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Do video ads perform well on Facebook?

Do video ads perform well on Facebook?

Video ads have become an increasingly popular format for advertising on social media platforms like Facebook. With over 2 billion monthly active users, Facebook offers marketers an immense opportunity to connect with target audiences through video. But do video ads actually drive results and perform well on Facebook? Let’s take a closer look at the performance of Facebook video ads.

What are the benefits of video ads on Facebook?

There are several key benefits that make video ads an effective ad format on Facebook:

  • Higher engagement: Video ads tend to be more engaging than static image or text ads. Viewers are more likely to watch, comment, like, and share video content.
  • Brand storytelling: Video provides an immersive experience that allows brands to tell stories and make emotional connections with viewers.
  • Flexible targeting: Facebook offers robust targeting options to serve video ads to relevant audiences based on demographics, interests, behaviors and more.
  • Native experience: Video ads appear naturally in Facebook News Feeds and blend seamlessly into the user experience.
  • Detailed analytics: Facebook provides in-depth analytics on video ad performance including views, completions, clicks, and conversions.

In summary, video is an engaging format that works well on Facebook due to the platform’s native video experience, advanced targeting, and measurable results.

Do Facebook video ads drive higher engagement?

Research indicates that Facebook video ads consistently outperform image and text-based ads in driving viewer engagement. Some key statistics on Facebook video ad engagement:

  • 64% of people would rather watch a video ad than read text.
  • Video ads are 8x more likely to be shared than text & image ads combined.
  • Video posts generate 135% more organic reach than text & image posts combined.
  • Posts with native video receive 5x higher comment rates than posts without.

The more engaging video format leads to higher visibility through shares and comments. This increased word-of-mouth exposure supplements the reach gained through ad spend. Overall, video ads see much stronger engagement across metrics like views, clicks, shares, comments, and reactions compared to non-video ad formats.

How do click-through rates compare for video ads?

Click-through rate (CTR) measures how many people click on an ad after viewing it. Click-throughs are a common optimization goal and indicator of ad relevance. According to Facebook, video ads achieve significantly higher CTRs:

  • Video ads see 2x higher CTRs compared to standard image ads.
  • Video carousels (multi-video ads) deliver 6x higher CTRs versus standard carousels.
  • Square video ads achieve 135% higher CTRs than vertical video ads.
  • Mobile News Feed video ads generate 300% higher CTRs than desktop.

The interactive nature of video leads audiences to engage at a higher rate. Video’s ability to communicate messages and tell stories drives interest and clicks. News Feed placement and mobile optimization further boost video CTR performance.

What conversion rates do Facebook video ads achieve?

Beyond clicks and engagement, the true measure of an ad’s success is its ability to drive conversions and ROI. According to Meta’s internal benchmarks, video ads convert:

  • 1.4x higher than single image ads
  • 1.5x higher than carousel ads
  • 1.8x higher than text-only ads
  • Driving conversions is the end goal of most Facebook ad campaigns. The above figures clearly demonstrate the superior performance of video ads in achieving this goal. Some additional data points on the conversion power of video:

    • Shoppable video ads increase product sales by up to 30%
    • In-stream video ads boost ad recall by 39% and purchase intent by 53%
    • 79% of users say they’ve made a purchase after watching a brand’s video

    Overall, video has proven itself as the most impactful and action-driving ad format on Facebook.

    How do video view rates compare to image ads?

    View rate measures the percentage of people who watched a video ad to completion, or viewed an image ad for a specified period of time. Longer views indicate higher levels of interest and engagement. According to Facebook, video ads substantially outperform images when it comes to driving longer views:

    Ad Format 10-Second View Rate
    Video ads 78%
    Image ads 35%

    This more than 2x higher view rate for video demonstrates that audiences are far more likely to stick around and watch a full video ad. Longer exposure to branding, messaging, products, and calls-to-action make video a powerful driver of results.

    How much do Facebook video ads cost?

    Facebook video ad costs are determined by the standard auction-based system used across Facebook paid advertising. Key factors impacting video ad pricing include:

    • Bid amount – The maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay for an ad click or impression.
    • Ad relevance – How closely the target audience and placement align with the ad content.
    • Ad competition – How many other advertisers are bidding for the same target audience.

    On average, Facebook video ads tend to cost more per view than image ads due to their higher expected performance. Average costs range from $0.10 – $0.30 per video view depending on factors like audience, positioning, video length and more. Overall, while video ads come with a higher cost, their superior engagement and conversion results often justify the premium investment.

    What are the best practices for Facebook video ads?

    Here are some top tips for optimizing Facebook video ad performance:

    • Keep videos short – 15 to 30 seconds performs best.
    • Lead with value in the first 3 seconds to drive continued views.
    • Use concise, engaging captions – 85% of views are watched without sound.
    • Test different video styles – live, animated, demo videos all perform well.
    • Use calls-to-action to drive specific conversions.
    • Retarget engaged viewers and custom audiences for higher relevancy.
    • Split test elements like thumbnails, captions, and video content.

    Continuously testing and optimizing based on performance data will help maximize the impact of Facebook video ad spending.

    What types of businesses perform best with Facebook video ads?

    Facebook video ads are versatile and effective for nearly any business type or industry. However, research from Meta indicates the highest performing verticals for video ads include:

    • Ecommerce brands
    • Consumer packaged goods companies
    • Entertainment and media publishers
    • Travel and hospitality brands
    • Food and beverage brands

    Product demos perform exceptionally well for retail and ecommerce marketers. CPG brands also benefit from video’s storytelling capabilities. Overall, any business marketing products, services, or content to consumers are likely to see strong results from Facebook video ads.


    In summary, the data clearly demonstrates that video is one of the most engaging, action-driving ad formats on Facebook today. When compared to static image and text ads, video ads consistently deliver stronger performance in areas like views, clicks, conversions, and ROI. The immersive, visual nature of video allows marketers to build their brand, tell stories, and prompt specific actions from target audiences. While video ads come with a higher cost, their superior performance across critical marketing metrics often justifies the investment. With Facebook’s massive reach and advanced targeting capabilities, video ads offer brands an immensely powerful vehicle for connecting with customers. By following best practices and continuously testing and optimizing, marketers can leverage Facebook video ads to engage audiences and accelerate business growth.