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Do instagram reels save?

Instagram Reels are short video clips that users can create and share on Instagram. Reels last up to 30 seconds and can be edited with music, effects, timers, and more creative tools. Since their launch in 2020, Reels have become hugely popular and are seen by many as Instagram’s version of TikTok. But an important question for content creators and brands using Reels is – do they actually help your Instagram presence? Let’s examine if and how Instagram Reels can benefit your account.

Increased Discovery and Reach

One of the main advantages of using Reels is the potential to be discovered by new accounts and reach wider audiences. Reels get special placement in the Instagram feed and Explore page. When you post a Reel, it will be shown to more accounts beyond just your current followers. This helps expose your content to Instagram users who don’t yet follow you. If your Reels are entertaining and engaging, you can rapidly gain new followers and exposure. This is especially relevant for brands, influencers, artists and anyone looking to expand their Instagram presence.

Higher Engagement Rates

Compared to static image posts, short-form vertical video tends to grab more attention and engagement on social media. Viewers find Reels more eye-catching and intriguing when scrolling their feed. The interactive features like music, polls and effects also encourage your audience to like, comment and share Reels more actively. Many content creators report much higher engagement rates on Reels than photos or standard videos. More comments and shares signal to the Instagram algorithm that your content resonates with users. Over time, this can translate into your regular posts also getting shown to more people.

Creative Content Marketing

Reels open up new creative content marketing possibilities for brands. You can showcase products in action, run contests and sweepstakes, share user-generated content, and engage followers in many other ways. The popular AR effects provide immersive experiences that feel fresh and unique. Brands that leverage Reels for content marketing and storytelling tend to make a stronger connection with their target audience. Even simple behind-the-scenes Reels give a peek into your brand personality and values. Useful tip: Cross-promote your best Reels on other channels like Stories and feed to maximize visibility.

Produce Viral Content

With some luck and strategic hashtag use, Reels can help you produce viral content. If your Reel gets shared widely through influencer reposts or lands on one of Instagram’s trending lists, it could explode in terms of reach. Viral Reels expose you to a wide range of new audiences. Getting on a popular hashtag challenge while it is rising can provide a big boost. Even niche memes and pop culture references can work if they resonate with groups you want to target. However, aiming for virality should not override your brand voice and tone. Stick to content that authentically represents you.

Monetization Opportunities

For eligible accounts, Reels open up Instagram’s built-in monetization tools. You can insert ads in your Reels and earn revenue based on views and engagement. Brands can tag and promote their products directly within Reels. Content creators can unlock the Shopping feature to add shoppable tags people can tap to explore and purchase featured items. Accounts that use Reels regularly may gain access to special funding and bonuses offered through Instagram’s Reels Play program. There is also potential for influencer collaborations and sponsorships centered around Reels.

Engage Your Existing Followers

While reaching new audiences is important, Reels are also a great way to keep your current followers engaged. Existing followers are likely to watch and interact with your Reels as they know and trust you already. Making Reels with your followers in mind is an easy way to boost connections and give your audience fresh, fun content tailored for them. User-generated content Reels featuring your followers also helps foster a sense of community. Do not underestimate the value of leveraging Reels to engage the loyal fanbase you have built up.

Quick and Accessible Videos

Instagram is ramping up Reels because they align perfectly with mobile users’ preferences for short, entertaining videos. Reels’ 15 or 30-second constraint caters to modern Internet users’ often-limited attention spans. The easy editing tools, hands-free capture options, and familiar format also lower the barrier for creators of all skill levels to make engaging videos. For busy social media managers, Reels’ pick-up-and-shoot approach can be less resource-intensive than producing high-end content. The accessibility helps brands, influencers and everyday users incorporate more video in their Instagram presence.

Reach New Geographies

Reels has exploded in India and Brazil, two of Instagram’s biggest international markets. In India especially, Reels has offered creators massive new reach opportunities. Your Reels can gain traction in global regions where you have yet to establish a foothold. Hashtag challenges related to entertainment genres like comedy, dance and music often transcend borders. Consider researching hashtags and audio trends popular internationally but less saturated in your home country. Tailoring content for different cultures and languages can help you tap into new geographies.

Drive Traffic to Other Platforms

You can leverage Reels to drive your Instagram audience to other social platforms and websites. Add links to your YouTube, Facebook, website or online store in your Reel captions and bios. Collaborate with creators active on other platforms to share audiences. Promote your Reels across different channels to maximize eyeballs. Sync your branding and messaging across platforms so viewers who discover you through Reels associate with your full digital presence. Think of Reels as a launch pad for expanding your social media ecosystem beyond just Instagram.

Showcase Creativity and Personality

More than standard posts, Reels enable creators to showcase their talents, skills and personality in a fun, shareable format. Artists, musicians and performers can provide bite-sized versions of their work suited for the short-video environment. Brands can put their products in motion and give followers a peak behind the scenes using effects and music. Even everyday users can express themselves creatively through Reels in ways feed posts do not quite allow. While professional content has its place, Reels thrive on authenticity and raw creativity. Let your brand’s inner voice shine.

Leverage Trends and Challenges

Jumping on trending hashtag challenges, songs, memes and effects can be an easy win for brands’ Reels strategy. Keep an eye out for rising challenges in your niche and put your own spin on participating. Even big general trends like outfit changes and green screen effects can work for raising brand awareness if approached strategically. Avoid forced trend-jacking that seems gimmicky. But timely, relevant challenges and audio aligned with your brand identity can pay dividends. Moving quickly to leverage ephemeral trends helps you stay cutting-edge.

Instagram Favoritism

Instagram is heavily promoting Reels with algorithm bonuses, high visibility placements and special creator incentives. There are strong signals that Reels will only become more central to Instagram’s future. Accounts that adopt Reels early could gain an advantage in terms of algorithm favoritism down the line. Just as early Instagram adopters reaped dividends, being among the first business pages to invest in Reels content could give you a leg up. Prioritizing Reels now helps ensure you do not get left behind as Instagram continues emphasizing short video.

Risks and Drawbacks

However, adopting Reels does come with some potential risks and drawbacks to keep in mind. Creating quality Reels requires an added time and resource investment that yields uncertain results. You may end up speaking to an audience that does not convert or align with your goals. There is no guarantee your Reels will actually reach expanded audiences despite Instagram’s push. If you have a solid content mix that is already working well, drastically changing strategies to prioritize Reels may disrupt your organic growth. Followers could lose interest if your overall account becomes too Reels-focused. Consider your resources and be selective in how you incorporate Reels.

The Verdict

Overall, Instagram Reels do provide significant opportunities for accounts to reach new audiences, showcase creativity and potentially grow their presence. However, simply creating Reels alone does not guarantee results. Strategic thinking about trends, hashtags, visual branding, captions and more remains crucial. Reels should be part of a diverse content mix optimized for Instagram’s algorithm. They require experimentation and patience to determine what resonates for your specific brand and audience. View Reels as a supplementary format that complements your core content rather than completely overhauling your approach. If incorporated thoughtfully, Reels offer immense potential for visual storytelling and community building on Instagram.