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Do videos get more engagement on Facebook?

Do videos get more engagement on Facebook?

As a social media manager in 2023, knowing what types of content perform best on each platform is crucial. One of the biggest questions is whether videos get more engagement than photos or text posts on Facebook. In this article, we’ll look at recent data and trends to determine if videos do in fact see higher engagement rates on Facebook in 2023.

What counts as engagement on Facebook?

When evaluating engagement on Facebook posts, there are a few key metrics to look at:

  • Reactions – The number of reactions (likes, loves, wows, etc.) a post receives
  • Comments – How many comments a post gets
  • Shares – The number of times a post is shared
  • Video views – For video posts, the number of times a video is viewed for at least 3 seconds
  • Reach – The total number of unique accounts that saw the post

Higher numbers across these engagement types generally mean a post is resonating with your audience. Benchmarking engagement rates helps you understand what content styles your audience prefers.

Recent data on Facebook video performance

Let’s look at some recent data points on how videos are performing on Facebook:

  • According to Socialinsider, video posts saw 35% higher engagement rates than link posts in Q4 2022.
  • Socialinsider also found video posts drove 46% more reactions and 19% more comments than link posts.
  • HubSpot reports video posts earn 3x more engagement than text-based posts on Facebook.
  • Buffer’s 2022 State of Social Media report found video was the top performing content format on Facebook, driving the most likes and comments.

The data shows a clear advantage for videos when it comes to earning reactions, comments, and overall engagement rates on Facebook.

Factors impacting Facebook video performance

Of course, engagement rates will vary depending on factors like your audience, video quality and length, captions, etc. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Video length – Videos less than 60 seconds tend to see higher view rates.
  • Captions – Adding captions boosts view time for sound-on videos.
  • Thumbnail – An eye-catching preview image encourages clicks.
  • Aspect ratio – Vertical videos take up more mobile feeds.
  • Audience targeting – Videos aligned to audience interests perform better.

Optimizing your video content based on these factors will help drive higher view rates and engagement on Facebook.

Types of videos that perform well on Facebook

When creating videos for Facebook, consider these formats that tend to resonate well with audiences:

Live videos

Broadcasting live video lets followers feel like they’re part of the action as it unfolds. Livestreams encourage comments and reactions as people watch together in real time.

Native videos

Uploading videos directly to Facebook instead of linking to YouTube or other sources removes extra steps for viewers. Native videos appear prominently in feeds and can be optimized specifically for Facebook audiences.

Short teasers or trailers

A 30-60 second teaser video can generate interest without a long time commitment. Use key moments to highlight what the full video covers.

Interactive polls or Q&As

Asking questions during a Facebook Live or in a regular video post keeps audiences engaged. Polls also help generate comments as people weigh in.

Behind-the-scenes footage

Letting followers peek into processes helps humanize a brand. Short vides from events, product development, office culture, and more appeal to people’s curiosity.

Expert interviews or tutorials

Sit-down interviews and “how to” tutorial videos position your brand as an authority on topics your audience cares about.

Product demonstrations

Showing how a product works in action through demos and examples provides helpful value for potential customers.

Testing different video styles and formats will reveal what resonates most with your Facebook audience.

Tactics to increase engagement on Facebook videos

In addition to choosing the right video content, there are some key tactics that can boost engagement:

Include a strong call to action

Give viewers a specific prompt, like “Comment below with your top questions!” or “Click the link in our bio to learn more.” CTAs drive comments, clicks, and actions.

Engage with comments

Responding to commenters and answering questions keeps the conversation going. This nudges people to stay active on your post.

Cross-promote videos

Share video links via email, your website, and other social channels. Cross-promoting expands your reach beyond just Facebook.

Run video ads

Use Facebook Video Ads Manager to extend your organic reach. Targeting helps get videos in front of interested audiences.

Tag relevant pages

Tagging other Facebook accounts related to the video topic exposes the content to their audiences when tagged.

Analyzing Facebook video metrics

Use Facebook Insights to track key performance metrics for your videos:

Metric What to evaluate
Reach How many people saw the video in their feed
3-second views % of viewers who watched for 3+ seconds (automatic play)
10-second views % still viewing at 10 seconds in (content hook)
Completion rate % who watched the full video length
Avg watch time Average time spent watching each video
Social actions Reactions, comments, shares

Studying these metrics helps reveal optimization opportunities, like ideal video length for your audience based on dropoff rates. You can A/B test video types and analyze performance in Insights.


In summary, current data clearly shows video content generates higher engagement rates on Facebook compared to images or text-based posts. Videos inspire more reactions, comments, and shares when optimized for the Facebook algorithm and user experience.

Videos under 60 seconds tend to perform best, especially when using compelling hooks, captions, and calls to action. Interactive videos like live Q&As and polls boost comments and discussion. Behind-the-scenes and demonstrative videos also attract viewers.

Analyze Facebook Insights metrics to refine your video strategy. Optimize based on completion rates, average watch times, and social actions. With the right mix of video content and engagement tactics, you can use videos to dramatically increase your Facebook reach and connection with your audience.