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Do I show active on Messenger when I’m on Facebook?

Do I show active on Messenger when I’m on Facebook?

Whether you appear active on Messenger while using Facebook depends on a few factors. In general, if you have Messenger enabled and are actively using Facebook, you will likely show as active or online to your Facebook friends.

How Messenger Active Status Works

Messenger is Facebook’s instant messaging platform. It allows you to chat with your Facebook friends in real-time. When Messenger is enabled, it connects to your Facebook account to show when you are online and available to message.

Specifically, here is how Messenger active and online status works:

  • When you open the Facebook app or website and are actively using it, Messenger will likely display you as Active or Online to your friends.
  • The active or online indicator means you have the Messenger window open or are actively using Facebook.
  • If you’ve been inactive on Facebook for a few minutes, your status may switch to inactive or offline.
  • Closing the Facebook app or website will also show you as offline after a few minutes.
  • If you manually disable your active status in Messenger, you can hide your online status from friends.

So in summary, simply opening and interacting with Facebook triggers Messenger to show you as active or online to friends. Closing Facebook or being idle for a short period will revert you to inactive.

Controlling Your Active Status

If you don’t want others to see when you’re actively using Facebook, there are a couple of options:

  • Turn off active status – In Messenger, go to your profile settings and toggle off the “Active Status” option. This prevents your active/online indicator from displaying.
  • Log out of Facebook – Logging out of Facebook also logs you out of Messenger and shows you as offline.
  • Use Facebook in a browser – When using Facebook in a mobile browser instead of the app, your active status may be hidden even when logged in.

Keeping active status enabled but closing the Facebook app when not in use can also reduce the time you’re visible as active to others.

If You Don’t See Someone’s Active Status

If you notice one of your friends never seems to show active on Messenger, there are a few possible reasons:

  • They have disabled their active status in Messenger settings.
  • They are logged out of Facebook and Messenger.
  • They are using Facebook in a mobile browser, not the app.
  • They have you specifically blocked from seeing their active status.

So if a friend is always showing inactive, it’s likely because they have intentionally disabled active status or are accessing Facebook in a way that hides their online presence. They may also have blocked you specifically, but you won’t receive any indication of this.

Controlling Who Sees You Active

While you can fully turn off your active status, you can also hide it from select people. Here are the options:

  • Block a person – By blocking someone in Messenger, they will no longer see your active status, even if you have it enabled.
  • Create a Restricted List – You can add friends to a Restricted List that will hide your active status from them only.

Using these tools, you can still keep your active status visible to some friends while blocking specific people from viewing this information.

Active Status and Messages

Seeing someone active on Messenger doesn’t necessarily mean they will respond right away to a message. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • They may only have the Facebook window open but aren’t actively using it.
  • They could be busy with something else and didn’t notice your message.
  • They may see your message but are unable to respond right away.
  • Similar to read receipts, active status isn’t a guarantee your message was seen.

So while active status clues you in that a person potentially has Messenger open, don’t expect an instant response. Give them time to reply just like with any other message.

Troubleshooting Active Status Issues

Here are some common active status issues and fixes:

  • Can’t see a friend’s active status – Have them check their active status settings or privacy options to make sure you aren’t blocked.
  • Friends can’t see you active – Verify your active status setting is enabled in Messenger. Double check that the friend isn’t blocked.
  • Active but not getting responses – Understand that active doesn’t guarantee they’ve seen your message. Be patient for a response.
  • Intermittently shows active – Closing Facebook can briefly show you as active after first opening it. This is expected behavior.

Troubleshooting with a friend directly can help identify issues. Active status bugs can also sometimes resolve after force closing and reopening the apps.


In summary:

  • Opening Facebook triggers Messenger to show you as active/online
  • Closing Facebook or being idle reverts you to inactive status
  • You can control active status visibility in Messenger settings
  • Seeing someone active doesn’t guarantee an instant reply to messages
  • Troubleshoot issues by checking settings and privacy options

Understanding how Messenger active status works allows you to manage your visibility and expectations when messaging Facebook friends. Keep in mind that active status is never a guaranteed sign that a person has seen your message or is immediately available.

Situation Active Status Visibility
Using Facebook app or website actively Active/Online
Idle on Facebook for several minutes Inactive/Offline
Closed Facebook app or website Inactive/Offline
Disabled active status in settings Always inactive/offline
Blocked a person They can’t see your active status
Added person to Restricted List They can’t see your active status
Using Facebook in browser, not app Usually hidden even when active

This table summarizes how various situations affect when your active status is visible to friends on Facebook Messenger.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook Messenger show when you’re online?

Yes, Messenger displays an active or online indicator next to your name when you have the Facebook app or website open. This shows friends that you currently have Messenger accessible.

Can you see active status on Facebook desktop?

Yes, Messenger active status works the same on the Facebook website when accessed from a desktop or laptop computer. Opening Facebook on desktop will show you active.

Why can’t I see when friends are active?

If a friend’s active status never displays, they likely have it turned off in their Messenger settings or have blocked you specifically. Using Facebook in a mobile browser also hides active even when logged in.

Is it possible to be active but not get messages?

Yes, being shown active just means the Facebook app or site is open – it doesn’t guarantee someone will see your messages. They may be busy with something else and unable to respond right away.

Why does Messenger say active then inactive?

Briefly showing active upon first opening Facebook is expected behavior. Closing the app for a few minutes will revert your status to inactive or offline.

Can I hide my active status from specific people?

You can block a person or add them to your Restricted List to hide your active status from them only. Keeping it enabled for other friends.

How can I troubleshoot active status issues?

Check active status settings, privacy options, and app force closes. Communicating with the friend directly can help identify problems. Try reinstalling the app if issues persist.


In summary, Messenger ties into your Facebook activity to indicate when you have the app or site open. Managing active status settings provides control over when you are visible online. While useful, active status should not be relied on as an absolute indicator that someone has seen your messages. With a basic understanding of how it works, you can better manage expectations and troubleshoot issues.