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Does Facebook affect Google ranking?

Does Facebook affect Google ranking?

There has been much debate over whether a business’s presence on Facebook impacts that business’s search ranking on Google. While the relationship between Facebook and Google ranking is complex, most experts agree that Facebook activity can indirectly influence search rankings – though the effect is relatively small compared to other ranking factors.

How Facebook Could Influence Google Rankings

Here are some of the main ways that activity on Facebook could potentially impact Google search rankings:

  • Backlinks – Links shared on Facebook can help build backlinks to a site, which is a positive ranking signal.
  • Engagement – A highly engaged Facebook page and posts can signal popularity to Google’s algorithm.
  • Social signals – Likes, shares, comments etc. may be interpreted by Google as social signals of quality content.
  • Brand mentions – Being mentioned and talked about on Facebook can increase overall brand awareness and web visibility.
  • Traffic – Driving referral traffic from Facebook to your site can increase engagement metrics that Google values.

So in summary, Facebook can contribute to some of the factors Google looks for when determining search rankings – but its influence is considered minor compared to on-page optimization, backlink profiles, website speed, etc.

Evidence That Facebook Impacts Rankings

There have been some studies and tests that found a correlation between Facebook activity and Google rankings:

  • A 2011 study by SEOmoz found a small but statistically significant correlation between Facebook engagement metrics and Google rankings.
  • Searchmetrics found a connection between Facebook likes/shares and Google visibility in a 2013 analysis.
  • Experiments by Stone Temple Consulting found that Facebook comments and shares helped improve search rankings for certain keywords.
  • Some SEOs have conducted their own case studies and seen improved Google traffic after increasing Facebook engagement.

However, many of these studies note that the Facebook influence on rankings was relatively small, and may have been connected to associated increases in backlinks and brand visibility.

Evidence That Facebook Doesn’t Impact Rankings

On the other hand, there are also studies and tests that show no clear correlation between Facebook activity and search rankings:

  • A controlled experiment by Ignite visibility found no change in Google rankings from increasing Facebook likes and shares alone.
  • Google’s John Mueller stated there is “very little crossover” between Facebook and Google rankings in a Google Webmaster video.
  • Searchmetics found almost no correlation between rankings and Facebook likes/comments in a follow-up 2016 study.
  • Moz experiments found Facebook metrics had no measurable impact on rankings for competitive keywords.
  • Many SEOs have tested the Facebook effect on clients’ sites and found no discernable rankings boost from Facebook pages or engagement alone.

The lack of clear evidence confirms that while Facebook may have an indirect influence, its direct impact on search rankings is negligible on its own.

How Much Does Facebook Engagement Influence Rankings?

Most SEO experts conclude that Facebook has a minor positive influence on Google rankings at most. Some estimates of how much Facebook engagement affects search rankings include:

  • Less than 5% – A Moz study estimated Facebook’s impact on rankings is less than 5%.
  • 1-2% max – Searchmetrics found a 1.15% correlation between Facebook likes and Google rankings.
  • Not in top 10 factors – Backlinko does not rank social signals in the top 10 Google ranking factors.
  • Positive but negligible – Most controlled experiments find a slight but statistically negligible boost.

This data shows that while Facebook may provide a slight ranking increase for some sites, its effect is dwarfed by on-page SEO, backlinks, page speed and other technical ranking factors.

When Facebook May Provide a Rankings Boost

While Facebook has a small direct impact on rankings, there are some situations where increased Facebook activity could have a more noticeable positive effect:

  • New sites – Social signals may hold more weight for new sites with few backlinks.
  • Local SEO – Facebook pages can boost local search presence and map rankings.
  • News content – Timely news and “trending” content could get a boost from Facebook shares.
  • Strong user engagement – Viral content with strong engagement metrics may pass extra social signals.
  • Keyword mentions – Facebook posts with target keywords could improve relevance for those terms.

So while Facebook’s influence on established sites’ organic rankings is minor, there are cases where social media is a bit more impactful for rankings.

Ways to Measure Facebook’s Influence on Rankings

Determining the direct rankings impact from Facebook activity can be tricky. Here are some tips for measuring the correlation between Facebook and SERP rankings:

  • Rank tracking – Use rank tracking software to detect changes after increasing Facebook engagement.
  • SERP analysis – Check click-through-rates and position changes for target keywords.
  • Traffic analysis – Compare organic search traffic from Google to Facebook metrics over time.
  • Correlation analysis – Statistical analysis to calculate the correlation strength between rankings and Facebook metrics.
  • Controlled experiments – Make Facebook changes on some pages but not others as a controlled test.

Analysis over a sufficient timeframe is necessary, as search rankings move slowly. Isolating Facebook as the only changed variable also helps reveal its direct effects.

Best Practices to Leverage Facebook for Rankings

While Facebook’s direct impact on search rankings is small, here are some best practices for using it to indirectly support SEO:

  • Link to landing pages – Include links to optimize Facebook as a traffic and referral source.
  • Encourage engagement – Increase likes, shares, and clicks to earn social signals and visibility.
  • Integrate with SEO – Share keyword-optimized content posted on your website.
  • Provide value – Build a genuine audience by posting content people want to consume and share.
  • Be active – Post consistently and monitor engagement levels and trends.

By making Facebook part of an integrated digital marketing strategy, businesses can maximize its indirect benefits for SEO.

Key Takeaways – Does Facebook Impact Search Rankings?

The key points on Facebook’s relationship with Google rankings:

  • Facebook activity can indirectly boost rankings by increasing backlinks, visibility, branding, etc. But its direct impact is minor.
  • Some correlation between Facebook and rankings has been found, but experiments show the effect is small and inconsistent.
  • Technical SEO factors like page speed and backlink profiles have a much bigger influence.
  • Facebook may provide a slight boost for new sites, local SEO, news or viral content.
  • Facebook is worth integrating into digital marketing strategies, even if its SEO impact is negligible.

So in summary – while Facebook engagement won’t make or break SEO success, it can still be a useful component of a well-rounded inbound marketing strategy when used effectively.


The bottom line is that Facebook activity has an indirect and relatively minor influence on Google search rankings. While social media engagement may provide a slight boost in some cases, it does not come close to matching the importance of core technical SEO and content optimization as ranking factors. Businesses should focus their SEO efforts on technical website improvements and quality content creation first and foremost. However, maintaining an active and engaging Facebook presence can serve as a beneficial supporting component of digital marketing and SEO strategies when used effectively.