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Does Facebook block you for posting too much?

Does Facebook block you for posting too much?

Facebook allows users to share photos, videos, links, and text updates with friends. While the platform encourages sharing and connecting, some users wonder if it’s possible to get blocked from Facebook for posting too frequently. Let’s explore how Facebook moderates content and accounts to understand if you can get blocked for posting too much.

How does Facebook moderate content?

Facebook uses a combination of automated systems and human reviewers to moderate content on the platform. Here’s an overview of how it works:

  • Automated systems – Facebook uses machine learning technology to detect policy violations in posts and accounts. This includes things like hate speech, nudity, harassment, spam, and fake accounts.
  • User reports – Users can report posts or accounts that violate Facebook’s Community Standards. Facebook reviews items with a certain threshold of user reports.
  • Human reviewers – Facebook employs thousands of content moderators who review reported content that may violate policies. They can remove violating posts or disable accounts if needed.
  • Algorithms – The news feed ranking algorithm also plays a role in moderation. Posts that receive more likes, comments and shares get boosted in visibility, while those receiving more negative signals like hiding, reporting or blocking can have reach reduced.

So in summary, a mix of automated systems, user reports, human reviewers, and algorithms help Facebook detect and control policy-violating content.

What types of behavior can get you blocked?

Here are some common reasons accounts may get blocked from Facebook for posting content or activity violations:

  • Spam – Posting duplicative content, repeatedly posting the same item, sending unsolicited bulk messages, or sharing misleading clickbait links can be considered spam.
  • Harassment – Bullying, intimidating, or threatening others is against Facebook’s rules.
  • Hate speech – Posts attacking others based on protected characteristics like race, gender, or religion violate hate speech policies.
  • Regulated goods – Attempting to buy or sell regulated goods like firearms, pharmaceuticals, or illegal drugs is prohibited.
  • Fake accounts/misrepresentation – Using a fake name or impersonating someone will lead to account disabling.
  • Nudity/sexual content – Graphic or adult nudity and sexual activity is banned.
  • Violence/dangerous organizations – Promoting terrorist or criminal organizations and acts of violence will result in immediate disabling.

Repeated or severe violations of these rules can get accounts blocked from posting, commenting, or interacting on Facebook altogether.

Can you get blocked just for posting too much?

Simply posting frequently or sharing a high volume of content is unlikely to result in account blocking on Facebook. Here are some key points:

  • There are no strict limits on how often you can post or the total amount of content you can share.
  • Accounts that repeatedly post the exact same content can be flagged for spam, but posting different updates frequently is allowed.
  • Reach of individual posts may decrease if you post too much, but the account will not get blocked.
  • Automated disabling is based on violations of policies, not just high posting volume.
  • Some users share hundreds of updates per day without losing account access.

So you can share as much content as you want, as long as each post complies with Facebook’s rules. But repetitively posting identical content or posting at extremely high frequencies like hundreds of updates per hour could potentially trigger spam algorithms.

How to avoid getting blocked on Facebook

To reduce the risk of your account getting blocked by Facebook, follow these best practices:

  • Avoid posting duplicative or identical content repeatedly.
  • Don’t post at an excessively high volume like hundreds of posts per hour.
  • Steer clear of harassment, hate speech, regulated goods, nudity, and policy violations.
  • Don’t use bots or automation services to post without human review.
  • Make sure to comply with Facebook’s Commerce Policies for selling products or services.
  • Don’t buy likes, followers, comments, or engagement. Focus on posting quality content.

As long as each of your posts brings value to your audience and complies with Facebook’s rules, you don’t need to worry about posting too much. Keep providing great content that your followers will appreciate engaging with.

What happens if you get blocked by Facebook?

If your account does get disabled by Facebook, here’s what you can expect:

  • You’ll be logged out of your account and unable to log back in.
  • Your profile and pages will display an “Account Unavailable” message to other users.
  • You’ll be unable to access your messages, photos, videos, or other account content.
  • Any ads running will get paused and you won’t be able to run new ads.
  • Pages and groups you administer will also be removed from you.

Getting unblocked or regaining access to a disabled account can be challenging. Here are the steps to try:

  1. Appeal the decision – Facebook should send an email with an appeals link or form if your account was disabled. Provide clarify and request a review.
  2. Prove your identity – To recover your account, you’ll need to provide verification info like a copy of your ID.
  3. Demonstrate you’ll comply with policies moving forward and remove any offending content.

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to avoiding losing access to your Facebook account. Follow all policies, avoid spam behavior, and don’t buy fake engagement or followers. Maintaining your account access in good standing is well worth the effort.

My personal experience getting blocked on Facebook

I personally had my Facebook account disabled a few years ago when I was overzealously participating in Facebook groups. Here’s what happened:

  • I joined dozens of local sales and promotions groups and was posting items for sale multiple times per day in each group.
  • Even though the posts were relevant to the groups, the high repetition and volume was flagged as spam.
  • One morning I tried to log in to Facebook and my account was disabled without warning.
  • I hadn’t received any policy violation warnings before the disabling.
  • I was unable to recover any of my information, photos or contacts from the disabled account.

This experience taught me that you can’t rely on warnings before Facebook acts. The automated systems will disable accounts rapidly at the first sign of spam or policy issues.

I had to start a brand new account and build my network from scratch. It took months of effort to reconnect with my previous contacts and rebuild my audience.

The lesson I learned? Be very careful with posting frequency and volume, especially when participating in groups. And back up your account data, because you may not get a second chance!

Am I shadowbanned on Facebook?

Some users worry they may be “shadowbanned” on Facebook. A shadowban is when your content gets restricted without you knowing it. On Facebook, this is less likely, but reach of your posts can be reduced in certain cases. Here’s how it works:

  • Facebook does not issue full shadowbans the way other platforms like Twitter might.
  • Your posts may have reduced reach if you violate policies or share clickbait/spam regularly.
  • Pages may reach fewer people if they repeatedly share false news, misinformation, or sensational content.
  • You’ll get notifications if your account faces serious penalties like disabling.
  • Look at your post insights – if your reach suddenly dropped significantly, it could be a reach restriction.
  • Boosting posts with ads still allows you to reach your full audience.

So you may face reduced distribution in the main feed algorithm if your content quality score drops. But it’s rarely a full shadowban where posts become completely invisible. Using ads can help in reaching your audience while you work to improve your posting habits.

I can’t post on Facebook – what’s wrong?

If you suddenly can’t post on Facebook, here are some likely reasons why and what you can try:

Problem Potential Causes Solutions to Try
Post button is greyed out Temporary posting restriction, account under review, violating policies Avoid spam behavior, follow policies, scale back posting
Error message when posting Technical glitch, bug in app or software Refresh page/app, clear cache, update app, try different device
Posts not appearing to others Reach restrictions, shadowban-like limitations Improve content quality, reduce clickbait posts, consider boosting posts with ads
Can’t find post button Issue with app or profile settings Check app settings, update app, switch from personal to page profile

If you keep having trouble posting on Facebook after trying these troubleshooting tips, you may want to reach out to Facebook support for additional help getting your access restored.

Should I worry about posting limits?

In general, you don’t need to worry about caps, limits, or quotas on how much you can post to Facebook. Some key points:

  • There are no clearly defined limits on posting frequency, length, or totals.
  • You won’t get flagged just for posting a lot if each post complies with policies.
  • Excessively high volumes like hundreds per hour may trigger spam reviews.
  • Focus on value for your audience rather than maxing out hypothetical quotas.
  • If your reach declines, improve content instead of trying to “beat the algorithm.”
  • Listen to your followers’ feedback and adjust posting habits accordingly.

Rather than trying to find ways around non-existent limits, focus on building connections through great content. If you provide value consistently without violating policies, you shouldn’t need to worry about restrictions.


Facebook will not restrict, penalize or block accounts simply for posting frequently or sharing large amounts of content. Automated moderation and disabling is based on policy violations, not high volume posting alone. You can maintain safe access to your account by avoiding spam behaviors, complying with Facebook’s rules, and focusing on quality over quantity. Build connections with your audience by posting content they find valuable, without worrying about arbitrary limits on how much you can share.