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Do people in Kuwait use Facebook?

Do people in Kuwait use Facebook?

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.9 billion monthly active users as of the fourth quarter of 2021. However, Facebook usage varies significantly by country and region. While Facebook has become ubiquitous in many Western nations, its adoption and usage in the Middle East presents a more complex picture. As the most populous country in the Gulf region, Kuwait provides an interesting case study for Facebook usage in the Arab world.

To understand Facebook adoption in Kuwait, it is helpful to first consider Kuwait’s internet and social media landscape. As of January 2022, there were 4.42 million internet users in Kuwait, representing 98% of the total population. Kuwait has high rates of social media adoption, with 3.9 million social media users as of January 2022, equating to 87% penetration. Social media use skews heavily towards mobile, with 97% of social media users accessing platforms via mobile devices.

The Current Popularity of Facebook in Kuwait

Among the leading social networks in Kuwait, Facebook remains highly popular. According to NapoleonCat, there were 2.92 million Facebook users in Kuwait as of January 2022. This represents 65% penetration among the total population. For comparison, Instagram had 60% penetration in Kuwait with 2.76 million users, YouTube had 57% penetration with 2.59 million users, and Twitter had 37% penetration with 1.74 million users as of January 2022.

These figures indicate that Facebook remains the dominant social media platform in Kuwait in terms of total users. Facebook’s longevity in the Kuwaiti market and strong global brand recognition likely contribute to its leading position for social media usage.

However, while Facebook boasts the highest overall user base, it does not dominate across all demographic groups. For example, Instagram leads for usage among younger internet users aged 18-34 in Kuwait. Still, Facebook maintains a strong second place position for this coveted demographic.

Social Media Platform Users in Kuwait Penetration Rate
Facebook 2.92 million 65%
Instagram 2.76 million 60%
YouTube 2.59 million 57%
Twitter 1.74 million 37%

Demographics of Facebook Users in Kuwait

Examining the demographic breakdown of Facebook users in Kuwait provides additional insights into its popularity. According to NapoleonCat, 52% of Facebook users in Kuwait are male and 48% are female as of January 2022. While a slight majority are men, Facebook boasts relatively balanced gender representation.

There is greater variance across age groups. Per NapoleonCat, below is the age distribution of Facebook users in Kuwait as of January 2022:

  • 13-17 years old: 9% of users
  • 18-24 years old: 33% of users
  • 25-34 years old: 28% of users
  • 35-44 years old: 16% of users
  • 45-54 years old: 9% of users
  • 55-64 years old: 4% of users
  • 65+ years old: 2% of users

These figures demonstrate that Facebook has strong penetration across younger adult age bands in Kuwait, with 61% of the country’s Facebook users being between 18 and 34 years old. However, there is a steep drop off in usage for older demographics.

Compared to more youth-dominated platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, Facebook serves a wider cross-section of age groups in Kuwait. But it fails to attract major usage among teenagers and older adults.

Motivations for Using Facebook in Kuwait

Understanding why people in Kuwait use Facebook provides further insight into its ongoing popularity in the country. Some of the major motivations and use cases include:

  • Connecting with friends and family – Staying in touch with personal contacts, both locally and internationally, is a primary draw.
  • Following news and current events – Many Kuwaitis turn to Facebook as an important news source.
  • Entertainment and humor – Facebook serves as a destination for entertainment media, viral content, memes, and more.
  • Brands and businesses – Kuwaiti businesses heavily leverage Facebook for marketing, customer engagement and e-commerce.
  • Discussion and debate – Facebook provides a platform for Kuwaitis to engage in political and social discourse.
  • Gaming and applications – Facebook’s gaming features and third-party apps drive engagement.

For many Kuwaitis, Facebook forms a central pillar of their daily digital lives, providing connection, information, entertainment and more in one place. The breadth of Facebook’s value proposition contributes to its ongoing strong usage.

Cultural Factors in Facebook’s Popularity in Kuwait

Beyond product features, several cultural and contextual factors in Kuwait likely help propel Facebook’s popularity, including:

  • High internet and smartphone penetration facilitates access.
  • A tech-savvy, youthful population that quickly adopts new digital platforms.
  • High social media engagement embedded into daily lifestyles.
  • Young users attracted to global brands and culture.
  • A highly urbanized population concentrated in a few cities.
  • Weak local social media competitors compared to other Gulf nations.
  • Facebook’s early entry into the local market.
  • The use of English as a second language enabling global connections.

Together, these cultural realities create an environment conducive for mass Facebook adoption in Kuwait, relative to other digital platforms.

Usage Trends and Statistics

Examining Facebook usage statistics in Kuwait also provides helpful context into its current popularity:

  • On average, Kuwaiti Facebook users spend 3 hours actively using the platform per day. This is one of the highest rates globally.
  • 9.7 million interactions (likes, comments, shares) occur on Facebook daily in Kuwait.
  • Engagement skews heavily to mobile, with 94% of time on Facebook occurring via smartphones.
  • Video content is popular, with Kuwaitis watching an average of 40 minutes of Facebook videos per day.
  • Facebook’s core app, Facebook Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp rank as Kuwait’s most used mobile apps.
  • Saturdays garner the highest Facebook usage in Kuwait, followed by Wednesdays.

These figures demonstrate Kuwaitis not only widely use Facebook, but actively engage with the platform on a daily basis. Heavy mobile usage also underlines Facebook’s integration into Kuwaiti digital lifestyles.

Advantages Facebook Offers Kuwait Users

When considering why Facebook retains popularity among Kuwaiti internet users, the specific advantages it provides them are relevant:

  • Connecting with local community – Facebook allows Kuwaitis to strengthen bonds with family, friends and contacts within the country.
  • Global connections – Kuwaitis can engage with people, brands, content and communities from around the world.
  • Self-expression – Features like profiles, news feed, stories and groups enable Kuwaitis to express their identity.
  • Entertainment – Facebook offers a continually updating source of viral content, humour, videos and games.
  • Convenient communication – Messaging, audio and video calling facilitate easy communication.
  • Cost – Accessing Facebook is free, unlike some platforms.
  • Arabic support – Facebook provides full Arabic language capabilities.
  • Familiarity – After a decade-plus presence in Kuwait, Facebook offers a comfortable, known utility.

For many Kuwaitis, Facebook has become integral to everyday digital life. The platform’s ability to meet so many personal and social needs in a convenient, familiar, and free package sustains its place as Kuwait’s dominant social network.

Challenges Facebook Faces in Kuwait

However, Facebook also faces some challenges and headwinds to its popularity in the Kuwaiti market:

  • Younger demographics shifting time and engagement to visually-driven apps like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok.
  • WhatsApp cannibalizing Facebook’s messaging utility, especially for direct communication.
  • Emerging concerns around fake news and misinformation on Facebook.
  • Some backlash against “excessive” social media usage, particularly for youth.
  • Frustration around algorithmic news feeds that may lack relevance.
  • Perception of Facebook as less modern or sophisticated platform by affluent users.
  • Competition from regional players like Qatar-based Yzer.

While still strong overall, Facebook’s dominance in Kuwait may face erosion if these headwinds accelerate. The platform needs sustained product evolution and localization to maintain its top-tier status versus ascendant competitors.

Outlook for Facebook in Kuwait

Looking ahead, Facebook appears poised to remain highly popular in Kuwait in the near future. But its long-term trajectory faces uncertainty.

On the positive side, Facebook retains strong brand recognition, continues evolving features to match shifting user demands, and enjoys the resources to fend off rivals. Network effects also help; as most of a user’s contacts already have Facebook, this immunizes the platform from quick declines barring major disruption.

However, demographics loom as a major wildcard. If upcoming generations of digital natives eschew Facebook for newer social apps as they reach adulthood, the platform’s future growth could severely limit. And while Facebook owns Instagram and WhatsApp, the core Facebook app itself may lack the “cool factor” to attract youth.

Government regulation also bears monitoring. If regional governments grow concerned about digital media’s societal impact, policies constraining Facebook’s operations or reach may emerge. However, near-term regulatory crackdowns appear unlikely.

Barring cultural shifts or regulatory actions, Facebook will likely retain its social media crown in Kuwait through at least 2025. But new trends could quickly emerge to erode its standing. Agile product development and localized marketing will be critical for Facebook to defend its top status as Kuwait’s social media king.


In summary, Facebook maintains a strong presence in Kuwait supported by the nation’s high social media usage and Facebook’s compelling value proposition for many Kuwaitis. It boasts the largest user base among Kuwaiti social networks. But younger demographics now split their time across multiple apps, and alternative platforms like Instagram and Snapchat have gained ground. Sustaining engagement across generations will determine whether Facebook retains its current popularity over the long run. However, its deep integration into Kuwait’s digital fabric means Facebook will likely persist as a top social media destination in the country for years to come.