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Do people actually get hacked on Facebook?

Do people actually get hacked on Facebook?

In the opening paragraphs, it’s important to quickly answer some common questions related to whether people actually get hacked on Facebook. Here are some quick answers:

Yes – It is possible for Facebook accounts to be hacked. Hackers use a variety of techniques to gain access to accounts, including phishing, malware, and credential stuffing.

Anyone can be hacked – While no Facebook account is 100% secure, some are more vulnerable than others. Accounts with weak passwords, lack of two-factor authentication, and that interact with questionable links/files are at higher risk.

Hacking is common – Facebook reported in 2019 that it blocks millions of unauthorized login attempts every day. So hacking attempts are very common, though not all succeed.

Impacts vary – The impact of a hacked Facebook account depends on how the hacker uses it. They may send spam, steal info, or post inappropriate content. It can be minor or have serious consequences.

You can secure your account – Users can take important steps like using strong unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, being cautious of unsolicited communications, and watching for unusual activity to help keep their Facebook accounts secure.

Why do people get hacked on Facebook?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook users become victims of hacking:

Weak or reused passwords

Many people use simple or common passwords that are easy for hackers to guess. Others reuse the same passwords across multiple accounts, allowing hackers to gain access once they get the credentials from a data breach.

Lack of two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security by requiring a secondary one-time code along with the password when logging in. Without it, hackers only need to obtain the password to access the account.

Phishing scams

Hackers use phishing emails or messages pretending to be from Facebook to trick users into revealing their login info or downloading malware. These sophisticated scams can fool many people.

Malware and spyware

Malicious software downloaded onto a device can sometimes capture passwords and other information without the user realizing it. This allows hackers to access accounts.

Reusing passwords across accounts

If people reuse the same password across different accounts, hackers who obtain the credentials from one website can access their other accounts like Facebook.

Outdated software and settings

Old software and security settings with known vulnerabilities can create openings for hackers to gain access to accounts. Keeping software updated is important.

What information can hackers access by hacking your Facebook account?

By gaining unauthorized access to a Facebook account, hackers can potentially access a concerning amount of personal information, including:

  • Basic profile info – Name, birthdate, location, contact info, relationship status, interests, etc.
  • Posts and photos
  • Private messages and chat logs
  • Friends list and contacts
  • Linked accounts like Instagram or Spotify
  • Login credentials if password reuse was involved
  • Credit card or payment info if stored on Facebook

This amount of access to someone’s data, contacts, private communications, and even linked accounts can enable serious cybercrimes like identity theft, blackmail, financial fraud, and more.

What are the common signs your Facebook account has been hacked?

Watch for these warning signs that may indicate your Facebook account has been compromised:

Unexpected password reset emails

Getting a password reset email from Facebook without requesting one often means someone else is trying to access your account.

Unfamiliar devices logged in

Facebook shows active sessions – check for logins from devices you don’t recognize.

Strange posts or messages

Bizarre or offensive posts, spam messages, or chat logs you didn’t write are a red flag.

New friend requests to strangers

A flood of new friend requests from people you don’t know could indicate your account has been hacked.

Being logged out unexpectedly

Getting logged out suddenly while actively using Facebook can happen if the password was changed.

Email notifications about unknown changes

Emails about profile or password changes you didn’t make are a clear sign of trouble.

What should you do if your Facebook account gets hacked?

If you suspect your Facebook account has been hacked, take these steps immediately:

  1. Log out of all active sessions – You can see these under ‘Security and Login’ in settings.
  2. Change your password – Pick a strong, unique new password.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication – Add this extra layer of security.
  4. Check linked accounts – Confirm no other accounts like Instagram are affected.
  5. Scan devices for malware – Check if keyloggers or other malware are on your system.
  6. Report the hack – File reports through Facebook’s reporting tools.
  7. Alert friends – Warn friends about potential fake messages sent during the hack.
  8. Watch for suspicious activity – Keep monitoring your account and credit reports.

Taking quick action can help limit the damage and regain control of your account.

How can you better protect your Facebook account from hackers?

Fortunately, there are steps Facebook users can take to strengthen their account security:

Use strong unique passwords

Create complex passwords only used for Facebook – use a password manager if needed.

Enable two-factor authentication

Add this critical extra step to the login process – it’s in Settings under Security.

Be wary of phishingattempts

Don’t enter login credentials if asked in an unsolicited email/message.

Limit apps and permissions

Only connect trusted apps – review permissions and remove unused apps regularly.

Check login activity frequently

Watch for logins from unfamiliar locations to spot unauthorized access.

Keep software updated

Maintain the latest versions of apps, browser, and operating system to close security gaps.

Combining vigilance with good security habits makes a major difference in keeping Facebook accounts safe from hackers.

What legal recourse do you have if your Facebook account is hacked?

If your Facebook account is hacked, here are some legal options you can pursue:

Report to Facebook

Facebook has a formal process to report hacked accounts and regain access. This is always the first step.

Contact law enforcement

If severe criminal activity was enabled by the hack, contact the police – they investigate cybercrimes.

File an FTC complaint

If the hack involved identity theft or violation of online privacy laws, file a complaint with the FTC.

Consult an attorney

An attorney can advise if you have grounds for lawsuits against culpable parties who enabled the hack.

Sue for damages

It may be possible to sue hackers, apps, or negligent parties for financial and emotional damage suffered.

Working with law enforcement and seeking legal remedies can help hold accountable those responsible for the hack.

Key Statistics on Facebook Account Hacks

Some key statistics to understand the scale of the issue:

Facebook users worldwide 2.9 billion monthly active users
Attempted Facebook hacks daily Up to 120 million blocked per day
Users who received hack warnings 2021 396 million
Users impacted by 2018 breach 50 million
Users impacted by 2019 breach 267 million

The huge number of attempted hacks highlights the prevalence of hacking activity on Facebook. And the millions of users impacted by data breaches show even diligent companies struggle with cybercrime.

Recent Examples of Widespread Facebook Hacking

Here are some notable cases that show hackers continue to target Facebook users:

Fake Facebook login page phishing scam

A 2012 phishing scam used a fake login page to steal over 45,000 Facebook credentials in just a few days.

Bangladeshi government hack

In 2021 a hacker gained access to devices of government officials in Bangladesh and hacked their Facebook accounts.

Facebook employee data theft

Two Facebook employees were charged in 2020 with stealing data on thousands of users to exploit for fraud schemes.

Facebook fined $4.7 billion by FTC

Facebook had to pay a record fine in 2019 over data privacy violations related to the Cambridge Analytica scandal involving 87 million users.

These examples underscore the diverse threats users face – from small phishing scams to insider jobs to billion dollar fines on the company itself.

Expert Tips to Avoid Becoming a Victim

Cybersecurity experts recommend these tips to enhance Facebook security:

  1. Use unique complex passwords for Facebook and other critical accounts.
  2. Enable two-factor authentication and review login notifications.
  3. Be skeptical of unsolicited emails, messages and friend requests.
  4. Avoid questionable links and downloads that may contain malware.
  5. Limit app permissions and regularly prune unused apps.
  6. Keep software updated on all devices to close security vulnerabilities.
  7. Monitor accounts closely for unauthorized changes and activity.

Diligently following these best practices dramatically reduces your risk of becoming the next victim of a Facebook account hack.

The Outlook for Facebook Hacking

Looking ahead, here are some predictions for hackers targeting Facebook users:

Hacking attempts will continue growing

As Facebook continues expanding, hackers have more incentive than ever to try and tap into accounts.

Better protections by Facebook

Facebook will keep strengthening security with better detection, encryption, transparency and controls.

More sophisticated phishing

Phishing ploys pretend to be Facebook itself and will keep getting harder to distinguish from real emails/messages.

Expanding attack surfaces

Growth of Facebook linked apps like WhatsApp and Instagram provide new opportunities for hackers.

While Facebook is actively working to combat hacking activity, users need to be just as vigilant about implementing proper security measures.


Facebook hacking is a genuine threat, as millions of users continue falling victim to account takeovers each year. However, with vigilance and proper security habits, the vast majority of users can avoid becoming a statistic. Using strong unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, exercising caution online, and watching for warning signs of unauthorized access are essential best practices for all Facebook users to embrace.

While no account is 100% immune to hacking, taking proactive precautions and being wary of common scams offers a significant level of protection. Staying educated on the latest hacking threats allows Facebook users to be prepared and stay one step ahead of cybercriminals aiming to infiltrate accounts.