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Do you have to be friends on Facebook to chat on Messenger?

Do you have to be friends on Facebook to chat on Messenger?

Quick Answer

No, you do not have to be Facebook friends to chat on Messenger. Messenger allows you to chat with anyone else who has a Facebook profile, even if you are not friends on Facebook.


Messenger is the messaging platform associated with Facebook. It allows users to send messages, photos, videos, voice messages, make video and audio calls, and more.

When Messenger first launched, you could only message people who were your Facebook friends. However, in 2015, Facebook updated Messenger to allow users to message anyone with a Facebook profile, even if they were not friends on Facebook.

This change meant that you no longer need to be connected as friends on Facebook in order to chat with someone on Messenger. As long as the person has a Facebook profile, you can search for their name or profile in Messenger and start a conversation with them, regardless of whether you are friends on Facebook or not.

Some key points about messaging people on Messenger who are not your Facebook friends:

– You can only message people who have a Facebook profile and account. Messenger does not work with non-Facebook users.

– When you message someone you are not friends with, the message may go into their “Message Requests” folder rather than their main inbox. They have to accept the message request before your messages will go to their main inbox.

– If you are not connected as friends, you may have limited visibility into their profile and activities on Facebook. You can only see limited profile information.

– You can message strangers and people you don’t know well through Messenger. This has raised some safety concerns, but Messenger does have reporting options if you receive abusive or inappropriate messages.

So in summary, no, you do not need to be Facebook friends in order to message someone on Messenger. Messenger has opened up messaging capabilities beyond your friend network, so you can connect with anyone on Facebook through Messenger if you choose.

Messaging Non-Friends on Messenger

Here are some additional details on how messaging non-friends works on Messenger:

Searching for non-friends

To message someone you are not friends with, you first need to search for their profile in Messenger. There are a few ways to do this:

– Go to the Messenger app or and click on “People” at the top. This will bring up a search bar where you can search for someone by name.

– If you know the person’s Facebook profile URL, you can enter that full URL into the Messenger search bar and it should pull up their profile.

– If you have the person’s phone number saved in your phone’s contacts, Messenger may automatically display their profile in your message requests or inbox based on the phone number match.

Once you locate the profile of the person you want to message, you can click on their name/profile picture to open up a new message thread.

Message Requests

When you message someone you are not friends with on Facebook, the conversation may first go into the “Message Requests” folder rather than their main inbox. This prevents random strangers from directly messaging a person without some form of initial approval.

The first time you message a non-friend, they will get a notification that you have sent them a message request. They can then go to their Message Requests folder, read your message, and choose whether to accept the request. Once they accept, your messages will now go directly into their main inbox.

If they ignore the request, your messages will remain in their Message Requests folder and they won’t get any new notifications from you. Essentially, they have blocked your conversation without having to actively click “block”.

So Messaging Requests acts as a filtering system for incoming messages from people you don’t know. It puts the recipient in control over which conversations they want to accept.

Limited Profile Access

When messaging someone you are not Facebook friends with, you will have limited access to their profile info and activities:

– You can only see their public profile picture and name. Any other pictures or posts will be hidden.

– You can’t see any of their Facebook posts or stories. Their feed will be blank to you.

– You won’t see any of their friends list or family connections.

– You can’t view any of their photos, videos, or other content shared on Facebook. Anything not set to “Public” will be inaccessible.

The only information you will be able to see about a non-friend on Messenger is info they explicitly set as public on their profile. Any posting activity, connections, and non-profile pictures will be off limits through Messenger alone.

Safety Concerns

The ability to message strangers and people you don’t know well on Messenger has raised some safety concerns. Messenger provides the following tools to help identify and stop unwanted conversations:

– Blocking: You can block a person at any time to stop receiving messages from them. They will be unable to contact you further on Messenger.

– Reporting: You can report abusive messages, spam, offensive content, and rule-breaking conversations. Facebook moderators will review and take appropriate action.

– Message filtering: Using artificial intelligence, Facebook says they are able to filter out most unwanted or inappropriate messages before you ever have to see them.

– Rejection responses: When rejecting a message request, you can choose a reason like “I don’t know this person” to give the sender feedback on why the request was rejected.

While there are risks to opening up messaging to non-friends, Messenger does provide controls to help users manage those conversations and stop unwanted interactions. As with any social platform, it’s important to exercise caution when interacting with strangers online.

Should You Message Non-Friends?

Whether you should message people you don’t know well on Messenger comes down to your own comfort level:


– It allows you to make new connections and meet new people online.

– It enables you to communicate with acquaintances, co-workers, classmates, and others you may not be friends with on Facebook.

– It gives you a direct line of communication with people outside your existing friend network.

– It can help jumpstart conversations that eventually lead to becoming friends.


– It opens you up to potentially unwanted messages or harassment from strangers.

– You have limited visibility into a non-friend’s profile and background.

– Conversation threads may die off quickly if you have no existing connection.

– It can come across as invasive or inappropriate in some contexts.


If you do decide to message non-friends, here are some tips to have better experiences:

– Only message people you at least know indirectly or have met in person. Don’t message total strangers.

– Keep your first message polite, respectful and not overly familiar. Introduce yourself if needed.

– Be selective – think about whether this is someone you really need or want to be messaging right now.

– Be prepared for some people to ignore your messages or reject the message request. Don’t take it personally.

– If a conversation seems inappropriate or making you uncomfortable, block the person.

– Limit giving out any private contact info like your number until you know the person better.

– Pay attention to how responsive someone is. If your messages go ignored, take the hint and move on.

With wise judgment, messaging non-friends via Messenger can be fine. But be cautious, as well – not everyone wants to chat with strangers online.


In summary:

– No, you do not need to be Facebook friends to chat on Messenger. Messenger allows messaging anyone with a Facebook profile.

– You can search for non-friends by name or profile URL to start a new message thread.

– Your first messages may go into the recipient’s message requests folder rather than inbox.

– You will have limited visibility into a non-friend’s profile and Facebook activity.

– Safety concerns exist around messaging strangers, but Messenger provides tools to manage bad experiences.

– Consider the pros and cons before deciding to message people you don’t know well. Use common sense.

While messaging capability extends beyond friends, take a thoughtful approach when contacting non-friends via Messenger. Consider the context and your existing relationship, if any, before starting conversations.