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Do hashtags work on Facebook reels?

Do hashtags work on Facebook reels?

Hashtags can be a useful tool for increasing the visibility and reach of Facebook reels, but how well they work depends on several factors. In the opening section of this article, we’ll provide a quick overview of how hashtags function on Facebook reels and discuss some of the key considerations around using them effectively.

The Role of Hashtags on Facebook Reels

Facebook allows hashtags to be included in both the caption and comments of reels. When you use a hashtag, your reel becomes searchable under that hashtag, enabling people who search for or follow particular hashtags to find your content more easily.

In essence, hashtags categorize your reels with specific topics and themes. This makes it possible for your content to be discovered by people who are interested in those subjects but may not already follow your Facebook page or profile.

Using popular hashtags that are frequently searched can help increase the reach of your reels. The algorithm may also pick up on reels that are gaining traction under certain hashtag terms and begin showing them to more users who haven’t yet seen them.

Best Practices for Using Hashtags on Facebook Reels

While hashtags can expand the visibility of your reels, there are some best practices you should follow to use them effectively:

  • Choose hashtags relevant to your reel’s topic, theme and visuals. Don’t just cram in random popular hashtags not related to the content.
  • Mix specific and broader hashtags. For example, #dog along with #goldenretriever
  • Limit the number of hashtags to avoid looking spammy. Somewhere between 5 to 10 is ideal.
  • Check which hashtags are trending or most used for your niche and consider including those.
  • Create your own branded hashtag to link reels from a particular campaign or theme.
  • Place some of the most important hashtags in the first comment to keep the caption looking clean.

Do Hashtags Increase Reach?

Using relevant, popular hashtags can expand how many users come across your reels organically. Hashtags essentially tap into specific interests and conversations on Instagram, enabling you to reach users who care about a topic but don’t follow you yet.

However, hashtags alone are usually not enough to substantially boost a reel’s reach. Factors like quality content, engaging visuals, sounds, captions and calls-to-action play a bigger role. Hashtags serve to get your content in front of more of the right people, but the content itself has to resonate with viewers to be widely shared.

Tips to Increase Reach with Hashtags

  • Identify 2-4 of the most popular/trending hashtags to include
  • Use a mix of general and niche hashtags relevant to the specific content
  • Experiment with both original and trending hashtag ideas
  • Ask viewers to share and tag friends who would be interested
  • Cross-promote the reel with the same hashtags on Instagram feed/stories

Analyzing Hashtag Performance

To gauge if your hashtags are effective, you can analyze metrics like:

  • Impressions: How many times the reel was seen by users
  • Reach: Total number of unique accounts that saw the reel
  • Engagement rate: Likes, comments, shares divided by impressions
  • Saves: How many users saved the reel to watch later
  • Traffic sources: Analyze what % of viewers came from hashtags vs. other sources

You can compare these metrics on reels with and without certain hashtags to see which perform better. It takes some experimenting to determine which hashtag strategies are optimal.

Tips for Analyzing Hashtags

  • Track impressions and reach from individual hashtags in the Facebook Analytics dashboard
  • Compare engagement rates on reels with different combinations of hashtags
  • See which specific hashtags are driving the most reach
  • Test the same reels both with and without certain hashtags
  • Monitor which hashtags viewers are engaging with most in comments

Potential Issues to Avoid

While hashtags can be beneficial when used properly, there are some potential downsides to be aware of:

  • Shadowbanning: Using excessive, irrelevant or prohibited hashtags could potentially trigger the algorithm to temporarily limit your reach or ban your account.
  • Cluttered look: Too many hashtags crammed together can look messy and dissuade engagement.
  • Artificial engagement: Focusing solely on popular hashtags instead of relevant ones could attract the wrong audience who aren’t truly interested.

The best practice is to use a targeted, selective approach to hashtags instead of simply overloading reels with every possible hashtag you can think of. Quality over quantity is key.


When used strategically, hashtags can be a valuable asset for boosting your Facebook reels’ visibility and reach. Take the time to identify and test which hashtag strategies resonate best with your target audience. Analyze performance data to optimize your approach over time. With the right balance, hashtags can take your reels to the next level.