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Do Facebook page invites expire?

Do Facebook page invites expire?

Facebook page invites are a great way to grow your Facebook page by inviting friends, family, and other connections to like your page. However, one common question page owners have is – do these invites expire? Let’s take a closer look at how Facebook page invites work and whether they expire.

What are Facebook page invites?

Facebook page invites allow page owners and admins to invite friends and connections on Facebook to like their page. Page invites can be sent to individual Facebook users or to entire friend lists and groups.

When someone receives a Facebook page invite, they will see a notification at the top of their Facebook app or website. This invites them to like and follow the page being promoted.

Do Facebook page invites expire?

The short answer is no – Facebook page invites do not expire. Once you send a page invite to a friend or connection, it will stay active until that person either likes your page or clicks the “X” to dismiss the invite.

There is no time limit on how long page invites last. The invite notification will continue popping up periodically to remind recipients to check out your page.

This differs from Facebook event invites, which do expire after a set time period if not responded to. But for pages, the invites remain indefinitely.

Why don’t page invites expire?

There are a few reasons why Facebook designed page invites to never expire:

  • To give page owners flexibility in growing their audience over time. Not everyone will like a page right away when they get the invite. Leaving the invite active allows for this.
  • To account for the fact that people may overlook or miss the notification the first time. Keeping the invite active increases the chance they’ll notice it later.
  • To help page owners continuously grow their audience. Even if someone wasn’t interested in the past, they may be in the future as a page grows.

Overall, the goal is to make it as easy as possible for page owners to expand their audience on Facebook. Never expiring invites supports this goal.

How long do invite notifications last?

While Facebook page invites themselves don’t expire, the notifications do eventually stop if left unattended.

Typically, invite notifications will last somewhere between 2-4 weeks. During this time, the recipient will periodically see a notification at the top of their Facebook feed asking them to like your page.

If they take no action on the invite for this period, the notifications will cease. However, the underlying invite remains active. If they visit your Facebook page later, they will once again get a prompt to like it.

Do all page invite types expire?

Along with standard page invites, there are a couple other invite options you may use:

  • Suggest to friends – Allows sharing your page with individual connections.
  • Invite email contacts – Upload email lists to send invite notifications.
  • Invite audience – Facebook suggests friends who may be interested in your page.

The expiration policy remains the same across all these invite types. The notifications will eventually stop if left unattended, but the underlying invite always remains active.

Do group invites expire?

You can also invite entire Facebook groups to like your page. For example, you may have a group for your local neighborhood or alumni class.

Inviting a full group functions the same as individual invites. Group members will receive notifications suggesting they like your page. These will last 2-4 weeks before stopping.

But if a group member later visits your page, they’ll get the prompt to like it, even long after the initial notifications disappear. So the invites remain active indefinitely.

Do page invite limits reset?

Facebook does limit the number of invites you can send in a given period of time. The exact limits depend on your page size and activity.

After you hit the limit, you have to wait a cooldown period before sending more invites. For most pages this is 24-48 hours.

The good news is that your page invite limit fully resets after the cooldown. You don’t accumulate invites over time. It’s a rolling limit that refreshes regularly.

So feel free to send invites consistently as needed to grow your Facebook audience.

5 tips to maximize Facebook page invites

Now that you know page invites don’t expire, here are some tips to use them effectively:

  1. Personalize invites with a custom message so they stand out.
  2. Send invites in batches, such as once per week or month.
  3. Invite friends who have engaged with your content previously.
  4. Invite friends of existing page followers to tap into networks.
  5. Invite Facebook groups related to your page niche or location.

Can I see who received page invites?

Unlike event invites, there is no way to see a list of who you have sent page invitations to.

Facebook does not provide page owners with a sent invites list or report. You can only track how many total invites you have sent.

This is likely because the invites never expire. Such a list would become extremely long and unusable over time as more invites accumulate.

However, you can still track page invite notifications as they occur and see who is liking your page from them.

How can I resend page invites?

Because Facebook does not store a master list of page invites sent, there is no way to manually resend invites to specific people.

However, even if someone dismissed the notification long ago, they essentially still have an active “invite” on their account. If they engage with your page later, Facebook will prompt them to like it.

So the best way to resend invites is to actively promote your page content to get back on these users’ radars. They will then get the like prompt again.

Can I cancel pending page invitations?

Just as you cannot see a list of outgoing invites, there is no way to manually cancel invites you have already sent.

The only way to effectively cancel an invite is if the recipient likes your page, clicks “Don’t Show Again” on the notification, or blocks your page completely.

Aside from that, all pending invites remain active indefinitely unless the recipient specifically opts out. There is no bulk cancel option.

Mistakes to avoid with Facebook page invites

While page invites are extremely effective at growing your audience, there are some mistakes you’ll want to avoid:

  • Mass inviting people who have no interest in your page – This may be seen as spammy.
  • Sending way too many invites per day – Invite in smaller, consistent batches.
  • Inviting people who have already liked your page – This wastes invites.
  • Setting and forgetting invites – Promote your page in between sends.

As long as you use page invites strategically and consistently, they can do wonders to boost your Facebook following.


Facebook page invites provide a powerful tool to grow your audience. Understanding that these invites never expire gives you flexibility in how you use them.

Keep sending invites consistently over time to those most likely to engage. Even if they ignored it previously, the invite remains active, giving them another chance to like your page.

Leverage page invites as part of an overall Facebook marketing strategy. Combine them with great content and smart promotion to maximize your results.

So don’t be afraid to keep sending invites! With no expiration date, you have an endless supply to promote your page over time and achieve next-level growth.