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Do I have to add a mobile number to Facebook?

Do I have to add a mobile number to Facebook?

Facebook requires users to provide a mobile phone number when signing up for a new account. This allows Facebook to send you notifications via text message and helps secure your account through two-factor authentication. However, existing users are not required to add a phone number to their account if they signed up without one originally.

Why does Facebook ask for a mobile number?

Facebook requests a mobile number for the following reasons:

  • To send login notifications and security codes via SMS for two-factor authentication.
  • To provide alerts about account activity like new friend requests or messages.
  • To help users find friends and connect on Facebook by matching phone contacts.
  • To allow users to quickly reset their password using the text messaging option if they forget it.
  • To verify accounts and help detect fake accounts being created.

Having a verified mobile number linked to your account adds an extra layer of security and makes it easier to stay updated on Facebook activity when on the go. Users who add a mobile number can enable two-factor authentication, which requires entering a code sent to your phone via text message when logging in from a new device.

Is adding a mobile number mandatory?

While Facebook prompts new users to add a mobile number when they sign up, it is not an absolute requirement. Users can skip this step and create an account without adding a phone number.

However, users will then miss out on some features that depend on SMS verification like two-factor authentication. The account may also be more vulnerable to hacking attempts without the extra login security provided by a linked mobile number.

For existing users who created their accounts without entering a phone number, adding one is completely optional. There is no mandate from Facebook to force users to update their accounts with a mobile number.

Users can navigate to Settings > Mobile to add a mobile number to their existing account. But this is not compulsory in any way unless the user specifically wants to enable two-factor authentication or SMS notifications going forward.

What happens if I don’t add a mobile number?

Here are the key differences in the Facebook experience for users with vs. without a mobile number linked to their account:

Two-Factor Authentication

Users without a mobile number will not be able to enable two-factor authentication. This leaves the account more vulnerable to hacking attempts via password guessing or phishing.

Login Notifications

Users will not receive login notification alerts via SMS when their account is accessed from a new device or web browser. These alerts can serve as warning signs if someone else is trying to access your account.

Account Recovery

It will be trickier to recover access to the account if users forget their login password. Without a verified mobile number, users won’t have the password reset option via SMS and will have to rely on other account recovery options.

Finding Friends and Contacts

Users will have a harder time finding friends and contacts to connect with on Facebook without allowing matching via mobile contacts uploaded with a phone number.

Alerts and Notifications

Users will need to rely on email notifications only as all SMS alerts are disabled without a linked mobile number. Some notifications may be missed if users don’t check email regularly.

Account Security

Facebook will have a harder time verifying the account owner and determining authenticity without a linked phone number. This could result in more scrutiny if any suspicious account activity is noticed.

Can I remove my mobile number later?

Users who previously added a mobile number to their Facebook account can remove it at any time if they no longer wish to have it linked.

Here are the steps to unlink a mobile number from your Facebook account:

  1. Go to your Facebook Settings.
  2. Click on the Mobile tab on the left sidebar.
  3. Remove your mobile number by clicking the X icon next to the number.
  4. Click Save Changes to confirm removal.

Once removed, you will immediately stop receiving SMS notifications, alerts and two-factor authentication codes from Facebook. This can impact account security, so only remove a mobile number if you have strict privacy concerns or no longer use the number.

Is there any risk from adding my mobile number?

There are some privacy and account risks to consider when adding a mobile number to your Facebook account:

Two-factor codes intercepted

If someone is able to intercept your text messages, they could collect your Facebook authentication codes and gain access to your account.

SIM swap fraud

Criminals could attempt to take over your phone number by transferring it to a SIM card they control, known as a SIM swap attack. With access to your calls and texts, they can reset and take over your Facebook account.

Spam calls or texts

Providing your number to Facebook could increase unwanted calls or texts from marketers or spammers who were able to obtain it.

Account compromise

If your Facebook account is hacked, your linked mobile number could then be at risk of also being compromised through two-factor password resetting.

Data collection

Facebook may collect additional data about you by having access to your mobile number, such as linking it to your wider online identity and contacts.

Tips for managing mobile number privacy

If you decide to link your mobile number to Facebook for added security, here are some tips to mitigate potential privacy risks:

  • Use a secondary number just for Facebook rather than your primary personal mobile number.
  • Avoid SMS-based two-factor authentication and use another method like an authenticator app instead.
  • Enable SIM card PIN protection through your mobile carrier to prevent unauthorized SIM swaps.
  • Limit the data you share publicly on your Facebook profile to reduce exposure if accounts are compromised.
  • Review your privacy settings regularly and limit ad targeting preferences.
  • Enable login approvals to require re-confirming unrecognized logins.


While highly recommended for better security, adding a mobile phone number when signing up for Facebook is not absolutely mandatory. Existing users can also choose not to add a mobile number if they created their account originally without one. However, this comes with limitations around SMS-based account features and slightly higher account vulnerability. If you decide to link your mobile number, be sure to take precautions around locking down your SIM card and enabling added account protections wherever possible. With proper security habits, you can safely enjoy the convenience of linking your mobile number without compromising your personal data and privacy.