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Does Facebook allow affiliate marketing?

Does Facebook allow affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing has become an extremely popular way for publishers and businesses to generate revenue online. With over 3.5 billion monthly active users, Facebook represents a massive potential audience for affiliate marketers. However, Facebook has had a somewhat complicated relationship with affiliate marketing over the years. So what are the current rules regarding running affiliate marketing campaigns on Facebook? Let’s take a closer look.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing model where a company rewards affiliate partners for driving desired actions. The most common desired action is a sale on the company’s website, but it could also be app installs, newsletter signups, etc.

Here’s how it works in a typical affiliate program:

  1. A company recruits affiliates (publishers, influencers, bloggers, etc.) to promote its products or services.
  2. The company provides the affiliate with a unique tracking link or promo code.
  3. When a customer makes a purchase using the affiliate’s link or code, the affiliate gets paid a commission.

Affiliate links allow a company to only pay affiliates after a successful conversion, making it a low-risk, high-reward model of online customer acquisition.

Why Do Affiliates Use Facebook?

With over 2.9 billion monthly active users, Facebook has an enormous amount of potential traffic affiliates can tap into. Here are some of the key advantages for affiliates using Facebook as part of their marketing strategy:

  • Huge reach – The Facebook audience is massive, representing over a third of the world’s internet users.
  • Targeting options – Facebook offers detailed targeting options to narrow down an audience by location, age, interests, behaviors and more.
  • Low cost per click – Click costs in Facebook Ads are very low, making it affordable to drive a high volume of traffic.
  • Retargeting – Pixel tracking allows affiliates to create custom audiences and retarget website visitors.
  • Social proof – A recommendation from a friend or influencer can be very persuasive for customers.

With these advantages in mind, many affiliates devote a significant portion of their marketing budget to Facebook ads, pages and groups.

Does Facebook Allow Affiliate Marketing?

Facebook does allow affiliate marketing, but there are specific policies affiliates must comply with. Here are the key rules to be aware of:

  • Affiliates must disclose their relationship with advertisers upfront.
  • Affiliate links are only permitted on Facebook Pages and Groups, not in ads or personal profiles.
  • Affiliate links must direct to an external website, not to an app or lead form on Facebook.
  • Affiliate offers must not promote deceptive or misleading products or services.
  • Affiliates must comply with Facebook’s community standards policies.

Products commonly promoted by affiliates include software, online courses, supplements, financial services and more. Most niches are open to affiliate marketing on Facebook as long as the above policies are followed.

How Can Affiliates Use Facebook Pages?

One of the most common affiliate marketing tactics on Facebook is to build a niche-specific Page and promote affiliate products to fans and followers. Here are some tips for succeeding with a Facebook affiliate Page:

  • Choose a narrow niche – Don’t create a general Page about “make money online”. Target a specific sub-niche like “make money blogging”.
  • Publish valuable content – Build an audience by sharing useful niche content, tips, videos, case studies, etc.
  • Disclose affiliate links – Be upfront when sharing affiliate offers. Disclose they are affiliate links.
  • Utilize coupon codes – Offer an incentive for clicking your affiliate links by partnering with advertisers to offer custom coupon codes.
  • Promote the Page – Run Facebook Ads and leverage influencers to promote your Page to a targeted audience.

By providing a steady stream of relevant content, affiliates can build an engaged audience. Promoting affiliate offers to these targeted followers when relevant can generate excellent conversion rates.

What About Facebook Groups?

Similar to Pages, affiliates can also leverage Facebook Groups to promote affiliate offers:

  • Join relevant niche Groups – Search for and join Groups discussing topics related to your niche.
  • Provide value – Comment on posts and establish yourself as an expert by providing thoughtful answers to questions.
  • Suggest affiliate resources – When relevant to a discussion, share useful affiliate resources openly and transparently.
  • Create a Group – Starting your own Group allows you full control over the environment to share affiliate links.

The personal connections formed in Facebook Groups can help drive higher engagement and click-through rates for affiliate links. But affiliates must take care not to spam or overwhelm Groups with self-promotion.

What About Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads offer affiliates powerful targeting options, but ads cannot directly promote affiliate links. There are a couple ways affiliates can leverage Facebook Ads effectively:

  1. Send traffic to a landing page on your website that contains affiliate links.
  2. Advertise a promotional coupon code for an affiliate offer that users can redeem on the advertiser’s website.

So affiliates can drive traffic via Facebook Ads as long as the ad itself does not contain direct affiliate links. The ad can send users to another platform where affiliate links are permitted.

Top Facebook Affiliate Programs

Many top affiliate networks integrate with Facebook to help affiliates maximize their campaigns. Here are some of the most popular Facebook affiliate programs:

Network Description
CJ Affiliate Thousands of affiliate offers optimized for promotion on Facebook.
ShareASale Leading network with affiliate offers across many niches.
ClickBank Popular for digital info-products in health, wealth and relationships.
Rakuten Large affiliate network with integrated tracking for Facebook campaigns.
Apple Affiliate Program Earn commissions promoting Apple products and services.

These networks provide affiliates with all the tools and offer creative needed to run successful campaigns on Facebook.

Top Facebook Affiliate Marketing Tips

Here are some top tips for affiliates looking to maximize their Facebook marketing results:

  1. Provide upfront value before promoting – Don’t jump straight into affiliate promotions. Establish trust and authority by sharing helpful free content.
  2. Focus on niches where Facebook dominates – Target audiences that are highly active on Facebook like parenting, beauty, health and fitness, etc.
  3. Leverage influencers – Partner with influencers in your niche and offer them a commission from resulting sales.
  4. Retarget website visitors – Install the Facebook pixel on your website to retarget visitors with ads on Facebook.
  5. Test and optimize – Continuously test different content types, affiliate offers, images and target audiences to improve conversion rates.

Following these best practices will help affiliates get the most out of Facebook’s immense audience potential while avoiding policy violations that can lead to account suspension.

Compliance is Critical

While Facebook does allow affiliate marketing, it’s important for affiliates to thoroughly understand all applicable policies. Key takeaways include:

  • Transparency with followers is mandatory when promoting affiliate links.
  • Affiliate links are only permitted on Facebook Pages and Groups, not personal profiles or ads.
  • Affiliate landing pages must live on an external website, not hosted on Facebook.
  • Deceptive marketing practices will quickly lead to account suspension.

Affiliates walking a fine line with Facebook’s policies often find their accounts suddenly banned when policy updates are made. By sticking to approved methods like Facebook Pages, Groups and compliant ads, affiliates can safely access Facebook’s immense promotional power.

The Future of Affiliate Marketing on Facebook

Facebook has become an essential platform for most affiliate marketers. And the future looks bright for affiliates as Facebook continues prioritizing groups, pages and advertising solutions that can be leveraged:

  • Facebook Groups – Groups are becoming more central to the Facebook ecosystem. New features will provide more ways for affiliates to establish themselves as experts.
  • Facebook Lives – Live video represents an engaging content format for affiliates to promote offers.
  • Messenger – Messaging platforms like Messenger may open up new opportunities for compliant affiliate promotions.
  • Shopping features – Facebook is investing heavily in shopping. This could provide a new avenue to promote affiliate products.

As Facebook continues to evolve, affiliates will need to stay up-to-date on any policy changes affecting their campaigns. But the platform offers extensive creative options for enterprising affiliates committed to transparency, value and compliance.


Facebook’s massive user base represents an extremely compelling promotional channel for performance marketers. But affiliate marketing on Facebook requires following specific rules and policies to avoid account suspensions. While Facebook Pages and Groups do allow transparent affiliate links, profiles and ad creatives cannot directly promote affiliate offers.

Affiliates who focus on providing value upfront, disclose affiliate relationships, comply with all policies and partner with relevant influencers are best positioned to succeed with Facebook affiliate marketing. With the right approach, Facebook offers an unrivaled opportunity to drive conversions and revenue at scale.