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Do sold items disappear on Facebook Marketplace?

Do sold items disappear on Facebook Marketplace?

Facebook Marketplace is a feature within Facebook that allows users to buy and sell items directly with others in their local community. When you list an item for sale on Marketplace, it will remain visible to potential buyers until it is marked as sold. This often leads sellers to wonder: do sold items disappear on Facebook Marketplace?

The short answer

Yes, sold items do eventually disappear from Facebook Marketplace after they have been marked as sold. However, they do not disappear immediately. There is a delay between when an item is marked as sold and when it disappears from view.

How long do sold Marketplace items stay up?

Listings remain visible for a period of time after being marked as sold. The exact timeframe can vary, but Facebook says sold items typically disappear within 36 hours of being marked as sold.

So if you sell an item on Monday morning, it will likely disappear from Marketplace sometime on Tuesday, even though buyers can no longer purchase it. This gives the seller and buyer time to communicate through Messenger about pickup/delivery logistics before the listing vanishes.

Why don’t sold items disappear immediately?

There are a few reasons why Facebook doesn’t remove sold listings instantly:

  • Allows seller and buyer to coordinate pickup/shipping in Messenger
  • Gives the buyer time to leave a review of the transaction
  • Allows the seller to mark the item as unsold if the sale falls through
  • Reduces seller complaints about listings disappearing too fast

Facebook likely keeps sold items visible for a day or two to improve the overall selling experience on Marketplace for both buyers and sellers.

Can you make sold items disappear faster?

There is no way to make sold Marketplace items disappear faster than Facebook’s normal delay. You cannot immediately remove a listing after marking it as sold.

The only way a sold item will be removed instantly is if you delete the listing altogether instead of marking it as sold. However, this is not recommended as it will prevent the buyer from leaving a review and messaging you.

What sellers should know about sold items

Here are some key things for Marketplace sellers to keep in mind about sold items:

  • Sold items stay visible for around 36 hours after being marked sold
  • Do not delete sold listings or you risk bad reviews
  • Use the listing’s Messenger to arrange pickup/shipping
  • Check for any new reviews once the listing disappears
  • The listing will not appear in your “Sold” tab immediately
  • Buyers can still report issues on sold items for a short time

As the seller, it is your responsibility to complete the transaction smoothly including delivery of the item. Do not ignore inquiries from buyers during the period between sold and disappeared.

What buyers should know about sold items

For Marketplace buyers, here are some tips to keep in mind regarding sold listings:

  • You can still message the seller after buying to work out details
  • Leave a review for the seller before the listing disappears
  • Screenshot the listing details to retain the information
  • Report any issues to Facebook before the listing is removed
  • Do not contact the seller through other means, use in-app Messenger
  • Complete the pickup or arrange shipment within 36 hours

Make sure as the buyer you act quickly to leave a review and coordinate with the seller. Do not wait too long or you may lose your chance once the sold listing vanishes.

Why sold items eventually disappear

There are a few reasons why Facebook designed Marketplace to eventually remove sold listings:

  • Keeps the focus on active unsold listings
  • Prevents buyer confusion about what’s still available
  • Reduces clutter as items sell
  • Encourages sellers to ship items quickly
  • Frees up server resources by deleting old listings
  • Maintains an active, real-time marketplace

Facebook wants to keep Marketplace filled with fresh, current listings that are still available for purchase. Removing sold items after a short delay helps them maintain a dynamic marketplace.

Seller mistakes to avoid

Here are some key mistakes sellers should avoid making when dealing with sold items:

  • Deleting listings immediately instead of marking sold
  • Not communicating with the buyer before the listing disappears
  • Assuming pickup/shipping will happen automatically without messaging
  • Not checking for new reviews after the listing is removed
  • Posting the item for sale again after marking it sold
  • Ignoring/blocking the buyer after the sale is made

Carefully follow Facebook’s sold item process and be responsive to buyers to avoid issues. Your goal is a 5-star review once the transaction is complete.

Buyer mistakes to avoid

Buyers also need to avoid these common mistakes when purchasing sold Marketplace items:

  • Not leaving a review for the seller before the listing vanishes
  • Assuming the seller will contact you about pickup/shipping
  • Waiting too long to make arrangements to get the item
  • Trying to contact the seller outside of Marketplace Messenger
  • Not reporting issues to Facebook before the listing disappears
  • Forgetting important details about the listing since it will soon be deleted

As a buyer, stay on top of communications with the seller and resolve any issues promptly within the short sold listing window.

Other Marketplace listing statuses

In addition to “Sold”, listings on Facebook Marketplace can have other statuses:

  • Active – Regular unsold listing still available for purchase
  • Pending – When a buyer makes an offer but sale isn’t finalized yet
  • Expired – Listing is automatically removed after 90 days
  • Deleted – Manually deleted by the seller

Each status impacts how long the listing remains visible. Only “Expired” and “Deleted” immediately remove a listing like “Sold” eventually does.

What happens when you mark an item as sold

Here is a summary of key things that happen when you mark a Facebook Marketplace item as sold:

  • Listing can no longer be purchased by buyers
  • Item appears as sold when viewed by others
  • Messenger chat remains open to coordinate delivery
  • Buyer can leave a rating and review for the transaction
  • Listing disappears about 36 hours after being marked sold
  • Appears in your Marketplace “Sold” tab after disappearing

Carefully going through the sold item process results in a smooth transaction for both buyer and seller.

Should you delete sold listings?

It is not recommended to immediately delete Facebook Marketplace listings after they sell. Instead, properly mark them as sold. Deleting has some disadvantages:

  • Prevents the buyer from leaving a review
  • Interrupts Messenger communications with the buyer
  • No record of the sale appears in your “Sold” tab
  • Buyer may think you canceled the transaction

Only delete a listing if there is an issue with the transaction or it turns out the item is not actually available for sale. Otherwise, use the sold option.

Can you relist an item after marking sold?

It is possible to relist an item on Facebook Marketplace after initially marking it as sold, but only under certain conditions:

  • The original buyer did not complete the transaction
  • You and the buyer mutually agreed to cancel the sale
  • You have extra quantity of the item still available

Do not relist the same item multiple times after marking it sold just to keep the listing visible longer. This will make you appear unreliable as a seller.

Proper sold item process for sellers

Follow this reliable process as a Marketplace seller for handling sold items correctly:

  1. Buyer commits to purchase and makes payment if required
  2. Mark item as sold in Marketplace
  3. Discuss pickup/shipping plan with buyer via Messenger
  4. Safely deliver item once logistics are arranged
  5. Check for buyer’s review once listing disappears
  6. Review appears in your seller profile and “Sold” tab

Carefully going through each step results in a smooth transaction from sale to delivery and review.

Proper sold item process for buyers

Here is the optimal process for Marketplace buyers when purchasing sold items:

  1. Commit to purchase the item from the seller
  2. Discuss pickup/shipping plan via Messenger
  3. Leave a review for the seller before listing disappears
  4. Complete the pickup or shipment within 36 hours
  5. Inspect item and report any issues to Facebook
  6. Provide additional feedback to seller outside of review

Following these steps helps buyers easily obtain their purchased items and provide seller feedback.

Why reviews matter

Leaving reviews for sold Facebook Marketplace items is important for several reasons:

  • Reviews help establish seller reputation
  • Feedback helps the seller improve
  • Other buyers rely on reviews to evaluate sellers
  • Helps the Marketplace algorithm recommend good sellers
  • Shows appreciation to sellers for good transactions

Completing reviews is quick, easy, and benefits the entire Marketplace community. So buyers should make sure to leave them.

How to improve seller rating

Sellers on Facebook Marketplace can improve their rating by:

  • Providing great customer service to buyers
  • Shipping and delivering items quickly as promised
  • Following up after the sale for feedback
  • Listing items accurately with all details
  • Responding promptly to buyer inquiries
  • Offering reasonable pricing and negotiated deals

Follow best practices in your interactions with Marketplace buyers to earn 5-star reviews and boost your seller rating over time.


Sold items on Facebook Marketplace do eventually disappear, but not instantly. Listings typically remain visible for around 36 hours after being marked sold. This gives the buyer and seller time to complete the transaction. It is important to follow Facebook’s sold item process correctly according to best practices. Leaving reviews also helps improve the Marketplace experience for everyone by building seller reputation. With a bit of patience and care, Facebook Marketplace sold item handling can go very smoothly for both buyers and sellers.