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Do Facebook profiles get deleted?

Do Facebook profiles get deleted?

When a Facebook user deletes their account, Facebook claims the account is permanently deleted. However, some users have found that their old posts and photos still show up in searches even after deleting their account. So do Facebook profiles really get deleted?

What happens when you delete your Facebook account?

According to Facebook’s Data Policy, when you delete your account, it is permanently deleted from Facebook’s servers. Facebook states that it takes about 90 days from the beginning of the deletion process to delete all the things you’ve posted, like your photos, status updates or other data stored in backup systems.

However, Facebook also admits that information can remain in backup copies for up to 90 days. So if someone looks at your profile or downloads one of your photos during that time period, then a copy could exist elsewhere. Even after those 90 days, Facebook says “removed information may persist in backup copies for an additional period.”

Why do deleted Facebook profiles still show up?

There are a few reasons why a deleted Facebook profile or posts may still show up:

  • As mentioned, it can take up to 90 days for Facebook to remove all data from backups and cached versions.
  • Search engines like Google or Bing may have crawled and indexed Facebook pages, so cached copies may still be findable through search.
  • Other users may have taken screenshots or saved copies of your posts that they can re-share or post elsewhere.
  • Some third-party apps may retain data from Facebook posts and profiles. For example, if you used an app connected to Facebook, it may have gathered data that can still persist.

Essentially, once something is on the internet, it can be difficult to remove all traces of it even if you delete it from the original source. While Facebook does claim to permanently delete accounts, complete removal is challenging given backups and external copies.

Does Facebook delete inactive or unused accounts?

Facebook says it may delete accounts that are inactive or abandoned after an extended period of time. However, it does not provide specifics on how long that time period needs to be. Some users have reported old accounts still existing after many years of inactivity.

Facebook’s policy states: “If you stop using your account for a prolonged period, we may delete it after a certain period of inactivity, depending on where you live. For example, if your account suffers from a prolonged, contiguous lack of use, we may delete it to protect people’s privacy.”

The time period for deleting inactive accounts likely varies depending on region and laws around data retention. But there is no set duration provided publicly by Facebook. It seems retaining data, even inactive accounts, is more beneficial to the company than deleting old unused profiles.

Can you recover a deleted Facebook account?

If you accidentally deleted your Facebook account, you may be able to recover it if you act quickly. According to Facebook, you have 30 days after deletion to reverse it and reinstate your account. Simply logging back in within that window should restore access.

However, after 30 days, Facebook states that accounts are permanently deleted including all data, messages, photos and posts. So if you change your mind after that first month, you are out of luck unfortunately.

How to download your Facebook data before deleting

Before deleting your Facebook account, it’s a good idea to download a copy of your personal data for your own records. Here are the steps to download your Facebook data:

  1. Click on the down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page and select “Settings”.
  2. On the left sidebar menu, click “Your Facebook Information”.
  3. On the next page, click “View”.
  4. Scroll down and click “Create File”.
  5. Select your date range and the types of data you want to download.
  6. Click “Create File” again.
  7. Facebook will prepare a download of your data and notify you via email when it’s ready, which may take a few minutes up to a few hours.
  8. Follow the link in the email to preview or download your archive.

Downloading this data lets you have a copy of photos, posts, messages and other personal content before deleting your account permanently.

Should you fully delete or just deactivate your account?

If you are considering leaving Facebook, you have two main options:

  1. Deactivating your account – This hides your profile and removes some personal info, but saves all your data should you want to reactivate.
  2. Permanently deleting your account – This fully closes your account and removes all posts, photos and data.

Deactivating is reversible, while deleting is permanent. Here is an overview of how each works:

Deactivate Account Delete Account Permanently
– Hides profile from other users – Permanently closes account
– Removes name and photo from most content you’ve shared – Removes all posts, photos, messages, reactions and comments
– Some info still visible, like messages you sent to friends – Removes all profile info and connections
– Can reactivate whenever you want – Account cannot be recovered after 30 days
– Keeps all data, content and connections – All data is removed eventually (can take up to 90 days)

In most cases, deactivating your account is preferable if you think you may want to return to Facebook again one day. But if you are certain you want to permanently close your account and do not need any of the data, deletion is the way to go.

Should you post about leaving Facebook before deactivating or deleting?

Some users decide to post a “goodbye” status update or note when leaving Facebook for good. This can notify your connections on the platform that you are departing.

However, it’s generally recommended NOT to post about this or draw extra attention to your departure. Why?

  • It can lead to questions from friends and family about why you are leaving.
  • It encourages contacts to download or screenshot your photos and data.
  • It reminds people you may want to forget about your old account.
  • It could attract hacking attempts if people know your account will close.
  • Your data could linger longer if activity spikes around your account.

For a clean break, simply deactivating or deleting your account without any fanfare is best. You can always reach out to your close connections individually about leaving if you want.

Steps to permanently delete your Facebook account

If you are fully committed to deleting your Facebook account, here are the steps to do it:

  1. Click the down arrow at the top right and select “Settings”.
  2. Click “Your Facebook Information” in the left column.
  3. Click “Deactivation and Deletion”.
  4. Choose “Permanently Delete Account” and click “Continue to Account Deletion”.
  5. Select “Delete Account” to confirm.
  6. Enter your password and click “Continue” then “Delete Account” to fully delete it.

Once you go through these steps, your account will be scheduled for deletion. As mentioned earlier, it can take up to 90 days for all your data to be removed from backups and logs. But your profile and posts will become inaccessible right away.

What happens to Facebook Messenger when you delete your account?

Deleting your Facebook account also deletes your Messenger account and conversations. You will no longer be able to message people on Messenger.

Your Messenger chats and data are tied to your main Facebook account. So everything gets removed eventually after you delete your Facebook profile. There is no way to delete just Facebook while keeping Messenger.

If you want to retain your Messenger contacts and messaging ability, you will need to download your data and deactivate rather than fully delete your account.

Can you rejoin Facebook after deleting your account?

Yes, it is possible to join Facebook again even if you permanently deleted your old account. However, you will essentially be starting fresh and building a new profile without any of your old posts or connections.

After your account is deleted, if you want to be on Facebook again you can simply visit, sign up with your name, email and birthday, and create a brand new account. This will be treated as an entirely separate and new profile.

You can search for your old friends and send new friend requests. But none of your previous posts, photos or connections will be associated with your new account.

Options other than fully deleting Facebook

Permanently deleting your Facebook account is a big decision. Here are a few other options to consider:

  • Deactivate temporarily – You can deactivate your account for a break from Facebook but still recover it later with all data intact.
  • Increase privacy settings – Restrict data sharing and visibility of posts to take a step back from Facebook.
  • Remove app permissions – Revoke access to third-party apps so they can no longer gather your data.
  • Unfollow friends or pages – Stay connected but hide annoying or irrelevant updates from your feed.
  • Limit login time – Set rules for yourself on daily Facebook usage to reduce addiction or waste of time.

Depending on your reasons for leaving, other options like these may give you desired distance from Facebook without fully deleting your presence there. Think carefully before choosing permanent deletion.


In summary, when you delete your Facebook account, it does eventually get removed from Facebook’s servers – but the process can take up to 90 days. Lingering data and backups mean profiles may still show up in searches after deletion. However, the account itself along with all posts, photos and connections is permanently deleted. If you want to take a break but may return, deactivating is safer than deleting your Facebook. Overall, proceed with caution when considering deleting your Facebook presence for good.