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Does deleting Facebook Dating delete messages?

Does deleting Facebook Dating delete messages?

Facebook Dating is a feature within the Facebook app that allows users to match and chat with other Facebook users for dating purposes. When using Facebook Dating, users can send and receive messages with their matches. A common question that arises is what happens to these Facebook Dating messages if a user decides to delete their Facebook Dating profile or account.

Does Deleting the Facebook Dating Profile Delete the Messages?

Yes, if you delete your Facebook Dating profile, it will delete all of the Facebook Dating messages associated with that profile. The messages will be permanently deleted and will no longer be accessible.

When you delete your Facebook Dating profile, it completely removes your presence from the Facebook Dating community. All of your profile information, matches, conversations, and messages will be erased.

Therefore, if you want to remove all traces of your Facebook Dating presence, including all messages you’ve sent or received, deleting your Dating profile is an effective way to do so. The messages cannot be recovered after the profile is deleted.

Does Deleting the Facebook Account Delete the Messages?

Yes, if you delete your entire Facebook account, it will also delete your Facebook Dating profile and all associated messages.

Facebook Dating is integrated within the Facebook app and platform. Your Facebook account fuels the information and connections for your Facebook Dating profile.

Therefore, if you delete your Facebook account through the account settings, it will completely remove your Facebook Dating presence along with it. All Facebook Dating messages connected to that account will be permanently erased.

The messages cannot be retrieved, even if you reactivate your Facebook account. The account deletion clears all of that Facebook account data from Facebook’s servers, including any Facebook Dating activity and messages.

How to Delete Facebook Dating Profile and Messages

Here are the steps to delete your Facebook Dating profile and messages:

  1. Open the Facebook app on your mobile device or navigate to on a desktop.
  2. Go to your profile menu in the top right corner.
  3. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click on “Settings.”
  4. Go to the “Dating” tab at the left side of the menu.
  5. Click on “Edit Profile.”
  6. Tap on the three dots icon in the top right corner.
  7. Select “Delete Profile.”
  8. Confirm that you want to delete your Facebook Dating profile.

Once you complete these steps, your Facebook Dating presence and all associated messages will be erased. You will no longer appear as an active user within Facebook Dating.

How to Delete Full Facebook Account

Here is how to fully delete your Facebook account, which deletes Facebook Dating as well:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page.
  2. Select “Settings & Privacy” then click “Settings.”
  3. Click “Your Facebook Information” from the menu at the left side.
  4. Select “Deactivation and Deletion.”
  5. Choose “Permanently Delete Account” then click “Continue to Account Deletion.”
  6. Enter your password then click “Permanently Delete Account.”

Once your account is deleted, all data associated with it will be erased by Facebook, including your dating profile and all messages. The deletion is permanent.

What Happens if You Deactivate Facebook Dating?

If you deactivate, rather than delete, your Facebook Dating profile, it will hide your profile and prevent it from appearing to other users. However, it will not delete your existing conversations and messages.

When your Facebook Dating profile is deactivated:

  • Your profile will not appear in the pool of potential matches.
  • You will not appear as a match for other Facebook Dating users.
  • You cannot view other user’s profiles or send/receive messages.
  • Your previous Facebook Dating conversations and messages will remain stored.

To reactivate your profile and regain access to those conversations, you will need to open Facebook Dating and tap “Reactivate Profile.”

Therefore, deactivating your profile only temporarily pauses your Facebook Dating presence, while deleting it completely erases all traces of your profile and messages.

Does Deleting the App Delete the Messages?

No, simply deleting the Facebook app from your mobile device does not delete your Facebook Dating profile or messages. Your Facebook account and data remains intact.

When you reinstall the Facebook app and login again, your Facebook Dating profile and messages will still be present and accessible.

The only way to permanently delete your Facebook Dating content and messages is to delete the associated Facebook account. Deleting the mobile app alone will not suffice.

How to Delete Facebook Dating Conversations Individually

If you only want to delete parts of your Facebook Dating conversations, you can delete full conversations with particular matches. Here’s how:

  1. Open the conversation thread that you want to delete.
  2. Tap on the conversation name at the top of the thread.
  3. Tap on “Delete Conversation.”
  4. Confirm that you want to delete the entire conversation.

This will permanently erase the full conversation history between you and that match. However, your Facebook Dating profile will remain active.

To delete only certain messages from a conversation, you will need to delete them individually. But this can be a tedious process if you want to remove a lot of messages.

Can You Retrieve Deleted Facebook Dating Messages?

Unfortunately, no. There is no way to retrieve deleted Facebook Dating messages through the app itself. Once you delete messages or conversations, they are gone for good.

Even if you request for Facebook to send you a copy of your Facebook data, it will not include any data from your use of Facebook Dating, such as profiles viewed or messages sent.

Some third-party apps claim they can recover deleted Facebook messages. However, Facebook has warned that such apps violate their data policies, leaving users potentially vulnerable.

The only guaranteed way to permanently erase Facebook Dating messages is to delete your conversations or entire dating profile. And once deleted, the service does not maintain any retrievable backups or archives of your past message history or content.

Does Deleting Messages Delete Them for Both Parties?

Yes, when you delete Facebook Dating messages or conversations, it removes them from both your view and the view of the user you were messaging.

For example, if you delete a message you sent, it will disappear from your match’s conversation thread as well. And if your match deletes their sent messages, they will be deleted from your end too.

The messages are synced in real-time across platforms. So any message deletions apply instantly to all participants in the conversation.

Can Another User Recover My Deleted Messages?

No, other users cannot recover messages that you have deleted from Facebook Dating. When you delete messages, they are permanently erased from both your viewpoint and your match’s viewpoint.

Even if you delete a message accidentally, there is no way for your match to retrieve it once it’s removed from the conversation thread. The message is eliminated for all parties.

Therefore, you can feel secure that deleting messages fully erases them within Facebook’s systems. While you can’t retrieve deleted messages, other users also can’t access messages after you remove them.

What Happens When You Unmatch on Facebook Dating?

When you “unmatch” with another Facebook Dating user, it has the effect of deleting your conversation history and removing you as connections.

Specifically, unmatching does the following:

  • Deletes the entire messaging conversation history between you and that user.
  • Removes your connection so you no longer appear as matches.
  • Stops you from being able to view each other’s Facebook Dating profiles.

However, unmatching does not delete or remove your individual Facebook profiles or accounts. You both will still have your regular Facebook presence.

You just will no longer be linked as matches within Facebook Dating itself. And your past messaging history will become permanently inaccessible to both parties.

Does Blocking on Facebook Dating Delete Messages?

Blocking another Facebook Dating user will not automatically delete or erase your messaging history with them.

When you block a user:

  • They can no longer send you messages or view your Facebook Dating profile.
  • Any messages they previously sent remain visible in your conversation thread.
  • You can still view messages you sent them prior to blocking.
  • You can manually delete the conversation after blocking if you want.

Therefore, the act of blocking itself does not remove any messages. It just prevents further communication going forward. To fully delete the conversation, you would need to manually delete the thread.

Blocking essentially acts as shutting off communication from that user. But your existing messages remain stored in Facebook’s systems, visible to you but not to the blocked match.

Can Someone Report Your Deleted Messages to Facebook?

No, if you delete your messages from Facebook Dating, those messages are erased from Facebook’s servers and are no longer accessible to anyone.

Other users cannot report or view messages after the sender deletes them. Even if they took screenshots earlier, those screenshots could not be used to reinstate deleted messages.

Once messages are removed from Facebook’s systems, they are completely erased. There is no way for another user to retrieve the deleted message content and report it to Facebook.

Therefore, any problematic messages you may have sent are essentially erased permanently if you choose to delete those conversations or messages before the other user can report them.

Is It Possible to Recover Deleted Facebook Dating Conversations?

Unfortunately, there currently is no official method to recover deleted Facebook Dating conversations, either through Facebook itself or via third-party tools.

Once conversations are deleted from within the Facebook Dating interface, the messages are permanently removed by Facebook and cannot be retrieved.

Some users wonder if it’s possible to restore conversations by:

  • Contacting Facebook Support: Facebook does not store or archive dating conversations after users delete them.
  • Using data recovery software: The software cannot pull deleted data from Facebook’s servers.
  • Finding backups on your device: Facebook does not store your conversations locally.

Therefore, the only way to retain Facebook Dating conversations is to avoid deleting them in the first place. So be certain before erasing any messaging threads.

Does Deleting Facebook Dating Erase Evidence of Bad Behavior?

One motivation users may have for deleting their Facebook Dating messages and profile is to cover up any concerning behavior, such as sending inappropriate messages or misrepresenting themselves.

However, it’s important to keep in mind:

  • Other users may have reported your account already based on your messages/profile.
  • Deleting the messages does not delete any reports filed about your account.
  • Facebook can still investigate and take action on your account if warranted.

So simply deleting your own messages is not an effective way to erase evidence of violations. Facebook still has investigative methods to address user misconduct, even if the concerning content itself is deleted.

The best approach is to use Facebook Dating ethically and respectfully from the start, rather than try to cover your tracks.

Is Deleting Facebook Dating Account Better Than Deleting Profile?

In most cases, yes – fully deleting your Facebook account generally is more thorough than only deleting your Facebook Dating profile for erasing your messaging history.

Here’s why:

  • Deleting account erases all Facebook Dating data tied to you.
  • Just deleting Dating profile leaves main Facebook account active.
  • Account deletion removes other dating evidence like profile views, interests, etc.
  • Other users could still report your old Facebook account for dating activity.

Unless you plan to continue using Facebook non-dating features, deleting your entire account tends to give you a “cleaner slate” when it comes to permanently removing dating messages, conversations, connections, and your overall presence from Facebook’s platform and community.

Table Comparing Profile Deletion vs. Account Deletion:

Action Deletes Messages? Deletes Profile? Deletes Other Dating Data? Leaves Main Account Active?
Delete Profile Yes Yes No Yes
Delete Account Yes Yes Yes No


To summarize key points:

  • Deleting your Facebook Dating profile or account deletes all associated messages permanently.
  • Deactivating profile just hides it and retains messages.
  • Deleting conversations or unmatching also erases those messaging histories.
  • Once deleted, messages cannot be retrieved by any user or even by Facebook itself.
  • Deleting messages does not remove any concerning reports filed about your account.
  • Fully deleting the Facebook account tends to remove dating presence more thoroughly than just a profile deletion.

In the end, proceed with caution when choosing to erase Facebook Dating conversations and profiles. While deleting removes messages from Facebook’s systems, your account can still be reviewed if other users reported concerns prior to deletion.