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Do you get a notification when someone view your profile on Facebook?

Do you get a notification when someone view your profile on Facebook?

There is no direct notification sent to a Facebook user when someone views their profile. However, there are some ways users can get an idea of who has visited their profile recently.

Who Can See Your Facebook Profile

By default, your Facebook profile is viewable by anyone on the platform. Some specific sections, like your list of friends or family members, may be set to private. But otherwise, any Facebook user can access your public profile.

Facebook profiles contain information like:

  • Your name
  • Profile and cover photos
  • Work and education history
  • Places you’ve lived
  • Relationship status
  • Interests and hobbies
  • Your recent posts and photos

So anyone who comes across your profile, whether they are your friends or not, will be able to see this information.

Who Views Your Facebook Profile

There are a few main categories of people who may view your Facebook profile:

  • Friends and family – People you are connected with on Facebook who want to see your latest updates.
  • Old connections – Friends from the past, like childhood or high school friends, who find you and check out your profile.
  • Potential employers or clients – Especially if your profile is public, people may look you up to learn more about you before an interview or working together.
  • Romantic interests – Someone you just met or started dating may search for you and look at your profile to learn more about your interests, life, and personality.
  • Strangers and vague acquaintances – Sometimes complete strangers come across your profile and decide to view it out of curiosity.

How to Know Who Views Your Facebook Profile

There are a few ways you can get hints about who has been looking at your profile:

See Who Views Your Posts

When you share a post on Facebook, you can see a list of people who have viewed, liked, or commented on that post. This will give you an idea of some of the people who are actively engaging with your profile.

Check Your Login Notifications

Facebook shows notifications when someone logs into Facebook from a device or browser that you don’t usually use. So if you see a notification about login from a device you don’t recognize, it could be because someone was snooping on your profile from their phone or computer.

Use the Visitor Posts Feature

Facebook has a little-known feature called Visitor Posts that allows your friends to post on your profile when they view it. It doesn’t show every single view, but will indicate when some of your friends have engaged with your profile.

Try a Third-Party App

There are third-party social media monitoring apps like Social Insider that show more detailed analytics for your Facebook profile. Using an app like this requires giving it access to your profile data.

Look for Increased Engagement

If you notice certain friends or connections start to engage with your Facebook activity more, like liking photos or commenting on posts, that could indicate they have been checking you out.

Facebook Viewer Tracking Apps

There are some apps in the Facebook app marketplace that claim they can show you exactly who views your Facebook profile. However, Facebook does not allow these apps to track profile views accurately anymore. So any apps that promise to show your profile visitors are not completely reliable.

Why Doesn’t Facebook Show Profile Views?

Facebook deliberately does not notify users about who specifically is viewing their profile. There are a few reasons why:

  • It would likely be annoying and overwhelming to get notifications every time anyone views your profile.
  • It could facilitate stalking or harassment if people know exactly who is looking at them.
  • It goes against Facebook’s mission to connect people if users are worried about who can see their information.

Should You Worry About Who Views Your Profile?

In most cases, you don’t need to worry about who is viewing your Facebook profile. Some visits are motivated by genuine interest and caring, like an old friend wanting to catch up. Other views may be for more professional reasons, like a potential employer vetting you.

Here are some signs it may be concerning who is looking at your profile:

  • An ex-partner frequently looks at all your posts
  • The same person views your profile constantly
  • Strangers make inappropriate comments on your photos
  • You get friend requests from strangers who found you

In these situations, you can tighten your privacy settings, block concerning people, and be careful about what details you share publicly.

Making Your Facebook Profile Private

If you are worried about who can see and access your Facebook profile, you can change the privacy settings to limit its visibility. Here are some tips for making your profile more private:

  • Go to Settings > Privacy and choose “Friends” for posts, photos, bio, and other sections.
  • Limit old posts and photos visibility to Friends only.
  • Turn off search engine links to your profile.
  • Block specific people you don’t want accessing your profile.
  • Review friend list and remove anyone you don’t want seeing your updates.


Facebook does not directly notify users when someone looks at their profile. However, there are some subtle clues that can reveal who is checking you out. If it concerns you who is viewing your profile, tighten up your privacy settings or remove personal details from public viewing. Ultimately, profile visits are a common part of interacting on social media that you generally don’t need to worry about.