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Do you need Facebook to use Threads?

Do you need Facebook to use Threads?

Threads is a new app from Instagram that allows users to easily communicate with their closest friends. It’s designed to be a more intimate and private messaging experience compared to the public nature of Instagram. A common question that arises is whether you need a Facebook account to use Threads.

What is Threads?

Threads is a standalone messaging app created by Instagram in 2019. It uses Instagram’s Close Friends list feature to allow users to quickly share updates, chat, and more with their closest connections on Instagram.

Some key features of Threads include:

  • Status Updates – Set your status so close friends know what you’re up to
  • Automatic Status – Threads can use location, battery level, movement and more to automatically update your status
  • Real-time chat – Message individual close friends or groups
  • Disappearing messages – Select how long chat messages remain visible before disappearing
  • Customize chat – Change colors and nicknames in your chat threads

The app is designed for intimate, private conversations rather than public sharing. Your Instagram Close Friends list forms the basis of the friends list in Threads.

Do you need a Facebook account for Threads?

No, you do not need a Facebook account to use Threads. Threads is an Instagram-based app, so you simply need an Instagram account to get started.

Here are some key points on the requirements for using Threads:

  • An Instagram account is required
  • A Facebook account is not required or needed
  • Your Close Friends list from Instagram becomes your friends list in Threads
  • Phone number verification via SMS may be required if you have a new Instagram account

Threads uses your existing Instagram username and password when you log in. It does not require or utilize a separate Facebook login.

Why doesn’t Threads require Facebook?

Threads was designed specifically for intimate messaging with your Instagram Close Friends. Requiring a Facebook account would limit the user base, since not all Instagram users have Facebook accounts.

Here are some reasons why Threads does not require Facebook:

  • Threads is focused on Instagram networks, not Facebook
  • Using Facebook would reduce potential user base
  • Close Friends is an Instagram-specific feature
  • Encourages user growth on Instagram platform
  • Makes adoption easier for Instagram-first users

Facebook owns Instagram, but the platforms still operate as separate social networks in many ways. Threads leverages Instagram-specific features, and does not rely on Facebook integration.

What about cross-posting Threads content to Facebook?

While you don’t need Facebook to use Threads, some users may want the ability to cross-post their Threads content to Facebook for greater visibility.

Unfortunately, Threads does not allow cross-posting to Facebook at this time. The focus is on private messaging between Close Friends.

Some key points:

  • Cross-posting Threads content to Facebook is not currently available
  • Threads is centered on private Instagram messaging
  • Content is only visible to your Close Friends list
  • Future Facebook integration is possible but not confirmed

For now, Threads is limited to Instagram. The developers may expand functionality later based on user demand and feedback.

Should Threads expand to non-Instagram users?

Since Threads relies on Instagram Close Friends for its user base, some propose expanding it to non-Instagram users. This would require Facebook login support.

There are pros and cons to consider for adding Facebook login and expanding beyond Instagram:

Pros Cons
Larger potential user base Dilutes intimate Close Friends experience
Leverages Facebook’s scale Diverts focus away from Instagram
Makes onboarding easier Increases complexity of app

Overall the standalone Instagram focus aims to provide an optimal intimate messaging experience. Expanding platforms could improve growth but dilute the intended user experience.

Opinion: Keep Threads Focused on Instagram

In my opinion, Threads should stay focused on the Instagram experience and avoid expanding to non-Instagram users for now. Here’s why:

  • Close Friends is an Instagram-exclusive feature
  • Adding other platforms increases complexity
  • The app was designed and optimized for Instagram
  • Growth on Instagram should be the priority
  • Avoid confusing or overwhelming users

The Close Friends list is unique to Instagram, and integral to providing an intimate messaging environment. Expanding platforms too soon could be premature optimization and lose focus on the core experience.


To conclude, using Threads does not require a Facebook account or login information. It was created exclusively for intimate messaging with Instagram Close Friends. While expanding platforms could grow the user base, it risks diluting the intended private messaging experience.

For now, Threads seems focused on optimizing the Instagram-exclusive experience. But future integrations with Facebook are possible depending on user feedback and demand. The developers may eventually provide the flexibility of cross-posting Threads content to Facebook for greater visibility.

But Facebook integration is not a prerequisite to enjoy Threads. As long as you have an Instagram account and Close Friends list, you can immediately start using Threads for private messaging.