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Does Facebook ask for ID when account is hacked?

Does Facebook ask for ID when account is hacked?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2021. With so many users, account hacking is an unfortunate reality. When a Facebook account is compromised, users are often anxious to regain access and secure their account. This leads many to wonder – does Facebook ask for ID when your account is hacked?

What to do if your Facebook account is hacked

If you believe your Facebook account has been hacked, there are some steps you should take right away:

  • Log out of Facebook on all devices. This will log the hacker out of your account if they are currently logged in.
  • Change your Facebook password. Use a strong, unique password that you don’t use on any other sites.
  • Enable two-factor authentication on your account. This adds an extra layer of security to your logins.
  • Check the security settings on your account. Look for any unfamiliar devices or logins and remove them.
  • Report the hack to Facebook. This alerts Facebook to secure and investigate your account.

Taking these steps can help you regain control of your account and restrict the hacker’s access. Be sure to look out for any suspicious posts or messages sent from your account during the hack and let your friends know your account was compromised.

When Facebook asks for ID

When it comes to providing ID, Facebook’s policy depends on the situation:

  • If you report your account is hacked, Facebook typically does not ask for ID upfront. They first investigate and attempt to secure the account.
  • If Facebook detects suspicious activity on your account, they may restrict access and ask you to verify your identity. This is when they may prompt you to submit ID.
  • When creating a new account, Facebook asks for your name and email but does not require ID verification just to sign up.
  • Facebook may request ID verification if you are running ads or making financial transactions through your account.

So in summary, Facebook does not routinely ask for government IDs when an existing account is hacked. They focus first on investigating and restoring account access. However, ID verification may be necessary if they cannot confirm your identity through other means.

Why Facebook does not always require ID

There are a few reasons why Facebook does not ask for ID upfront when an account is hacked or disabled:

  • They have other ways to verify identity – Like checking passwords, devices, and account history
  • Requiring ID would be cumbersome for billions of users
  • Users may not have official IDs, like children or some international users
  • Submitting IDs raises privacy concerns and friction for users

Facebook has to balance security with user experience. Asking for government IDs from everyone whose account is hacked could discourage people from using Facebook without significantly improving security in most cases.

When Facebook requires ID verification

In some situations, Facebook makes ID verification mandatory before restoring account access. These include:

  • If Facebook detects the account is highly compromised or used for illicit purposes
  • For accounts posting content violating Facebook’s terms, like hate speech or nudity
  • For accounts running political, social issue, or financial ads
  • When large amounts of money are transacted through the account

In these high-risk cases, Facebook requires users to submit an official ID matching the account name, like a passport, driver’s license, or national identity card. This helps confirm the account owner’s identity and prevent misuse.

How to provide ID to Facebook

If Facebook does request ID verification from you, here are the steps to complete it:

  1. Have a clear photo or scan of your official ID ready. Make sure your name, photo, and ID number are clearly visible.
  2. Go to the Facebook Help Center and search for “ID verification.”
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to upload your ID scan and complete the verification process.
  4. Facebook will review your submission and restore full account access if it meets their requirements.
  5. Be patient as reviews can take up to several days depending on volume.

Facebook also provides guidance on acceptable IDs and troubleshooting if your initial verification is rejected. With over a billion users, their ID review process is designed to balance security with efficient restoration of access.

Important ID verification tips

To make sure your ID verification goes smoothly when required by Facebook, keep these tips in mind:

  • Use a clear, high-resolution color scan or photo of your ID. Blurry submissions slow down review.
  • Make sure your ID photo matches your Facebook profile photo for a quick match.
  • Block out any ID numbers you don’t want visible except your name and photo.
  • Double check that your ID name matches your Facebook account name exactly.
  • If you have multiple IDs, use the one that most closely matches your account info.

Carefully following ID submission guidelines helps speed up Facebook’s review and minimizes the time your account access is restricted. If you run into trouble, reach out to Facebook support for help meeting verification requirements.

Potential risks of providing ID to Facebook

While ID verification can help secure your Facebook access, it does come with some potential downsides to consider:

  • Privacy risks of providing personal ID info to a tech platform
  • Possibility of data breaches exposing your ID
  • No absolute guarantee that Facebook will restore your account access
  • May still not prevent all malicious activity if your account is public

Facebook does have protocols in place to protect user IDs and restrict internal access. But some risks remain that you should weigh as part of your personal security precautions when using any social platform.

Alternatives to providing ID to Facebook

If you are uncomfortable submitting ID to Facebook or unable to verify your identity through official documents, some potential alternatives include:

  • Providing other proof of identity from non-ID sources
  • Contacting Facebook support to discuss other verification options
  • Filing an appeal if your account restriction seems unreasonable
  • Creating a new account and better securing it from the start
  • Using a different social platform with identity policies you find more acceptable

However, Facebook may be unwilling to restore full account access without official ID in some situations. You’ll have to weigh the tradeoffs with your privacy, security preferences, and how badly you need access to that particular account.

Frequently asked questions

Can I fake or edit an ID to verify with Facebook?

No, you should never submit a fake, forged, or edited ID to Facebook. Doing so will lead to rejection of your verification and your account will remain restricted. Only upload a legitimate, unaltered ID matching your account details.

What if I don’t have a photo ID?

If you don’t have a traditional photo ID, contact Facebook support for help providing alternative identity documentation. Options may include official letters addressed to you, school records, non-photo IDs, and other verifiable materials.

Can someone else submit ID for my account?

No, for security reasons Facebook requires ID directly from the actual account holder. You cannot submit someone else’s ID on behalf of another user, even with their permission.

I’m under 13, can I verify my account without ID?

Facebook requires users to be 13 and older. If you cannot provide adult ID, you will not be able to complete verification. Consider talking to your parents about acceptable use and online safety for minors instead.

What if Facebook rejects my ID submission?

First, double check that you have submitted a valid ID matching all account details. If it still doesn’t work, reach out to Facebook support for troubleshooting help. You may need to provide additional documentation to meet verification requirements.


Facebook prioritizes user experience and does not require ID verification in all account security situations. However, ID may be mandatory to restore access in high-risk cases. If you decide to provide official identification, take steps to protect your privacy and ensure you meet Facebook’s submission requirements. With over a billion users, Facebook’s policies balance security, privacy and usability when requiring ID verification.