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Does Facebook ads support affiliate links?

Does Facebook ads support affiliate links?

Facebook advertising is a powerful tool for driving traffic and sales. One common question advertisers have is whether Facebook ads allow affiliate links. The short answer is yes, Facebook ads do support affiliate links. However, there are specific requirements and best practices for including affiliate links in Facebook ads.

What are affiliate links?

Affiliate links are special tracked URLs that allow publishers to earn a commission when someone clicks the link and completes a desired action, like making a purchase. The most common example is Amazon Associates, where publishers can earn a percentage of sales when readers buy products after clicking their affiliate link to Amazon.

Affiliate links allow publishers to monetize their content by earning commissions from relevant products. They also allow advertisers to only pay commissions on results, making it a beneficial arrangement for both parties when implemented correctly.

Do Facebook ads allow affiliate links?

Yes, Facebook Ads do allow affiliate links. You can promote an affiliate offer in your Facebook ads and send traffic to your affiliate links.

However, there are specific policies around affiliate links on Facebook Ads:

  • Affiliate links must direct to a landing page that clearly displays the offer details, terms and conditions, and information about the advertiser.
  • The destination page cannot be solely an opt-in page or only contain affiliate disclosures. There must be a legitimate product or service offer.
  • Cloaking or misrepresenting the destination URL is prohibited.
  • The destination page must comply with Facebook’s advertising policies and applicable laws.

As long as your affiliate link and landing page meet these requirements, you can use affiliate links in Facebook Ads. Make sure the experience you are directing users to matches the claims and expectations set in your ad creative.

Best practices for affiliate links in Facebook Ads

Here are some best practices to follow when using affiliate links in your Facebook Ads:

  • Be transparent that you have an affiliate relationship and may earn a commission.
  • Only choose affiliate products that are relevant and valuable to your audience.
  • Write compelling ad copy focused on the product/offer instead of the commission.
  • Use a dedicated landing page that provides all necessary offer details.
  • Ensure your landing page is fully compliant with Facebook’s policies.
  • Closely monitor click-through rates and conversion rates of your affiliate ads.
  • Regularly check that your landing pages are still accessible and functioning properly.

Tips for improving affiliate ad performance

Here are some additional tips to improve the performance of your Facebook affiliate ads:

  • Test different headlines, creative styles, and image choices.
  • Highlight key features, benefits, or value propositions that would appeal to your target audience.
  • Use promotions like discounts or limited-time offers to encourage urgency.
  • Retarget people who have visited your site but not yet converted.
  • Create custom audiences of your existing customers to market additional affiliate products.
  • Try video ads telling a brand story or customer testimonial.
  • Set up A/B tests with different ad variations.

Examples of successful Facebook affiliate ads

Here are a few examples of affiliate ads that perform well on Facebook:

  • Discount codes or exclusive promos for affiliate products people are already interested in buying, like “20% off your first purchase” for apparel brands.
  • Lead generation offers like free trials or free product samples.
  • Giveaways and sweepstakes for desirable affiliate products like electronics or vacations.
  • Product launch announcements promoting something new and exciting.
  • Retargeting people who abandoned their cart with the affiliate product.

The key is promosing Facebook users real value – either savings, deals, chances to win or try before they buy. When done right, affiliate marketing allows you to align incentives by rewarding your promotion efforts when they drive real business results.

Compliance requirements

When utilizing affiliate links for Facebook ads, be aware of legal and compliance requirements. Here are some key requirements to keep in mind:

  • Disclose affiliate relationships – Make it clear when you have an affiliate partnership.
  • Avoid making misleading claims about products or earnings potential.
  • Comply with FTC disclosure guidelines for influencers and affiliate marketers.
  • Adhere to Facebook’s Terms of Service and keep ads relevant to audiences.
  • Honor opt-outs and do not send unsolicited messages.
  • Protect user data and comply with privacy laws like GDPR.

Stay up to date on regulatory changes and consult an attorney if you have questions about legal requirements. Transparency and ethical practices will help avoid problems.

Should you use affiliate links for Facebook Ads?

In general, affiliate links can work very well for Facebook advertising. The key advantages are:

  • Earn commissions directly correlated to sales and ROI.
  • Only pay for ads when they drive conversions.
  • Leverage social proof and recommendations.
  • Access Facebook’s powerful ad targeting.

However, there are a few factors to consider before using affiliate links for Facebook Ads:

  • Ensure your niche and products align well with Facebook’s audience and policies.
  • Test different creative, audiences and offers to improve conversions.
  • Monitor performance closely and cut any unprofitable products or ads.
  • Be transparent and ethical in your promotions to maintain audience trust.

When executed properly for a compatible product line, affiliate Facebook Ads present an excellent opportunity to monetize your marketing efforts and promote compelling offers to interested audiences.


Facebook Ads do allow affiliate links, provided the destination landing page delivers a quality experience that matches users’ expectations from the ad. Be sure to follow Facebook policies, disclose affiliate relationships, choose relevant products, write compelling creative, and continually optimize based on performance data. With the power of Facebook’s advertising platform, combined with aligned incentives from affiliate promotions, advertisers can achieve great results and ROI.