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Does every Facebook page have an admin?

Does every Facebook page have an admin?

Facebook pages allow businesses, brands, celebrities, causes, and other entities to establish an official presence on Facebook. Unlike personal Facebook profiles, which are managed by individual users, Facebook pages are managed by page admins who have special permissions to post content, monitor engagement, and customize the page.

So do all Facebook pages have an admin overseeing them? The short answer is yes – every active Facebook page must have at least one designated admin user.

Facebook Page Admin Roles and Permissions

There are three main admin roles for Facebook pages:

  • Page Admin – Has full access to manage all aspects of the page, including posting content, responding to messages, assigning other admin roles, and moderating the page.
  • Editor – Can post content, respond to and delete comments, create ads, see page insights. Cannot add/remove admins or editors.
  • Moderator – Can respond and delete comments, remove posts. Cannot post content or ads, or manage admins and editors.

At least one Facebook user must be assigned the Page Admin role for a page to be created and remain active. Without a Page Admin, the page will be unpublished and invisible to other users.

Page admins can assign other users as editors and moderators to help manage the workload of running a popular page. But the Page Admin has ultimate oversight privileges.

Creating a Facebook Page Requires an Admin

To create a Facebook page in the first place, a user must choose the Page Owner admin role during the initial page setup process. This admin can later assign other users as additional admins or editors if desired.

Here’s a quick rundown of how to create a new Facebook page:

  1. Go to and click “Create” in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Page” from the dropdown menu options.
  3. Choose a page category like Business or Brand, Community or Public Figure, etc.
  4. Fill out the page Name, Business Category and Contact Info fields.
  5. Agree to Facebook’s Terms of Service and click “Get Started.”
  6. Designate the Page Owner admin role to yourself or another user.

As you can see, the process requires naming at least one Page Owner admin before the page can be fully created. All pages need that original Page Owner, even if other admins are added later.

Unpublished Pages Must Still Have an Admin

Pages don’t necessarily have to be published and visible to be valid on Facebook. Page admins can choose to keep a page unpublished as they set it up or if they want to take it down temporarily.

However, an unpublished page still must have a Page Owner or admin assigned to it behind the scenes. If all admins are removed from a page, Facebook will automatically unpublish that page since active pages require an acting admin.

Admins Can Be Added or Removed At Any Time

Once a Facebook page is up and running, the Page Owner and other admins can modify the admin roles as needed. They have full privileges to add, remove, or change permissions for any admins or editors assigned to that page.

Here are some common reasons page admins might change their admin teams:

  • Adding more admins or editors to help manage a high-traffic page
  • Removing inactive admins who no longer require access
  • Promoting an editor to the Page Owner role
  • Temporarily limiting access for an admin who may have overstepped boundaries

Admins should regularly audit their list of page admins and editors to ensure only relevant employees or volunteers have access as needed to manage the page properly and securely.

Pages With No Admins Get Unpublished

If a Page Owner removes all other admins from a page and then deletes their own admin account, or disables their Facebook profile, it can create a situation where a page no longer has any active admins.

In this case, Facebook will detect the page has no remaining admins and automatically unpublish it. The page name will still exist but will not be visible to other users until an admin claims it again.

Facebook will typically show an alert that the page has been unpublished due to having no admins. And the original Page Owner can still reclaim admin access if their account is reactivated.

Adherence to Facebook’s Terms of Service

Requiring at least one Page Admin for every page also allows Facebook to enforce their Terms of Service and Community Standards. The designated admin acts as the representative responsible for acceptable use policies.

If a page violates Facebook’s rules, they can contact the admin to request changes. Or Facebook can directly remove any objectionable content from the page or unpublish the page as necessary.

Having identifiable admins makes Facebook page policies enforceable. Anonymous pages with no oversight could more easily spread harmful misinformation, illegal content, or harassment.

Summary of Facebook Page Admin Requirements

In summary:

  • All active Facebook pages must have at least one designated Page Admin
  • Creating a new page requires naming an initial Page Owner admin
  • Unpublished pages still need an admin assigned
  • Additional admins can be added or removed at any time
  • Removing all admins leads Facebook to automatically unpublish that page
  • Requiring admins assists with enforcing Facebook’s Terms of Service

Admin oversight is crucial to running an effective Facebook page that engages your audience while adhering to Facebook’s guidelines. Be strategic in setting up your page’s admin team and updating as needed. With proper admin permissions in place, your Facebook page can thrive!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a Facebook page have two owners?

Yes, a Facebook page can have multiple owners. The person who creates the page is the original Page Owner, but they can add additional Page Owners later who have the same full admin privileges. There is no limit on how many Page Owners a single Facebook page can have managing it.

Can you delete a page admin on Facebook?

Yes, any existing Page Owner can delete or remove any other admin or editor from the page. Just go to the Facebook page’s Settings > Page Roles > Edit to change any user’s admin role or remove them entirely.

What happens if all admins leave a Facebook page?

If all admins are removed from a Facebook page, or they all deactivate their accounts, the page will automatically become unpublished. Facebook requires pages to have at least one active admin. The original Page Owner can still reclaim the page if needed.

Can you transfer ownership of a Facebook page?

Yes, page ownership can be transferred. The current Page Owner needs to promote another admin to be a Page Owner via the Page’s Settings. They can then optionally remove themselves as an admin after the new Owner takes over.

Who owns a Facebook page when it is created?

The user who originally creates a Facebook page via the “Create Page” process is automatically assigned as the Page Owner. They act as the first admin and can add others later. But the original creator retains full admin privileges.

Facebook Page Admin Tables and Data

Admin Role Privileges
Page Owner Full page management, add/remove admins, publish & unpublish page
Editor Create content, comments, ads. No adding admins.
Moderator Moderate comments only. No direct page management.

This table summarizes the main permission levels for different Facebook page admin roles.

Action Result
Remove all admins Page becomes unpublished
Original Page Owner returns Can reclaim published page
Create new page Must name initial Page Owner

This table explains key actions involving Facebook page admins and the effects on a page’s status.


In closing, properly managing your Facebook page’s admins and editors is crucial to operating a successful presence on the platform. Be sure to always have at least one Page Owner assigned, review other admin roles periodically, and transfer ownership carefully when needed.

With the proper admin team in place following Facebook’s policies, your page can continue growing and engaging your target audience!