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Do friends know if you delete them on Facebook?

Do friends know if you delete them on Facebook?

Facebook has become one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 2.8 billion monthly active users as of 2020. With so many connections on the platform, it’s common for people to re-evaluate their friends lists and remove connections that are no longer active or relevant.

This raises an important question – if you delete someone as a friend on Facebook, will they be notified? Or will the deletion happen quietly without the other person knowing? Here’s a look at how Facebook’s friend deletion process works and whether your friends will know if you remove them.

Does Facebook notify friends when you delete them?

The short answer is no, Facebook does not directly notify friends if you delete them. When you remove someone from your friends list, they will not get a notification about it or see a message that they’ve been deleted.

There are a couple of reasons why Facebook designed its platform this way:

  • To avoid awkwardness and hurt feelings that could come with being notified of a friend deletion
  • To give users discretion over their friends list without having to explain removals

Facebook’s approach minimizes potential drama and gives users full control over whom they connect with on the platform.

Will deleted friends notice if you remove them?

While deleted friends won’t get a direct notice, there are some ways they may passively realize they’ve been removed from your friends list on Facebook:

  • They will no longer see your posts in their News Feed
  • They won’t be able to look up your profile or see your timeline posts
  • Any conversations/messages between you will disappear from their inbox
  • They will be removed from your friends list and friend count

So while there is no formal notification, some clues like no longer seeing your updates or having access to your profile may tip a deleted friend off that you are no longer connected.

Does deleting a friend affect their profile or friends list?

No, when you delete someone as a friend on Facebook, it does not have any effect on their own profile or friends list. The change only affects your News Feed and connections – not theirs.

Some key points:

  • Their profile remains unchanged and public as before
  • Your deletion does not remove them from your mutual friends’ lists
  • Any posts/photos you’ve tagged them in remain on their timeline
  • They keep all of their existing friends and followers

So in summary, any trace of your connection only disappears from your perspective when you delete a friend. Their Facebook presence remains intact for all other users.

If you get deleted, can you tell who removed you?

If you notice you’ve been deleted by someone, is there any way to tell who removed you as a friend on Facebook? Unfortunately, no.

When Facebook users delete someone from their friends list, it happens privately without any attribution or notification to the deleted friend. There is no way for the removed friend to discern exactly who deleted them.

Some signs you may have been deleted include:

  • Disappearing from someone’s friends list
  • No longer seeing their posts
  • Losing access to their profile and timeline
  • Messages between you and them vanishing

While this may indicate you’ve been unfriended or deleted, you won’t know for sure which specific friend removed you.

Are there any exceptions where a friend would be notified?

In most cases, Facebook’s default behavior applies – friends do not receive notifications upon being deleted or unfriended. However, there are a couple rare exceptions where a notification could occur:

  • If you post on someone’s Timeline immediately before deleting them, they may get a notification about your post and realize they’ve been deleted when they try to view your profile.
  • Similarly, if you tag someone in a photo right before deleting them, they could get a notification and subsequently realize your friendship has been revoked.
  • If you have synced your Facebook contacts to your phone, your deleted friend may notice your disappearance from their contacts.

Beyond situations like these where timing comes into play, the friend removal process on Facebook is designed to be discreet without notifications.

Can you tell if you’ve been deleted or unfollowed?

As the person doing the deleting, is there any way for you to monitor when your friends notice and whether they refriend you? There are a few ways to potentially spot if someone has caught on that you deleted them:

  • Keep an eye out for refriend requests – if deleted, they’d have to send a new request
  • Check for posts or tags from them mentioning they can’t see your profile
  • Notice if their name disappears from your mutual friends list
  • Use Facebook’s “Limit Past Posts” tool to see if they defriended you too

Similarly, if you’ve unfollowed someone while staying Facebook friends, you have a couple options to monitor if they noticed:

  • Check their followers list to see if you’ve disappeared
  • Use Facebook’s “Limit Past Posts” tool to see if they also unfollowed you

While not foolproof, small signs like these can give you an idea if a deleted friend has caught on.

Should you let friends know if you plan to delete them?

Since Facebook itself won’t notify your friends, is it polite to give them a heads up before deleting them? Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Pros of giving notice:

  • Prevents surprise and confusion if they notice your disappearance
  • Allows them to save any photos or posts you’ve tagged them in
  • Gives them a chance to reconnect offline if desired
  • Provides closure on your social media friendship

Cons of giving notice:

  • Could create awkwardness or hurt feelings
  • Defeats the purpose if you’re trying to discreetly disconnect
  • Forces you to explain your reasons for deleting them
  • Creates opportunity for them to refriend before you delete

There are good-natured reasons to give notice as well as practical reasons to delete quietly without mentioning it. Depending on your reasons and the nature of the friendship, you’ll have to decide case-by-case when to provide a heads up about removing someone.


While Facebook’s privacy settings allow you to prune your friends list without others knowing, in reality there are often small signs that give away a deleted connection. Passive signals like disappearing posts and inaccessible profiles mean most deleted friends eventually figure out the friendship has been revoked.

The exception is that the platform itself will not proactively notify users when they are deleted or unfriended. Any realization comes through side effects rather than Facebook directly alerting deleted connections.

Overall, if you remove a Facebook friend it is unlikely to go undetected forever. But the platform’s discretion helps avoid the drama and awkwardness of a public notification. With over a billion connections happening, it’s best that Facebook allow friending and unfriending to occur quietly in most cases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Facebook notify you when someone deletes you?

No, Facebook does not directly notify users when someone deletes or unfriends them. The platform does not send any kind of alert to the deleted connection.

Can you tell if someone deleted you on Facebook?

While you won’t get a notification, there are typically signs you’ve been deleted, such as disappearing from their friends list, losing access to their profile, and no longer seeing their posts.

What happens when you delete someone on Facebook?

Deleting a Facebook friend removes their connection from your account only. It does not affect their profile or friends list. However, they may notice your disappearance from their perspective.

Does deleting a Facebook friend delete the whole conversation?

Yes, when you delete someone as a friend on Facebook, it removes your entire messaging history and conversation thread with that person.

Can you recover a deleted Facebook friend?

If you regret deleting someone as a friend, you can search for their profile again and send a new friend request to try to reconnect. But there is no way to fully recover or undo a deletion.

Can someone who deleted you see your profile?

No, someone who has deleted or unfriended you on Facebook will no longer have access to view your profile or timeline. Your public posts may still be visible, but your full profile will be inaccessible to them.

Do you get notified when someone unfriends you on Facebook?

No, Facebook does not send any notification when someone unfriends or blocks you. The platform does not alert users about being unfriended.

Can you tell who visits your Facebook profile?

Facebook does not have any features that let you see exactly who visits your profile. You can only see total profile view counts, not specific people who have viewed you.

What happens if you delete someone you have a lot of mutual friends with?

Deleting a mutual friend will remove them from your perspective but have no effect on that person’s visibility within your shared friends’ networks. The connection disappears only from your view.

Can someone tell if you hide their posts on Facebook?

When you snooze or hide someone’s posts on Facebook, they will not get any notification about that action. There is no indication given to them that their posts are hidden from your feed.

Is it better to delete or block someone on Facebook?

Blocking is more severe as it prevents any interaction, while deleting simply removes the friendship connection. If you still want to view their public content, delete them. But block them if you want no contact whatsoever.

Can a deleted friend see your posts on Facebook?

Someone who you’ve deleted or unfriended cannot see your posts or full profile on Facebook. However, your public posts are still visible, so they may occasionally see those in shared spaces.