context

When you only know the city, it removes the ability to bond over favorite neighborhood spots or find other hyperlocal commonalities.

Possibility of Deception

Some users could take advantage of the vagueness to hide where they truly live if they want to match in a different area.

How Other Dating Apps Compare

Dating App Location Sharing
Tinder Shows distance from match rather than pinpointed location
Hinge Displays user’s neighborhood or borough
Bumble Reveals general city of users rather than precise coordinates
OkCupid Allows setting a maximum match distance away, but no exact locations shown

As seen above, many popular dating apps take a similar approach to Facebook Dating when it comes to location sharing. Showing approximate regions rather than precise coordinates is an industry standard practice to balance user privacy, safety, and creating genuine connections.


In summary, Facebook Dating does not show a user’s exact location in order to protect privacy while still enabling local matches. The feature displays a match’s general city or area instead of pinpointed coordinates. While some dating app users may prefer to see more granular locations, keeping things more vague has advantages like encouraging more meaningful conversations beyond just proximity. Precise locations may only be shared voluntarily in messages or when planning in-person dates. Overall, Facebook Dating’s approach aligns with most major dating platforms in aiming to optimize user comfort and meaningful connections. But users looking to date very locally may find the lack of hyper-specific location to be a drawback.