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Do I need a personal account to manage Facebook business page?

Do I need a personal account to manage Facebook business page?

Whether you need a personal Facebook account to manage a Facebook business page is a common question for many business owners and marketers. The short answer is yes, you do need a personal Facebook account in order to create and manage a Facebook business page.

Why You Need a Personal Account

Facebook requires a personal account to set up a business page for a few reasons:

  • Accountability – Having a real person attached to a business page adds accountability and transparency.
  • Security – Requiring personal accounts helps prevent fake or spammy business pages.
  • Policy enforcement – If a business page violates Facebook’s terms of service, the personal account owner can be held responsible.

So in short, you can’t create or manage a Facebook business page anonymously – there must be a real person with a personal profile behind it. This policy helps keep business pages authentic and secure.

Setting Up Your Business Page

To create a Facebook business page, you first need to:

  1. Sign up for a personal Facebook account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Go to and choose the category that best fits your business.
  3. Fill out the required information about your business.
  4. Agree to Facebook’s terms for business pages.

Once your page is created, you will be listed as the page admin on your personal profile. You can then start posting content and managing your page as needed through your personal account.

Managing Your Page

As the page admin, you can use your personal account to:

  • Post status updates, photos, videos, and more as your Page
  • Engage with customers by liking comments, responding to messages, etc.
  • Create ads and boost posts
  • Add additional page admins and editors
  • Modify page settings and edit page info
  • View page insights and analytics

Anything you can do as the admin of a Facebook business page must be done through your personal account. There is no way to manage a page completely separately from an individual profile.

Multiple Admins

You can have multiple personal accounts set up as admins on your business page for collaboration or managing different roles. However, there still needs to be one original personal account that created the page in the first place.

To add another admin:

  1. Go to your page’s admin panel and select “Add a Page Admin”
  2. Enter the personal Facebook profile of the person you want to make admin
  3. Choose an admin role for them: Admin, Editor, Moderator, Advertiser, Analyst
  4. Click “Add” to confirm

Just keep in mind that any admins you add will have full access to manage content and settings for your page through their personal profiles.

Using a Separate Business Profile

If you prefer to keep your personal Facebook profile private or separate from your business, you have a couple options:

  • Create a separate business profile – You can make a second profile just for managing your business page. Keep your original personal account private.
  • Use Facebook business manager – Business Manager allows you to manage pages through an ad account rather than personal profiles. But you still need a personal account to access it.

No matter what, you will always need that original personal account that created the page in order to fully control business page activities.

Best Practices

Here are some best practices around using personal accounts for business pages:

  • Use a dedicated business profile to post as your page, rather than mixing page and personal content on the same profile.
  • Make sure all admins and anyone else managing your page understand Facebook’s terms of service.
  • Establish policies for responding to comments, messages, reviews, etc in a consistent brand voice.
  • Monitor notifications closely and responded promptly to comments from real followers.
  • Disable notifications for relationship requests, games, etc. to avoid clutter.

Following best practices helps ensure your business page remains secure, professional, and effective even when managed through personal accounts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions around using personal accounts for Facebook business pages:

Can I create a business page without a Facebook profile?

No, you cannot create a business page of any kind without a personal Facebook profile. The profile is required by Facebook to set up the page.

Can I delete my personal profile after creating a business page?

It is not recommended to delete your original personal profile, as this may result in losing access or deleting your business page entirely. You should keep the profile active even if you don’t use it actively.

Can I pass a business page on to someone else?

Yes, you can grant full admin access to another personal profile to essentially hand over a page. But you cannot fully transfer page ownership – the original profile that created the page must remain as a top-level admin.

How many business pages can I manage from one profile?

There is no specific limit – you can manage as many pages as you want from a single personal profile. Just keep in mind that all activity will be attributed back to that account.

Can I manage multiple pages for different businesses?

Yes, you can manage multiple Facebook business pages for different businesses from the same personal account. The best practice is to use a separate ad account for each business if running paid ads.

Can I have a business page without using my real name?

No, Facebook requires business pages to be associated with a real identity for transparency. You cannot manage a page anonymously or under a pseudonym.


While it may seem counterintuitive at first, requiring a personal account to manage business pages serves an important purpose for Facebook. It keeps business practices transparent and accountable and helps prevent fake pages.

As the page admin, be sure to follow Facebook’s terms of service and best practices around using your personal profile for business. With some care and planning, you can effectively operate a professional business page even when linked to your personal account. Just be thoughtful about how you mix personal and business activities.