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Does deactivating your Facebook account delete everything?

Does deactivating your Facebook account delete everything?

With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. However, many users decide to take a break or leave Facebook permanently. If you no longer want your Facebook account, you have two options: deactivate or delete.

What happens when you deactivate your Facebook account?

Deactivating your Facebook account is a reversible action. It temporarily disables your profile and removes some information, but doesn’t permanently delete anything. Here’s an overview of what happens when you deactivate your Facebook account:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, videos, and everything else you’ve shared is hidden but not deleted. All of your information remains stored on Facebook’s servers.
  • No one can see your profile or search for you on Facebook. You essentially disappear from the platform.
  • Some information remains visible, such as messages you’ve sent to friends. Friends may still see you in their friend list.
  • You cannot react to posts, update your information, send or receive friend requests, or use Facebook to log in to third-party apps.
  • Facebook saves your account information in case you want to reactivate. You can reactivate your account and recover everything.

In summary, deactivating pauses your account and removes it from public view, but does not erase any data. It’s meant as a temporary break from Facebook, not a permanent account deletion.

What happens when you permanently delete your Facebook account?

Deleting your Facebook account is a permanent action that erases your profile and removes all of your information from Facebook’s servers. Here’s what happens when you permanently delete a Facebook account:

  • Your profile, photos, posts, videos, messages, and all other account information is permanently erased.
  • Once your data is deleted, it cannot be recovered. Facebook does not save or store your information.
  • No one can search for you or view any information about your account.
  • You lose access to Oculus devices and purchases associated with your Facebook account.
  • Third-party apps that use Facebook Login will no longer work for you.
  • You cannot reactivate a deleted account. You would have to open a new account with a different email address.

Deleting your account permanently removes all traces of your presence on Facebook. It cannot be undone.

How long does it take to delete everything after deactivating your account?

When you deactivate your Facebook account, your information is not immediately deleted. Here is an overview of how long it takes for different types of data to be removed after deactivation:

Data Type Deletion Timeframe
Posts, photos, videos, comments, likes Saved indefinitely unless you permanently delete account
Friends list and notifications Saved indefinitely unless you permanently delete account
Messages Saved indefinitely unless you permanently delete account
Search history, watched videos Saved indefinitely unless you permanently delete account
Account information Saved indefinitely unless you permanently delete account

In summary, deactivating your account does not delete any of your information from Facebook’s servers. Everything remains saved but is hidden from public view. To permanently delete your data, you must manually request account deletion.

How long does Facebook take to delete an account?

When you request permanent account deletion, it does not happen instantly. Here is an overview of how long account deletion takes:

  • 1-90 days: After requesting deletion, your account is scheduled to be erased. Facebook starts by removing identifiable information like your name and photos.
  • 90 days: Most account information is erased from active servers and cannot be recovered, including posts, reactions, comments, messages, etc.
  • Up to 90 more days: Backup copies of your data are erased as Facebook synchronizes across data centers.

In most cases, the entire account deletion process takes approximately 90 days. However, traces of your data may persist in backups for up to an additional 90 days. After the full deletion period, even Facebook can no longer access or recover your account information.

Can you recover a deleted Facebook account?

No, you cannot recover a Facebook account after permanently deleting it. Here’s why:

  • Facebook erases all account data including your profile info, posts, photos, messages, etc. This cannot be recovered.
  • Deleted accounts are permanently removed from Facebook’s active servers. Backup copies are also scheduled for deletion.
  • Facebook does not store any data that would allow deactivated accounts to be reactivated.
  • Once the 90-day deletion process completes, the account ceases to exist. Facebook has no way to retrieve it.

Permanent deletion means your account is gone forever. Facebook does not have an account recovery process for deleted accounts. You would have to open a brand new account using a different email address.

What exactly gets permanently deleted from Facebook?

When you permanently delete your Facebook account, here are some examples of data that is erased:

  • Your profile information, photos, cover photos, and bio
  • Your posts, shared links, status updates, videos, and reactions to posts
  • Comments you’ve made on your own and friends’ posts
  • Messages, active conversations, and Messenger histories
  • Contacts, friend list, and “friends of friends” network
  • Groups and events you’ve joined
  • Check-ins, reviews, recommendations, and listings
  • Interests, favorites, and saved items
  • Facial recognition data used for photo tagging

In summary, all account activity, content, connections, and metadata associated with your account is deleted. This includes anything you’ve posted, shared, liked, or commented on.

What data may remain after deleting Facebook?

In some cases, traces of your data may persist even after deletion:

  • Deleted content may remain in the accounts of users who shared or interacted with your posts or info.
  • Messages you sent to friends may remain in their inboxes.
  • Analytics data and usage metrics may remain in aggregated, anonymized forms.
  • Data shared with third-party apps or advertisers may persist unless they also erase it.

While Facebook deletes all data under its control, information that has been shared outside of Facebook cannot be deleted. For full privacy, you must also modify or delete data held by other users, apps, and partners.

Steps to permanently delete your Facebook account

Here is a step-by-step guide to permanently deleting your Facebook account:

  1. Log into Facebook – Go to and log into your account.
  2. Request deletion – Go to Settings & Privacy > Settings > Your Facebook Information > Deactivation and Deletion. Click “Permanently Delete Account” and re-enter your password.
  3. Confirm deletion – Read the warnings carefully and click “Delete Account” to confirm account deletion.
  4. Provide feedback (optional) – Facebook may ask why you are deleting your account. Providing feedback is optional.
  5. Wait – Facebook will schedule your account to be deleted. It may take up to 90 days for the process to fully complete.

Once you confirm deletion on the Permanently Delete Account page, your account is scheduled for removal. Facebook cannot undo or recover deleted accounts.

What happens to your Oculus content if you delete Facebook?

If you delete your Facebook account, you also lose access to Oculus content and purchases associated with your account. Here is what happens to Oculus data when deleting Facebook:

  • Your Oculus profile becomes unlinked from your Facebook account and display name.
  • You lose access to any apps or games purchased through your Facebook account.
  • Your game progress, achievements, and history are erased.
  • You cannot use Facebook features like chats or parties in VR.

In summary, all Oculus content and functionality tied to your Facebook account is permanently lost if you delete your Facebook account. However, your headset and core Oculus functionality will remain intact.

Can you use Facebook to log in to other apps if you delete your account?

No, if you delete your Facebook account you can no longer use Facebook Login for third-party apps and services. When you try to log in using Facebook, you will receive an error since your account no longer exists.

Some impacts if you can no longer login via Facebook include:

  • Losing access to apps where Facebook was your login method
  • Being unable to share content from third-party apps to Facebook
  • Needing to reconfigure login settings for affected apps and services
  • Potentially losing app data or settings associated with your Facebook account

To continue using apps where you previously used Facebook Login, you will need to configure alternate login methods using your email, Google account, etc. Any app data tied to your Facebook account will be lost.

What happens to Facebook business pages when you delete your account?

Deleting your personal Facebook account does not automatically delete business pages that you administer. Here is what happens to business pages when you delete your personal account:

  • Pages remain active, and you stay listed as a page admin
  • You need to assign another admin to manage your pages through their account
  • Without an admin, pages are orphaned and eventually may get deleted by Facebook

To avoid issues, you should assign another page admin before deleting your personal account. Otherwise, you may lose control over company pages you have administered.

Can closing your Facebook account affect your Oculus headset?

Deleting your Facebook account removes Oculus data associated with your account, but it does not disable your physical Oculus headset. Here is how deleting your Facebook account impacts your Oculus VR headset and account:

  • You can still use your Oculus headset for VR functionality
  • However, you lose access to apps, games, and purchases made under your Facebook account
  • Your headset profile and settings remain, but get disassociated from your Facebook account
  • You cannot use Facebook social features like chats and parties within Oculus

In summary, your core headset functionality remains but all account data, apps, and social features are lost. Your headset becomes a standalone device no longer tied to Facebook.

Can pages you administer remain online if you delete Facebook?

Yes, deleting your personal Facebook account does not automatically delete or deactivate any pages that you administer as a page admin. Here is what happens to managed pages when you delete your account:

  • Pages remain active, with you still listed as a page admin
  • However, you need to assign another admin to manage the pages from their account
  • If no other admins are assigned, pages become orphaned and may eventually get deleted

To keep pages online, you need to assign another page admin before deleting your personal account. Otherwise, the pages will have no active manager.

Can you deactivate your Facebook account temporarily?

Yes, you can temporarily deactivate your Facebook account instead of permanently deleting it. Deactivation pauses your account and hides your profile.

Benefits of deactivating instead of fully closing your account include:

  • Your information remains stored in case you want to reactivate
  • You can take a break from Facebook without losing your data
  • Deactivation is easily reversible; just log back in anytime

However, your information remains potentially accessible while deactivated. Fully deleting your account is the only way to completely remove your data.


Deleting your Facebook account permanently erases all your data from Facebook’s servers and cannot be undone. Deactivating your account simply hides your profile until you log back in to reactivate it. While deactivated, your information remains stored with Facebook.

The account deletion process can take up to 90 days to fully complete. You lose access to Oculus content and can no longer use Facebook Login for third-party apps once deleted. However, your core Oculus headset functionality remains intact.

Overall, permanent deletion means your Facebook presence is erased entirely with no option for recovery. Deactivation is better if you want a temporary break but may return in the future.