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Do Facebook ads work on Instagram?

Do Facebook ads work on Instagram?

Facebook ads can be highly effective on Instagram when executed properly. With over 1 billion monthly active users on Instagram, running Facebook ads to this engaged audience provides a major opportunity for brands. However, in order to succeed, brands need to optimize ads for the Instagram platform and target the right users.

The relationship between Facebook and Instagram

Facebook acquired Instagram in 2012 for $1 billion. Since then, the two platforms have become increasingly integrated. You can now easily run Facebook ads to Instagram users without needing a separate Instagram ad account.

Here are some key things to know about the Facebook-Instagram relationship when it comes to advertising:

  • Instagram user data is available for targeting in Facebook ads. This means you can target Instagram users based on their interests, demographics, behaviors and more.
  • Ad accounts are unified across Facebook and Instagram. You only need a Facebook ad account to run ads on either platform.
  • Ad formats are shared between the platforms. Carousel ads, Stories ads and other formats work similarly on both.
  • Ad reporting is unified. You can see combined metrics for ad performance on Facebook and Instagram in one place.

In summary, Facebook and Instagram ad accounts, targeting and reporting are seamlessly integrated. This makes running Instagram campaigns through Facebook ads simple and powerful.

Benefits of Facebook ads for Instagram

Here are some of the major benefits brands can get from running Facebook ads to Instagram users:

Large audience size

With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram provides massive reach potential. Running Facebook ads allows you to tap into some of this audience at scale.

Targeted capabilities

Facebook ads offer advanced targeting options to reach your ideal Instagram customers. You can target by location, demographics, interests, behaviors and more.

Powerful ad formats

Instagram ad formats like Stories and carousels are available to use in Facebook ads. These visually engaging formats can work well at capturing attention.

Unified analytics

Seeing combined metrics and reporting for Facebook and Instagram ads enables better optimization. You can easily track what’s working across both platforms.

Retargeting abilities

Facebook’s Pixel and custom audiences enable retargeting Instagram users who have already visited your website or engaged with your brand.

Tips for optimizing Facebook ads for Instagram

When running Facebook ads to Instagram, keep these tips in mind to optimize performance:

Design for mobile

Instagram is primarily used on mobile, so ensure ad imagery and text renders well on small screens. Use bold, simple messaging that conveys your value proposition clearly.

Use Instagram ad formats

Leverage ad formats like Stories and carousels that feel natural in the Instagram consumer experience. These vertical, full screen formats stand out in the feed.

Showcase visuals

Dynamic product images, compelling graphics and engaging video perform well. Instagram is a visual platform, so eye-catching visual content in ads can help capture attention.

Target engaged users

Use Instagram and Facebook targeting to reach consumers who are actively using and engaged with the app. Focus on viewers, likers or shoppers rather than just reach.

Test specific placements

Try placements like the Instagram Feed, Stories and Explore page to see what works best for your creative and audience. The ideal placement can vary.

Retarget website visitors

Upload your website visitor data to Facebook and retarget these users with Instagram ads. This enables you to continue the conversation with those already interested.

Case studies of successful Facebook ads for Instagram

Here are a few examples of brands running Facebook ads successfully to drive results on Instagram:

Away Luggage

  • Ran an Instagram Stories ad campaign promoting their new luggage colors
  • Used video demonstrating the durable product features
  • Saw 2x lower cost per result compared to other social platforms

King Arthur Baking Company

  • Used Facebook ads to promote recipes and baking tips to home bakers
  • Leveraged carousel format combining lifestyle visuals and recipes
  • Achieved 30% lower CPM than benchmark Instagram CPM

Graphic Springs

  • Ran retargeting ads promoting custom logo design services
  • Targeted website visitors with a special discount offer
  • Generated a return on ad spend of 2.5x off the Instagram campaign

The right Instagram ad strategy, creative and targeting can lead to strong returns on ad spend. When paired with thoughtful execution, Facebook ads provide a scalable way to drive results on Instagram.

Tips for measuring results of Instagram ads

To determine if your Facebook ads are truly working for Instagram, you need to dig into the metrics and properly track performance. Here are some tips:

Look at platform reporting

Break down ad metrics by Facebook vs Instagram to see results specifically on Instagram. Metrics to evaluate include reach, impressions, CPM and relevant actions.

Analyze by placement

See how Instagram Feed vs Stories vs Explore ads are driving different results based on each placement.

Review demographic data

Analyze the age, gender and location makeup of audiences reached and converting to see if you are attracting your target Instagram demographic.

Consider awareness metrics

Evaluate metrics like CTR, views and shares to measure impact beyond direct conversions.

Track conversions

Use Facebook pixel integration to monitor Instagram ad conversions on your website. Compare conversion rates across platforms.

Do A/B testing

Run A/B tests with different Instagram creatives, audiences and placements to identify what resonates.

By taking the time to dig into metrics and test results, you can continually refine and improve your Instagram advertising approach.

Metric What to evaluate
Reach How many unique accounts saw your ads on Instagram vs Facebook?
Impressions How many times your ads were served on Instagram? Is it inline with benchmarks?
CPM What is the average cost per 1,000 impressions on Instagram? How does it compare to Facebook?
CTR What % of users swiped/clicked on the Instagram ad? Does it vary by placement?
Conversions How many desired actions (sales, signups etc) occurred from the Instagram ads?
CPC, CPA What is the average cost per click or action from your Instagram ads?


Running Facebook ads to Instagram can be an effective way to reach and engage with Instagram’s over 1 billion active users. Key advantages of leveraging Facebook ads for Instagram include large audience size, advanced targeting, powerful formats and streamlined reporting.

To optimize performance, brands should design visually appealing creative suited for mobile, utilise the ideal placements and target engaged Instagrammers who will be receptive. With the right measurement and testing strategy, results of Instagram advertising through Facebook ads can be measured, refined and improved over time.

When thoughtfully executed and optimised for the platform, Facebook ads have the potential to drive strong awareness, consideration and conversion results with Instagram audiences.