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Do instagram reels loop?

Yes, Instagram Reels do loop by default. When someone views your reel, it will play on a continuous loop until the viewer clicks away or scrolls past it.

What are Instagram Reels?

Instagram Reels are short, entertaining videos up to 60 seconds long that live on your Instagram feed. Reels can include audio, effects, filters and more. They allow you to create fun and engaging video content to share with your Instagram followers.

Reels were introduced by Instagram in August 2020 as a way for users to create short-form video content. They are seen by some as Instagram’s answer to the popular short video app TikTok.

Why Do Instagram Reels Loop?

Instagram designed reels to loop for a few key reasons:

  • To capture viewers’ attention – Looping reels are eye-catching and hard to ignore as they play over and over.
  • To be engaging – Repeating video content keeps viewers interested longer than static posts.
  • To be competitive – Other platforms like TikTok and Snapchat also have looping video features.
  • To encourage sharing – Looping reels tend to go more viral as they get shared multiple times.

The looping effect aims to get Reels widely seen, watched and shared – increasing engagement and exposure for creators.

How Long Do Reels Loop For?

There is no limit to how long a reel will loop for. A reel will continue looping endlessly as long as someone is actively viewing it. It only stops when:

  • The viewer scrolls past the reel in their feed.
  • The viewer clicks away from the reel.
  • The viewer leaves the Instagram app.

So a reel could theoretically loop for hours if a viewer keeps watching it. Though most viewers will likely only watch a loop or two before moving on.

Can You Make Reels Not Loop?

There is no setting within Instagram to turn off Reels looping. The continuous video loop is fundamental to the Reels experience.

However, there are a couple of workarounds creators use if they don’t want their reels to loop infinitely:

  • Add text or graphics at the end – Add a “The End” screen or final text frame thanking viewers. This provides a clear stopping point.
  • Create a transition – Fade the video to black or transition to a solid color screen at the end to signal the conclusion.
  • Use stickers and effects – Stickers like “THE END” or the replay icon can indicate the reel is complete.

While you can’t disable looping, using visual cues like these can make it clear your reel is finite and not an ongoing loop.

Pros and Cons of Looping Reels

There are both advantages and disadvantages to having Instagram Reels auto-loop.


  • Increased engagement – Viewers watch longer to see the full loop.
  • Virality – Looping drives sharing and exposure as people re-watch.
  • Brand awareness – Attracts attention from scrolling users.
  • Entertaining – Fits viewing habits of endless, “snackable” video content.


  • Repetitive content – Can become annoying and intrusive.
  • No conclusion – Makes storytelling and messaging more difficult.
  • Short watch time – Most viewers only see a portion of the full reel.
  • Less professional – Looping seen by some as better for amateur, “viral” content.

Tips for Using Looping Reels Effectively

Here are some tips to make the most of Instagram Reels’ looping behavior:

  • Keep it short – 15-30 seconds maximizes loops viewed before scrolling.
  • Include a hook – Lead with your strongest content to grab attention fast.
  • Make it stand-alone – Each loop should make sense individually.
  • Add new surprises – Include minor changes between loops to retain interest.
  • Use captions – Add engaging or informative text to give context.
  • Track performance – Check Insights to see average watch time and loops.

How Are Reels Different From Instagram Videos?

While reels have some similarities with regular Instagram videos, there are a few key differences:

  • Length – Reels are limited to 60 seconds while videos can be up to 60 minutes long.
  • Looping – Reels are designed to loop continuously unlike normal videos.
  • Music – Reels allow use of licensed music from Instagram’s library.
  • Editing – Reels have multi-clip editing, effects and camera modes built-in.
  • Visibility – Reels get more prominence in the Instagram feed.

In summary, reels are short-form, looping, easy-to-edit videos focused on entertainment – whereas standard Instagram video supports much longer content that doesn’t loop.

Reels vs TikTok

Given their similarities, many creators compare Instagram Reels vs TikTok:

  • Length – TikTok videos can be up to 3 minutes; Reels can only be 60 seconds.
  • Music – TikTok has a vast music library; Reels offers selected songs.
  • Effects – TikTok offers more AR effects, filters and editing options.
  • Distribution – TikTok has its own “For You” feed; Reels appear in Instagram feeds.
  • Users – TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users vs Instagram’s 2 billion.

However, Reels benefit from Instagram’s large existing user base for wider distribution. And Instagram offers integrated opportunities for shopping and influencer marketing not found on TikTok.

Do Instagram Reels Show Up on Your Profile?

Yes, any reel you create and post will appear on your Instagram profile in the reels tab, as well as in the main Instagram feed of those who follow you. Your reels will be mixed in chronologically with your regular Instagram photo and video posts.

To see just your reels, followers can go to your profile and select the Reels tab to watch all your reels together. Or they can see reels mixed with other posts in your Profile Grid or Tagged posts.

Can You Download Instagram Reels?

Yes, it is possible to download Instagram reels to your device’s camera roll or storage. There are a few ways to download reels:

  • Screen recording – You can use your device’s screen recording feature to save a video of any reel.
  • Third-party apps – Apps like Repost for Instagram allow saving others’ reels.
  • Browser extensions – Chrome extensions like GetInsta can download reels.

However, downloading others’ reels without permission goes against Instagram’s terms of use. Creators own the rights to their original content.

Do Instagram Reels Have Music?

Yes, one of the features Instagram added specifically for Reels is access to licensed music from their library. To add music to a reel:

  1. Tap the music note icon when creating a new reel.
  2. Search or browse Instagram’s music catalog.
  3. Select a song you want to use.
  4. Trim the song clip as desired.
  5. Post your reel with music added!

Using popular songs can help your reels get more views and engagement. But you can also post reels with just original audio if preferred.

Do Instagram Reels Have Effects?

Instagram Reels come with a variety of built-in effects and editing tools you can use to enhance your videos, including:

  • AR Effects – Overlay animated filters like lasers, math equations, or weather effects on your face or scene.
  • Timer and Countdown – Record hands-free with a timer or countdown overlay.
  • Align – Line up objects from previous clips for smooth transitions.
  • Speed – Speed up or slow down part of the video.
  • Attachments – Overlay external media like GIFs, images, or other videos.

Effects help make reels more engaging and fun to watch. The best way to get familiar with them is to try them out when creating your next reel!

Can You Share Instagram Reels to Your Feed?

Yes, you can share an Instagram reel that you created to your Instagram feed. Sharing a reel to your feed will allow all your followers to see it more prominently, not just those who happen to catch it scrolling by in Stories.

To share a reel to your feed:

  1. Tap the three dot menu in the upper right of your reel preview.
  2. Select “Share to Feed” from the menu.
  3. Edit the reel cover image and caption as desired.
  4. Tap “Share” to post the reel to your profile grid.

Your reels can also be shared to Stories or sent directly to friends. Sharing great reels to your profile helps more people discover your content!

Do Instagram Reels Appear on Hashtags?

Yes, reels that are posted publicly can appear under related hashtag feeds. If you add popular hashtags to your reel caption, it may be discovered and viewed by many others searching those hashtags.

When you tap on a hashtag, you will see a mixed feed of both photos and reels using that tag. So hashtagging reels is an important way to increase visibility and distribution.

However, Instagram will rank the best, most engaging reels higher up in hashtag feeds. So quality content is still key to getting into the top hashtag search results.

Can You Make Money from Instagram Reels?

There are a few ways creators can monetize and earn money from Instagram Reels, such as:

  • Reels bonuses – Instagram pays bonuses to top creators through their Reels Play bonus program.
  • Brand sponsorships – Partnering with brands to create branded content reels.
  • Influencer marketing – Earning commissions promoting products in your reels.
  • Donations – Directing viewers to donate through links in your bio or reel caption.

While Reels bonuses provide the most passive income stream, sponsored content and influencer marketing campaigns are likely more lucrative per reel. Overall, high quality, popular reels drive most monetization opportunities.

Do Instagram Reels Appear in Search?

Yes, Instagram reels can appear in search results on both Instagram and other search engines like Google. This helps people find relevant reels without needing to follow hashtags or creators directly.

For Instagram search, reels may appear based on keyword relevance or ranking. On Google, reels that are embedded on public websites can also rank and show up in search results.

Optimizing reels with titles, descriptions and hashtags can help surface them in relevant searches. Public profiles also allow reels to be indexed by search engines more readily.

Do Instagram Reels Show Views?

Yes, you can see view counts for each of your Instagram reels. To find reel view counts:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the Reels tab.
  2. Tap on the reel you want to check.
  3. Swipe up on the reel to see stats including views and likes.

Reel views update in real-time, so you can check back to see how view counts are accumulating. This can help you identify your best performing reels to inspire future content ideas.

Do Instagram Reels Show Likes?

Currently, Instagram does not display exact like counts on reels. You’re only able to see if you’ve received “100+” likes or another minimum value.

However, creators can still view the list of users who have liked a reel by tapping on the like indicator. And number of likes are factored into rankings.

Instagram hides public like counts as part of their efforts to reduce pressure on creators and focus engagement on quality content vs vanity metrics.

Do Instagram Reels Have Ads?

Yes, Instagram Reels can contain ads just like feeds and stories. Advertisers can now promote their products and content through short, looping reel videos.

Users may encounter three types of reel ads when scrolling feeds:

  • Brand ads – Promote a brand through entertaining or informational reel content.
  • Product tags – Tag a shoppable product within a reel ad.
  • Collection ads – Showcase and link to multiple products at once.

Instagram inserts reel ads based on user interests and preferences. While advertisers pay for placement, the ad format helps brands reach consumers in a native, engaging way within the reels experience.


Instagram Reels are designed to grab attention and go viral with their short, looping video format. While auto-looping reels have pros and cons, they give creators a way to produce fun, interactive content that stands out in the Instagram feed. Using music, effects and compelling visuals can help you make the most of the reels format.

Understanding how reels work and appear across Instagram is key to creating effective reels content. With strategic posting and sharing, reels give you new opportunities to engage your audience and potentially gain followers.