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Do instagram reels get more views?

Instagram Reels have quickly become one of the most popular ways for users to consume and create video content on Instagram. Reels allow users to record and edit 15-30 second multi-clip videos enhanced with audio, effects, and creative tools. But an important question for many Instagrammers is whether Reels get more views compared to photos and regular videos.

The short answer is – yes, properly optimized and promoted Instagram Reels often achieve significantly higher views and engagement than regular photo and video posts. This is because of how Reels are designed, featured, and distributed on Instagram.

How Are Reels Different Than Regular Instagram Posts?

There are a few key differences that give Reels an advantage over regular posts when it comes to reach and visibility:

  • Reels are displayed prominently on the Instagram Explore page and Reels tab, giving them exposure to an enormous audience of millions of users.
  • Reels can go viral quickly through shares and saves to users’ own Reels galleries.
  • Reels have the ability to use audio from Instagram’s library of licensed music clips.
  • Instagram’s algorithm favors Reels content and proactively pushes popular Reels into more feeds.

Because of how Reels tap into Explore and the For You feed, they have a much higher chance of being seen by lots of new viewers organically compared to regular posts that rely largely on your own followers seeing it.

Do All Reels Get High Views?

While Reels have tremendous view potential, not all Reels immediately take off and go viral. Higher view counts depend greatly on the quality of the content. Posts with engaging visuals, popular audio tracks, or entertaining effects tend to perform better than lower quality Reels.

In addition, properly optimizing your Reel with strong captions, hashtags, tagging other users, and sharing to your feed and stories can give a significant boost to initial views to kickstart the Instagram algorithm. The more likes, comments, saves and shares your Reel generates shortly after posting, the more Instagram will promote it across its platform.

Tips for Creating Higher View Reels

Here are some best practices to optimize your Reels content for better visibility and engagement:

  • Use popular songs and audio clips that are trending on Reels already.
  • Leverage relevant hashtags, especially popular challenge hashtags.
  • Create Reels based on viral trends, memes, transitions and effects.
  • Film dynamic visuals and hook viewers within the first 3 seconds.
  • Shoot stable, vertical video optimized for mobile screens.
  • Use eye-catching text overlays, captions and stickers.
  • Encourage engagement by asking viewers questions or asking them to duet.
  • Cross-promote new Reels across your other social channels.
  • Remix audio from other top-performing Reels to capitalize on their popularity.
  • Post consistently and analyze your top-performing Reels to identify formulas that resonate with your audience.

Leveraging Instagram Reels Features

Taking full advantage of built-in Reels features is key to creating viral content:

  • Audio – Use music and sounds from Instagram’s audio library that are already recognized. Trending audio clips get a special icon.
  • Effects – Apply fun AR effects that followers can use to duet with your Reel. Effects like Green Screen make it easy for others to remix your content.
  • Timer and Countdown – Record hands-free with a 3 or 10 second timer. The on-screen countdown creates a more dynamic video.
  • Align – Align allows you to easily line up objects from previous clips, creating seamless transitions and scene shifts.
  • Speed – Adjust the playback speed to fast or slow for dramatic effects.
  • Stitch – Stitch multiple clips together and add transitions.
  • Captions – Use large, bold text to highlight key moments. Position text to not cover subjects.
  • Green Screen – Apply creative backgrounds and environments to your Reel.

Promoting Your Reels Effectively

Posting high-quality, well-produced Reels is just the first step. You also need to promote your Reels in the following ways for maximum visibility:

  • Share all new Reels to your Instagram Stories and re-share 2-3 times per day.
  • Post your best performing Reels to your Instagram feed with a strong caption.
  • Engage heavily with your Reels for the first hour – like, comment and follow back anyone who engages.
  • @Mention relevant Instagram accounts in your Reel caption.
  • Run Reels ads and boost top-performing organic Reels.
  • Save your best Reels to a highlighted Reels gallery on your profile.
  • Develop an Instagram hashtag strategy around topics and challenges that perform well.
  • Go live on Instagram right before or after posting new Reels to promote them.
  • Repurpose Reels into IGTV, YouTube Shorts and TikTok to maximize multi-platform reach.

Analyzing Reels Performance and Iterating

Consistently analyzing your Reels metrics and performance data is vital for understanding what content resonates best with your audience. Make sure to check:

  • Views, likes, comments, saves, shares
  • Audience retention graph
  • Traffic sources
  • Peak view times
  • Top-performing hashtags and audio

Use these insights to refine your Reels strategy and produce more of what works. A/B testing different types of Reels will reveal the best formulas for your brand or account.

Do Longer Reels (30 secs) Get More Views?

The ideal length for Reels is dependent on your content and audience. While Reels can be 15-30 seconds long, the most common high-performing length tends to be 20-25 seconds currently.

Longer 30 second Reels have a few advantages:

  • More time to develop a narrative or story
  • Works well for certain types of content like tutorials or recipes
  • Higher watch time and retention

However, shorter 15 second Reels have benefits like:

  • Easier to maintain viewer attention span
  • Faster pacing and more impact
  • Lower creation barrier for users

Aim to make the ideal length based on your specific content – neither too rushed, or dragging on slowly. Analyze view duration and drop-off rates to determine what length resonates best.

Do Instagram Reels Get on the Explore Page?

One of the most effective ways to get huge amounts of views on Reels is by getting featured on the main Instagram Explore page, or within certain interest-based Explore tabs like Fashion or Sports.

Instagram’s algorithm factors in many signals when deciding which Reels to boost, such as:

  • Engagement rate
  • Profile strength
  • Caption optimization
  • Past Explore performance
  • Content alignment with user interests

While it takes time and scaling your views for new accounts, consistent high-quality Reels will ultimately help increase your chances of cracking the lucrative Explore page.

You can also proactively target getting on certain Explore topic feeds by using the correlating hashtags and audio.

Do Instagram Reels Help You Gain Followers?

One of the biggest potential benefits of viral Reels is significant follower growth. Just like with YouTube or TikTok, producing content that gets millions of views on Explore can expose your brand to a huge new potential audience.

However, raw view counts alone don’t always equate to gaining new followers. To convert views into followers you need to:

  • Have a strong, cohesive profile theme and brand identity
  • Show your personality and differentiate yourself
  • Promote your best content across your other social profiles
  • Engage heavily with your new audience – follow, like, comment
  • Make your profile “follow-worthy” with Stories, quality content, and highlights

Achieving a high follow to view ratio takes strategic profile management – but the follower growth scales exponentially once your Reels start going viral on Explore.

Wrapping Up

At their full potential, Instagram Reels offer one of the most powerful ways for both brands and creators to reach huge new audiences and gain new followers. While organic high-view Reels take effort and a strategic approach, they can ultimately become an invaluable acquisition and branding channel.

By combining compelling video content with smart promotion across Instagram, you can master the art of creating Reels that convert views into growth and engagement for your account.