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Do I need a username for my Facebook business page?

Do I need a username for my Facebook business page?

Quick Answer

Yes, you need a username for your Facebook business page. This username will be part of the custom URL for your page. Having a custom URL makes your page easier to find and share.

What is a Facebook username?

A Facebook username is the name that comes after in your profile or page’s URL. For example, if your username is “mybusiness”, your page URL would be:

Usernames allow you to establish a unique web address for your profile or page.

Why do I need a username for my Facebook business page?

Here are some key reasons you need a username for your Facebook business page:

  • Creates a custom, professional URL. A custom URL looks more legit than the default Facebook page URL.
  • Makes your page easier to find. A unique username makes your page URL easy to remember.
  • Allows people to tag or mention your page. Users can tag your page @mybusiness in posts and comments.
  • Lets you promote your URL. You can include your custom Facebook page URL on business cards, ads, packaging, etc.

In short, a unique username makes your Facebook page look more professional and helps users find and engage with your business online.

How do I get a username for my business page?

Follow these steps to create a username for your Facebook business page:

  1. Go to your Facebook business page and click “About” below your cover photo.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to your page’s name.
  3. In the box next to “Facebook Web Address,” enter the desired username for your page.
  4. Click “Check Availability” to see if your desired username is available.
  5. If it’s available, click “Save Changes” at the bottom to set your new username.

Your new custom URL with the username will now be active for your page.

Tips for choosing a good Facebook username

Here are some tips for choosing a good, brand-appropriate username for your business page:

  • Use your business name or a variation of it, like “acmeinc” or “acmecompany.”
  • Pick something short, simple, and easy to remember.
  • Make sure it relates to your brand and what you do.
  • Check for username availability before getting attached to an idea.
  • Avoid anything too vague or generic like “food” or “shop.”
  • Steer clear of underscores, hyphens, numbers, or special characters.

Aim for a username that’s professional, unique, and representative of your brand.

Can I change my Facebook username later?

Yes, you can change your Facebook business page’s username at any time. Just go to your page’s “About” section and follow the same steps to edit it.

However, there are a few caveats to be aware of when changing your URL:

  • Any existing links with your old username will break.
  • You can only change your username twice within any 14 day period.
  • Facebook may make you wait several days before changing newly created or inactive usernames.
  • Your page may be unavailable during the transition to the new name.

So while it is possible to change usernames, it’s best to choose one you can stick with long-term for your business page.

What happens to my old business page URL?

When you change your Facebook business page username, your old custom URL redirects to the new URL. However, the old URL no longer works for tagging or searching.

For example, if you change your page from:


Any links containing myoldbusinessname will redirect to mynewbusinessname. However, typing @myoldbusinessname will no longer tag your page.

The old URL essentially becomes inactive. All links are forwarded to the new URL, but the old name can’t be used to interact with your page anymore.

Can I merge two business pages with different usernames?

Unfortunately, merging two Facebook business pages with different usernames is not possible. If you have multiple existing pages that need to be consolidated, here are your options:

  • Delete the old pages and direct all traffic to your new unified page.
  • Keep the old pages active but stop posting new content. Instead, cross-post all content to the main page.
  • Turn the old pages into website or location specific pages by adjusting page names and content.

You cannot physically merge two pages, but you can strategically redirect traffic from old pages to a new consolidated destination. Just make sure followers of the old pages get funneled over to the new unified page.

Should I buy my username as a domain name too?

It’s generally a good idea to purchase your Facebook username as a domain name as well if it’s available. Owning the matching .com domain provides some key benefits:

  • Prevents cybersquatting or imitation sites at that domain.
  • Allows you to build a website at your brand name domain.
  • Gives you more marketing and branding control.
  • Makes it easier to direct traffic between your site and Facebook.

Having and complement each other seamlessly. Your online presence will be much cleaner if you control your brand name across major platforms and channels.

Just keep in mind that purchasing a custom domain does involve paying an annual registration/renewal fee to maintain ownership of that web address.

Should my Facebook username match other social media accounts?

Ideally, yes – having consistent usernames across your social media accounts helps unify your brand. Users will be able to find and identify your pages more easily.

However, each platform has different username availability and rules, so you may not always be able to snag the exact same handle everywhere.

Here are some tips for aligning usernames on major social platforms:

  • Claim your preferred name on Facebook first if possible since it has stricter custom URL rules.
  • Adjust other usernames to match your Facebook format – @companyname rather than companynameinc, for example.
  • Add middle initials, locations, or other elements to modify blocked usernames on some sites.
  • Use consistent brand name spelling and capitalization across all accounts.

Aim for username consistency, but don’t stress if you need slight variations to make it work on different social media sites.

What are best practices for usernames on other social platforms?

Here are some best practices for establishing usernames on other popular social media sites:


  • Maximum 15 characters
  • Can include letters, numbers and underscores
  • Spaces and special characters not allowed
  • Get creative with abbreviations if needed


  • Only letters, numbers, periods and underscores allowed
  • Cannot start with a period or underscore
  • Cannot contain other special characters
  • Formerly limited to 30 characters, now no set length limit


  • Can use letters, numbers, underscores, and dashes
  • 100 character limit
  • Spaces not allowed
  • Distinct from channel name – customize channel URL once eligible


  • Username is your personalized LinkedIn URL
  • Can only change once every 90 days
  • Optimal length 20-30 characters
  • Use your name or business to optimize searchability

Align your branding, but work within the unique rules of each platform.


Establishing a custom username for your Facebook business page is highly recommended. A professional brand-related username creates a clean URL, helps users find your page, and enables simple tagging and mentions.

Aim for a username that’s short, memorable, and representative of your business or brand. Make sure to check availability and follow Facebook’s rules around changing usernames.

For the most cohesive online brand presence, try to secure aligned usernames across your other social media accounts. With customized URLs on major platforms, users will have an easier time engaging with your brand.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I have two Facebook business pages with the same username?

No, Facebook user names must be unique. Two Facebook business pages cannot have the same custom username. If you try to create a page with a username that’s already taken, you will have to choose a different name.

Is a vanity URL the same as a username?

On Facebook, a vanity URL and a username are the same thing. They both refer to the custom name that comes after in your page’s URL.

Can I use spaces or special characters in my Facebook username?

No, Facebook usernames cannot contain spaces, hyphens, underscores or any special characters. They can only use letters, numbers and periods. Consecutive periods or periods at the beginning or end are also not allowed.

Is my old Facebook username available to claim again?

Possibly. Facebook maintains control over inactive and deleted usernames. If you re-claim your old username, any links created previously with that name will resume working. However, there’s no guarantee that an old username you once occupied will still be available.

What happens if someone reports my Facebook username?

Facebook will review any usernames reported for violations of their policies. If they deem your username inappropriate in some way, they may request that you change it. Failure to comply could result in your page being restricted, unpublished, or deleted. So choose your username thoughtfully and keep it professional.