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Do I have to be active every month paparazzi?

Do I have to be active every month paparazzi?

Paparazzi is a direct sales jewelry company that relies on independent consultants to market and sell their products. Paparazzi’s consultants earn commissions from their personal sales, and they can also build teams of other consultants under them and earn bonuses based on their team’s sales. One common question new Paparazzi consultants have is whether they need to be active and sell a certain amount each month. There are a few things to consider when it comes to Paparazzi’s monthly activity requirements.

Do You Have To Be Active Every Month?

The short answer is no, Paparazzi does not require consultants to be active and sell a certain amount each month. Paparazzi operates on a rolling 12-month period for all rank advancement and earnings. This means consultants’ sales activity is evaluated over a 12-month timeframe rather than on a strict monthly calendar basis. As long as they accumulate the required personal retail sales within the previous 12 months, consultants can qualify for rank advancement.

Some key points about Paparazzi’s activity requirements:

– There is no monthly minimum sales requirement. Consultants do not have to sell a certain dollar amount each month.

– There are no monthly personal volume (PV) requirements that consultants must meet.

– Consultants must simply accumulate the required PV and personal retail sales over a rolling 12-month period.

– Weeks or months with no sales will not count against a consultant or reset their qualification progress.

So in summary, consultants do not have to worry about hitting certain sales targets every single month. The 12-month rolling timeframe provides more flexibility.

Rank Advancement Requirements

While consistent monthly activity is not required, consultants do need to meet certain sales requirements over 12 months to advance in rank at Paparazzi. The requirements are based on Personal Retail Sales (PRS) and Personal Volume (PV). Here is an overview:

Independent Consultant

– No requirements. This is the starting rank when joining Paparazzi.

Senior Consultant

– Accumulate at least $1,000 PRS within 12 months.


– Accumulate at least $2,000 PRS within 12 months.

Senior Director

– Accumulate at least $5,000 PRS
– Have at least 1 personally sponsored and active consultant.

Executive Director

– Accumulate at least $15,000 PRS
– Have at least 2 personally sponsored and active consultants.

Premier Director

– Accumulate at least $30,000 PRS
– Have at least 4 personally sponsored and active consultants.

So consultants must be active enough over a 12-month period to meet the PRS and team member requirements to promote up to the higher ranks. But their sales activity does not have to be spread consistently month to month.

Incentives for Active Monthly Selling

While Paparazzi does not require monthly minimums, they do provide incentives and rewards for consultants who are active each month. Here are some examples:

  • Monthly commissions – Consultants earn 25-35% commission on their monthly personal retail sales. So selling more consistently does increase monthly income.
  • Prize drawings – Paparazzi holds monthly drawings for consultants who have over $200 in personal retail sales that month. More consistent monthly sales increases the chances to win prizes.
  • Personal Sales Bonuses – Earning monthly personal sales bonuses can help unlock higher bonuses at the annual Paparazzi convention.
  • Downline team commissions – Commissions such as uni-level bonuses are calculated monthly based on team sales.

So while steady monthly sales activity is not a formal requirement, Paparazzi does reward it through commissions, prizes, and qualification for other bonuses.

Tips for Consistent Monthly Selling

While not required, many Paparazzi consultants do aim to have steady sales activity each month. Here are some tips for selling consistently as a Paparazzi consultant:

Set a monthly personal sales goal

– Having a monthly target can help motivate you to sell regularly. Start modestly, then increase the goal over time.

Add new customers regularly

– Growing your customer base is key for steady sales. Add a few new customers each month through parties, events, social media outreach, etc.

Offer customers a subscription

– Paparazzi has a Jewelry Subscription Program. Signing up customers provides guaranteed monthly sales.

Promote the product of the month

– Paparazzi designates a special featured product each month. Heavily advertise this item to boost sales.

Leverage Paparazzi promotions and incentives

– Take advantage of corporate promotions and contests to motivate sales activity.

Schedule online or in-person parties

– Host frequent parties, events, Facebook Lives, etc. Spread them out to have an event each week or multiple times a month.

Utilize customer follow up and re-engagement campaigns

– Follow up with past customers to drive repeat purchases. Send promotions, product previews, etc via email or text.

Collaborate with team members

– Team up with other consultants in your downline for joint online events or vendor fairs.

So in summary, having consistent monthly sales as a Paparazzi consultant is not required but can be very beneficial. Use tips like the ones above to sell steadily.

The Benefits of Steady Monthly Activity

Here are some of the advantages of maintaining steady monthly sales activity as a Paparazzi consultant, even though it is not a formal requirement:

  • Income stability – Consistent sales provides more predictable commission checks rather than fluctuating up and down each month.
  • Rank advancement – Steady monthly progress helps you meet PRS requirements more quickly to promote up in rank.
  • Easier qualification – You can more easily qualify for incentives and rewards like monthly drawings and convention bonuses.
  • Routine – A regular schedule of parties and events keeps you and your team motivated.
  • Customer retention – Frequent follow up prevents customers from going inactive.
  • Momentum – Consistency makes it easier to build sales momentum over time.

While not strictly required, actively selling each month as a Paparazzi consultant does have its advantages.

Policies for Inactive Consultants

While Paparazzi wants consultants to actively sell, they do realize that some may need to take a break. Here are Paparazzi’s policies for inactive consultants:

  • Consultants who are inactive (no sales) for 3 months in a row will be converted to “customer” status in the system.
  • Once converted to customer status, they will lose access to their consultant back office and team reporting.
  • They can reactivate their consultant account by placing an order of $200+ PV.
  • If inactive for a full year, the account will be terminated.
  • Terminated consultants can sign up again but will lose their previous team and rank.

So Paparazzi does allow some flexibility for inactivity but consultants cannot stay completely inactive forever without consequences.

The Bottom Line

In summary, Paparazzi does not require its consultants to be active and hit sales minimums every single month without fail. The qualification requirements are based on a rolling 12-month period, which provides some flexibility in schedule. However, consistently active months can maximize income potential and incentives and help advance up the ranks faster. While a steady selling schedule every month is certainly not required, it can have many advantages.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you be an inactive Paparazzi consultant?

Yes, it is possible to remain inactive as a Paparazzi consultant either by choice or due to life circumstances. Paparazzi allows for consultants to be inactive for up to 3 consecutive months before converting to customer status.

Does Paparazzi terminate inactive consultants?

Paparazzi will terminate consultant accounts that have been continuously inactive for 12 full months. So there is some leniency for inactivity, but accounts cannot remain completely inactive forever.

Can inactive consultants still earn commissions?

No, an inactive consultant who is not making any personal sales will not earn any commissions, even on team sales. You must be active and selling yourself to qualify for downline commissions.

Do I lose my inventory if I become inactive?

No, going inactive does not forfeit the wholesale inventory you may have purchased from Paparazzi. You maintain ownership of inventory while inactive.

Does Paparazzi buy back inventory if I terminate my account?

No, Paparazzi will not repurchase inventory if you decide to terminate your consultant account. Liquidating inventory would be your responsibility.


Selling and being active every single month is not an absolute requirement for Paparazzi consultants. The qualification requirements provide some leeway for consultants to skip months if needed without their progress being completely reset. However, consistent monthly activity has many advantages and can help maximize sales and advancement. While not always feasible, steady activity each month is an ideal approach for Paparazzi consultants to earn optimal income.