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Do Facebook stories only last 24 hours?

Do Facebook stories only last 24 hours?

Facebook Stories allow users to share photos and videos that disappear after 24 hours. This ephemeral nature is one of the defining features of Stories. But do Facebook Stories really disappear forever after a day? The answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no.

The 24 hour limit

When you share a photo or video to your Facebook Story, by default it will disappear after 24 hours. This creates a sense of urgency and immediacy, since your friends and followers know they only have a limited window to view your Story before it’s gone.

The 24 hour time limit applies to all Stories on Facebook. It doesn’t matter if you’re an individual user, a creator, a business or an organization – all Stories will vanish after a day. This consistent approach helps make Stories feel spontaneous, off-the-cuff and authentic.

Archiving Stories

While Stories disappear from public view after 24 hours, they aren’t necessarily gone forever. Facebook provides tools for archiving your own Stories after they expire:

  • Facebook saves expired Stories in an Archive that’s attached to your profile. You can access your personal Story Archive and look back at your own past Stories.
  • You can also choose to manually save Stories to your camera roll or device storage before they disappear. This lets you preserve special Stories even after they expire.
  • Facebook offers an option to manually download your entire Story Archive. This lets you backup all your Stories for offline keeping.

So while your followers can only see your Stories for 24 hours, you do have options to save and archive them for your own keeping. Your Stories aren’t necessarily gone forever – it’s just public access that expires.

Re-sharing archived Stories

What about re-sharing an archived Story after it expires? Facebook does allow you to re-post archived Stories as new Stories if you want. But there are a couple important caveats:

  • When you re-share an archived Story, it will appear as a new Story with a new 24 hour expiration date. So your followers will only be able to view the re-shared Story for 24 hours.
  • There is no automatic re-sharing option for expired Stories. You have to manually select and re-post each individual Story that you want to share again.

In summary, while you can technically re-share old Stories, they still remain ephemeral experiences for your audience. Archiving and re-sharing doesn’t override the 24 hour limit from your followers’ perspective.

Location and audience limitations

It’s also worth noting that Facebook Stories are audience- and location-specific:

  • You can choose exactly which friends or followers can view your Story when you first share it.
  • If you tag a location on your Story, it will only be visible to nearby Facebook users.

So even if you archive and re-share a Story, those original audience and location limits remain in place. For example, a location-tagged Story will only ever be visible to people who were in that area when you first posted it.

Limits on resurfacing old Stories

Facebook does impose some limits on resurfacing your archived Stories. If you constantly re-share all your old Stories, it can clutter up your friends’ feeds. So Facebook tries to strike a balance between archiving and ephemeral sharing. Some of the restrictions include:

  • Stories over 1 year old cannot be re-shared to Facebook. They remain visible only in your personal Story Archive.
  • Stories can only be re-shared once to Facebook. After that initial re-share, they remain archived but can no longer be posted again.
  • Too much re-sharing of old Stories may trigger limits or a warning from Facebook.

These rules discourage excessive re-posting of old content as “new” Stories. While archiving provides some flexibility, Facebook still wants Stories to maintain a timely, ephemeral feel.

Expiration exceptions

In a few special cases, Facebook Stories won’t necessarily expire after 24 hours:

  • Paid online events: If you use Stories to promote an online event that requires payment or registration, those Stories won’t expire until the event concludes.
  • Ad Stories: Stories created as part of an advertisement campaign remain visible and can accrue impressions until the ad spends its full budget.
  • Fundraisers: Stories used to fundraise for nonprofits don’t expire until the fundraiser concludes.

For these types of professional content, longer Story lifetimes help businesses and organizations maximize their reach and engagement. But for typical users, the 24 hour limit remains firmly in place.

Facebook vs Instagram Stories

It’s also helpful to contrast Facebook Stories with Instagram Stories. While they share a similar ephemeral format, there are a few key differences:

Facebook Stories Instagram Stories
Expire after 24 hours by default for all users Expire after 24 hours by default for all users
Archive available for downloading your own expired Stories Archive available for downloading your own expired Stories
Can manually save Stories before they expire Can manually save Stories before they expire
Re-sharing archived Stories is limited Re-sharing archived Stories is unlimited
Audience for re-shared Stories remains the same Audience resets when Stories are re-shared

The key difference is that Instagram places no restrictions on re-posting archived Stories. On Facebook, old Stories can only be re-shared once. Instagram also resets the audience when you re-share a Story, while Facebook’s audience limitations remain fixed.

Do Stories really disappear?

In summary – yes, Facebook Stories do reliably disappear after 24 hours. The ephemeral, temporary nature of Stories is central to their design. While Facebook does offer archiving and limited re-sharing capabilities, Stories still ultimately expire for your audience after a day.

So while users have some flexibility to look back at old Stories, the default viewing experience remains transient and fleeting. Unless you take specific action to download or re-post Stories, you can expect them to vanish from public view right on schedule after 24 hours.


Facebook Stories are designed to only last for a day before they disappear. The 24 hour limit creates a spontaneous, authentic and unpolished social media experience. While users can archive their own expired Stories for private keeping, re-sharing old Stories is limited. And from your friends’ perspective, your Stories will reliably disappear from their feeds after 24 hours. So the ephemeral nature of Facebook Stories remains firmly in place, even if users have some options to rediscover their own old content.