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Do I have Facebook pixel installed?

Do I have Facebook pixel installed?

tag – The pixel code is often inserted right before the closing

  • Inside the tag – Sometimes it is placed just inside the start of the section.
  • Above the tag – Occasionally it will be inserted right before the closing tag.
  • Search through each of these sections for “fbq(‘init’)” or just “fbq(” to see if the pixel is present.

    What does the Facebook pixel code look like?

    Here is an example of what the base Facebook pixel code looks like installed on a site:

      s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}(window, document,'script',
      fbq('init', 'YOUR_PIXEL_ID');
      fbq('track', 'PageView');

    The key things to look for are fbq(‘init’) which initializes the pixel and then your unique pixel ID contained in the code.

    I don’t see the Facebook pixel code on my site

    If after checking your website source code thoroughly you don’t find the Facebook pixel snippet, then it is likely not implemented on your site currently. Some things to check in this case:

    • Were changes recently made to your site? – It’s possible the pixel code was accidentally removed if updates were made.
    • Is your CMS or site builder inserting it? – Some platforms like WordPress or Shopify insert it automatically, so check with them.
    • Do you use Google Tag Manager? – The pixel could be deployed via GTM instead of directly in the code.
    • Contact your web developer or agency – Reach out to whoever handles your site development to confirm pixel status.

    How do I install the Facebook pixel?

    If it’s determined that your website does not have the Facebook pixel set up currently, you’ll need to add the code to implement it. Here is an overview of how to install the Facebook pixel:

    1. Create a Facebook Ad Account if you don’t have one already.
    2. Create a Facebook Pixel under the Events Manager section.
    3. Copy the pixel ID from Facebook.
    4. Paste the base Facebook pixel code on every page, replacing “YOUR_PIXEL_ID” with your actual ID.
    5. Test that it’s firing correctly by using the Facebook Pixel Helper browser extension.
    6. Track conversions and optimize your ads using the data collected by the pixel.

    Proper implementation is key, so work with a developer familiar with the Facebook pixel. With the pixel installed, you can fully capitalize on Facebook’s detailed audience targeting and optimization capabilities.

    How long does it take for the Facebook pixel to activate?

    Once the Facebook pixel code has been properly added to your website, it will begin firing and collecting data right away. However, it takes Facebook up to 48 hours to process new pixel data and make it fully available. Important events like conversions can take even longer to register in your Facebook Ads Manager reporting.

    Here is an approximate timeline you can expect:

    Time What Happens
    Instantly Pixel starts firing on site visit
    1 Hour Data registers in Facebook system
    24 Hours Pixel activity viewable in Facebook Events Manager
    48 Hours Data fully available for ad targeting and optimization
    3-7 Days Conversions metrics fully processed and reportable

    So while the Facebook pixel activates right away, expect a delay of a couple days before you have full access to the data for measuring conversions and informing ad campaigns. You may see partial data in your Facebook reports prior to the full 48 hours.

    How can I test my Facebook pixel is working?

    Once you’ve added the Facebook pixel code to your website, you’ll want to validate that it is properly tracking events. Here are some ways to test that your Facebook pixel is working correctly:

    1. Use the Facebook Pixel Helper – This browser extension will show you pixel activity on your site in real time.
    2. Check the Facebook Events Manager – Look for your page views, add to carts, etc. firing from your domain.
    3. Make test conversions – Buy or submit something from your site and look for the conversion to register.
    4. Test custom events – Fire your own custom events and watch them get logged via the Pixel Helper or Events Manager.

    Thoroughly testing now ensures your pixel is implemented fully so you can capitalize on its advertising benefits down the road. Don’t leave it up to chance – be sure to confirm your pixel is active with your own verifications.

    What events should I track with the pixel?

    The Facebook pixel can track a wide range of user interactions on your website. Make sure you are tracking these important standard events:

    • PageViews – Tracks pages visited.
    • ViewContent – Product or page details viewed.
    • AddToCart – Items added to the cart.
    • InitiateCheckout – Checkout process started.
    • AddPaymentInfo – Payment details entered.
    • Purchase – Completed purchases.

    Tailor your additional tracked actions to your business goals. For ecommerce sites, key events may include product views, promotions viewed, email list sign ups, etc. Prioritize tracking events in your sales funnel that lead to conversions.

    How do I create audiences from pixel data?

    One of the most powerful features of the Facebook pixel is the ability to turn website visitors into customizable advertising audiences. To create audiences from your pixel data:

    1. In Ads Manager, go to the Audiences dashboard.
    2. Click Create Audience > Custom Audience > Website Traffic.
    3. Select the pixel data you want to use such as AddToCart actions.
    4. Choose your audience lookback window such as 30 days.
    5. Name your audience and save it.
    6. Use this audience for future ad campaigns or content promotions.

    Be sure to regularly create fresh, updated audiences from new pixel data. Properly targeted custom audiences are proven to boost advertising performance and return on ad spend.

    What’s the difference between the Facebook pixel and a Facebook SDK?

    The Facebook pixel and Facebook SDK are related but distinct tools used for Facebook integration:

    • Facebook Pixel – Tracking code to collect event data from your website. Used for analytics, optimization, and audiences.
    • Facebook SDK – Developer framework that enables other Facebook integrations. Can include the pixel tracking.

    The Facebook SDK provides broader functionality like social sharing buttons, login with Facebook, and app install ads. The Facebook pixel is specifically focused on tracking website data for ads. The two are often used together but have separate purposes.

    Should I use the Facebook pixel or Google Analytics?

    The Facebook pixel and Google Analytics serve different purposes:

    • Facebook Pixel – Optimizing and targeting Facebook ad campaigns.
    • Google Analytics – Tracking overall website traffic and engagement.

    Best practice is to implement both the Facebook pixel and Google Analytics on your website. The data from Google Analytics will provide general website stats. The pixel will unlock Facebook advertising capabilities. Using both together provides a more complete view of your traffic and marketing.

    Can I have multiple Facebook pixels?

    Yes, it is possible to implement multiple Facebook pixels on your website. Here are some common reasons you may use multiple pixels:

    • Separate pixels for different business units or brands.
    • Using a pixel just for your mobile website traffic.
    • Testing a new pixel versus existing pixel.
    • Specific pixel only for certain events or pages.

    Keep in mind that audiences built from different pixels don’t get combined by Facebook. Plan your pixels strategy carefully and be intentional about which one you use for collecting data. Monitoring multiple pixels requires more work but provides added segmentation.

    Should I put the Facebook pixel on every page?

    For optimal tracking, the best practice is to install the Facebook pixel site-wide on every page of your website. This ensures you accurately collect data across all sections. However, there are certain cases where you may only include it on select pages:

    • Testing specific landing or product pages first before site-wide install.
    • Using separate pixels for mobile vs desktop sites.
    • Troubleshooting pixel issues by isolating it to certain pages.
    • Tracking just lower-funnel pages like order confirmation.

    Full coverage allows you to capture all visitor interactions. But niche uses on key pages can also be an option as part of an incremental pixel strategy.

    Can I use the Facebook pixel on Shopify?

    You can easily implement the Facebook pixel on Shopify stores. Shopify provides built-in Facebook pixel integration:

    1. In your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Checkout.
    2. Scroll down to find the Facebook pixel field.
    3. Paste your Facebook pixel ID and click Save.

    Shopify will automatically insert the pixel code across your store. You can then track commerce events and optimize your Facebook advertising. Check Shopify’s documentation for more details on setting up the pixel.

    How do I remove the Facebook pixel?

    If you need to delete the Facebook pixel due to privacy concerns, site changes, or other reasons, follow these steps:

    1. Locate the Facebook pixel code snippet on your pages.
    2. Delete the pixel code from every page it’s installed on.
    3. In Facebook Ads Manager, delete the pixel in Events Manager settings.
    4. Delete any Facebook audiences built from that pixel data.
    5. Confirm the pixel stops firing using the Facebook Pixel Helper.

    Proper pixel removal requires not just deleting the code but also disconnecting it in Facebook. This completes the data collection disconnect and clears associated audiences. Triple check the pixel is fully removed if no longer wanted.


    Implementing the Facebook pixel provides significant advertising optimization potential through detailed audience insights. Take the time to properly install, test, and utilize the pixel. Checking that your website has the code installed and functioning is the essential first step to unlocking the benefits of the Facebook pixel for your business and marketing efforts.