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Do Facebook group posts have to be approved?

Do Facebook group posts have to be approved?

Facebook groups allow members to share content and have discussions with others who have similar interests. When you post in a Facebook group, the default setting is that the post goes live immediately without needing approval from a group admin or moderator.

Do all Facebook group posts go live immediately?

No, not all Facebook group posts go live immediately. Group admins and moderators have the ability to change the post approval settings for their groups.

There are 3 different post approval settings that Facebook group admins can choose from:

  • Post approval off – All posts go live immediately (default setting)
  • Members posts approved – Posts by members are held for admin approval
  • All posts approved – All posts, including admin posts, require approval

So while the default setting is that posts go live right away, group admins can opt to have posts be subject to approval before they are visible in the group.

Why do some groups require post approval?

There are a few key reasons why a Facebook group admin might want to turn on post approvals:

  • To filter out spam/inappropriate posts – Requiring approval allows mods to screen posts
  • To control the conversation – Admins can decline posts that are off-topic/controversial
  • To manage high volumes of posts – Approval prevents the group from being overwhelmed

Enabling post approvals gives admins more control over the content that gets published in their groups. This allows them to maintain the intended purpose and create the type of engaging community they want.

How do you know if a Facebook group requires post approval?

There are a couple ways to find out if posts to a Facebook group need admin approval:

  • Check the group rules/description – Many groups will indicate in the description if posts need approval
  • Post and see if it goes live immediately – Try making a post and see if it appears right away or gets held for review
  • Ask the group admin/moderators – You can message the admins directly to inquire about their post approval settings

If you aren’t sure, it never hurts to ask the group moderators what their specific post approval process is before contributing.

What happens when you post in a Facebook group with post approval on?

When you post in a Facebook group that has post approvals enabled, here is what happens:

  • You will be able to write and submit your post as usual
  • Once you share the post, you will get a message that it is “waiting for approval”
  • The post will not be visible to other members until it is approved by an admin/moderator
  • You will get a notification once your post has been reviewed and approved/declined

So your post is still submitted, but just held behind the scenes awaiting moderator review rather than appearing immediately in the group.

How long does it take for Facebook group post approval?

The amount of time it takes for a pending Facebook group post to get approved or declined will depend on each group’s individual process. Some general guidelines:

  • Small groups: Usually within 24 hours
  • Large groups: Can take 24-48 hours
  • Very large groups: May take 72 hours or longer

Keep in mind admin/moderator volunteers are reviewing posts, so allow ample time. If it has been over 48 hours, politely following up is reasonable.

Can you edit a Facebook post that is pending approval?

Unfortunately, once you have submitted a post for approval, you cannot edit it. The post is locked from editing until the moderators take action on it.

If you notice a mistake in your pending post or want to change something, you have a couple options:

  • Comment on your post asking mods to let you edit before approving
  • Message the admins directly to request they decline your incorrect post so you can re-post
  • Wait for it to get approved/declined, then re-post a new corrected version

You cannot directly edit the content of a post awaiting approval, but the moderators can allow you to re-post a corrected version.

Can you delete a Facebook post awaiting approval?

Similar to editing, you are unable to directly delete a post that is pending approval. Your options are:

  • Comment asking the mods to delete your pending post
  • Message the group admins requesting they decline your post so you can remove it
  • Wait for the post to be approved/declined, then delete it from your profile

Because you submitted it already, the fate of the post rests with the moderators while it is awaiting review. But they can help reject your incorrect post so you can try again or remove it.

What happens if your Facebook group post is declined?

If the moderators decide to decline your pending post, here is what happens:

  • You will receive a notification that your post was declined
  • The post will not appear anywhere in the Facebook group
  • You can delete the declined post from your profile if you want
  • You can message the admins asking why it was declined or to appeal

Keep in mind moderators can decline posts for any reason based on their guidelines. But it doesn’t hurt to politely inquire about the decision or see if you can re-post an edited version if they declined it by mistake.

Can you appeal if your Facebook group post is declined?

If a post you make in a Facebook group gets declined by the moderators, you do have the option to appeal the decision in most cases. Here are some tips for appealing a declined post:

  • Read the group rules/description to see if there is an appeals process
  • Politely message the group admin explaining why you think your post should be approved
  • Provide additional context/clarification if it was declined by mistake
  • Be open to feedback from the mods on why it was removed
  • Accept their final decision if your appeal is denied

Keep in mind appeals may not always be successful. But politely reaching out provides an opportunity for your declined contribution to potentially still be valuable to the Facebook group community.

Can admins edit your post while it is awaiting approval?

Yes, Facebook group administrators and moderators have the ability to edit members’ posts that are pending approval. This allows them some options besides simply approving or declining a post.

Here are some ways admins may edit pending posts:

  • Correct typos/formatting
  • Delete unnecessary paragraphs to shorten
  • Remove inappropriate/offensive content
  • Add disclaimers or attribution

They can make small changes to improve posts and bring them in line with the group rules. This gives mods some flexibility to tweak posts before approving them to go live in the group.

Can you request edits to your pending Facebook group post?

Because members can’t directly edit pending posts themselves, you can request that the moderators make revisions before approving it. Some best practices for requesting edits:

  • Comment on the post itself asking for specific revisions
  • Message the admins with details on what you want edited
  • Be clear, specific, and polite in describing the changes needed
  • Double check your original post so you catch mistakes before submitting next time

While admins can make changes, it is usually easier on them if your submitted post is as finalized as possible. But they may accommodate revision requests at their discretion.

Who can approve Facebook group posts?

For Facebook groups that have post approvals enabled, here are the roles that have the ability to approve pending posts:

  • Group Administrators – Admins have full permissions in a group
  • Group Moderators – Appointed by admins to help moderate content
  • Group Editor – Limited role that can only view and approve posts

The group creator will start as the Admin. They can then appoint additional Admins, as well as assign Moderators and Editors specialized roles at their discretion.

How do you become a Facebook group moderator?

If you are interested in becoming a moderator to help review and approve posts within a Facebook group, here are some tips:

  • Engage consistently and become an active, helpful member of the group
  • Volunteer your time and offer to help the admins with tasks like post approval
  • Provide unique value and perspective based on your background
  • Ask the group creator politely if they are looking for additional moderators

Patiently contribute, build trust, and communicate your desire to take on more responsibility as a moderator. Many hands make light work for Facebook group admins!

Can you automate post approval for a Facebook group?

Unfortunately, there is no built-in way to automatically approve Facebook group posts. However, here are some solutions group moderators can use to streamline the process:

  • Facebook Power Engineer – Browser extension to batch approve/decline posts
  • Social Insider – Third-party tool with auto-approval capabilities
  • Zapier – Connect Facebook to a tool like Integromat to build custom approval workflows

While auto-approval isn’t natively supported by Facebook, various tools exist to help moderators work more efficiently and accelerate post approvals.


Requiring post approval for Facebook groups provides more control for admins to filter and moderate content. While it adds an extra step before posts go live, enabling reviews allows groups to maintain quality discussions aligned with their intended purpose.

Members can navigate the pending post process by understanding group guidelines, communicating politely with moderators, and being patient as volunteers review submissions. With collaboration between members and admins, post approvals can benefit the Facebook group community.