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Do capital letters matter in Facebook username?

Do capital letters matter in Facebook username?

Usernames are an important part of any online account, allowing you to create a unique identity on platforms like Facebook. When creating a Facebook username, most people don’t give much thought to whether capital letters matter. However, there are some specific rules and best practices to keep in mind regarding capitalization in Facebook usernames.

In short, capital letters do matter in Facebook usernames, but not in the way you might expect. Facebook is case insensitive when it comes to usernames, meaning capitalization does not affect the uniqueness of a username. However, there are some stylistic and practical reasons you may want to capitalize your Facebook username in a particular way.

Facebook Username Rules

Before getting into the specifics on capitalization, let’s review the basic rules for Facebook usernames:

  • Usernames must be between 5-50 characters long
  • Usernames can contain letters, numbers, periods, and underscores
  • Usernames cannot contain spaces or special characters beyond periods and underscores
  • Usernames must be unique – no two people can have the same username

In terms of capital letters, Facebook does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase usernames. For example, “JohnSmith” and “Johnsmith” would be treated as the same username by Facebook.

Facebook Usernames are Case Insensitive

While creating a Facebook account, you may have noticed that it does not matter whether you enter your desired username in uppercase, lowercase, or mixed case. Facebook stores and recognizes usernames without regard to letter case.

So if Sarah signs up for Facebook as “SarahJones”, no one else would be able to claim “sarahjones” or “SARAHJONES” – those would all resolve to the same Facebook account. Facebook considers those versions 100% identical from a uniqueness standpoint.

This case insensitivity applies across all areas of Facebook – profiles, tagged posts, comments, Groups, and so on. If someone tags you as “JohnDoe” it will still appear to you as your username “johndoe”.

Stylistic Preferences for Capitalization

Given that capitalization does not affect the uniqueness of a Facebook username, you may be wondering if it matters at all. The answer is that capitalization allows for personal stylistic preferences in how your username appears.

Here are some common conventions people follow when capitalizing Facebook usernames:

  • Proper name format: Capitalizing the first letter of each word, like a proper name – “JohnSmith”
  • all lowercase: No capital letters – “johnsmith”
  • Initial cap only: Capitalizing just the first letter – “JohnSmith”

These options allow your username to fit your personal preferences, while still being unique and identifiable on Facebook. Neither Facebook nor other users will treat these versions differently.

Practical Considerations for Capitals

Beyond personal preference, there are some practical considerations that may influence how you capitalize your Facebook username:

  • Usernames with inconsistent capitalization can look unprofessional. “JohnSMITH” may be confusing to some.
  • All caps usernames like “JOHNSMITH” are hard to read and perceived as shouting online.
  • Lowercase names like “johnsmith” may be seen as overly informal.
  • A single capital letter makes common usernames stand out. “JohnSmith” beats “johnsmith”.

Overall, proper name capitalization (“JohnSmith”) provides a good balance of professionalism, readability, and personalization for most Facebook usernames. But you should capitalize in whatever way feels right for you.

Do capital letters really not matter for Facebook usernames?

As discussed above, capitalization does not have any impact on the uniqueness or functionality of a Facebook username. Facebook specifically stores and recognizes usernames without regard to uppercase or lowercase letters.

But this case insensitivity may seem counterintuitive at first glance. On many other platforms and in software programming generally, capital letters can distinguish otherwise identical usernames or identifiers. So why does Facebook break from this convention and ignore capitalization entirely?

There are a few key reasons why Facebook usernames are case insensitive:

Simplify Identification

Facebook designed username matching and identification to be as simple and foolproof as possible. Recognizing “JohnSmith”, “johnsmith”, and “JohnSMITH” as the same user prevents mixups where people could claim separate accounts with small capitalization changes. Case insensitivity removes any doubt about which “JohnSmith” is being referred to across Facebook.

Reflect Real Name Conventions

Capitalization does not affect real names either. If someone’s legal name is John Smith, it remains John Smith regardless of uppercase versus lowercase letters. Facebook aligns to this by treating user-selected usernames the same way. Your username essentially takes the place of your real name on Facebook.

Prevent Duplicate Accounts

Usernames that only differed by capitalization could allow single individuals to operate multiple accounts. Preventing this helps Facebook maintain one primary account per person. It also fits with Facebook’s “real name” culture where people interact using identities that match their real first and last names.

Simplicity and Consistency

Overall, case insensitivity for usernames allows Facebook to implement simpler logic around accounts and handles. There are no exceptions or special rules to remember. This improves the user experience by making usernames predictable and consistent across Facebook’s interfaces and features.

Can I change capitalization after creating my username?

Facebook does not provide any settings or options to change the capitalization of your existing username. Once you create a username for your Facebook account, it is permanently set as-is.

The capitalization you enter during account creation will remain the same going forward. For example, if you signup as “JohnSmith” you cannot later change it to “JohnSMITH” or “johnsmith”.

However, it is possible to change your Facebook username completely to adjust capitalization. Here is an overview of your options:

Change Username

Facebook allows you to change your username to a completely new value once every 60 days. Just go to your profile settings and enter a new username with your preferred capitalization.

Keep in mind this will change how your name appears across all of Facebook. People may no longer be able to identify or tag your old username.

Create New Account

Alternatively, you can create a brand new Facebook account with a different username. Use the signup flow to create the account and username from scratch.

The downside here is you will lose your existing profile, friends, posts, and brand on Facebook. Essentially you have to start over from zero.

Live With It

For most people, living with your original capitalization is the easiest option. As mentioned above, capitalization does not functionally affect your account. And others will interact with your username the same way regardless of capitalization.

But if having your preferred capitalization is important for personal or professional reasons, taking the time to change usernames or start fresh may be worth it.

Pros and Cons of Capitalization Styles

While Facebook handles usernames the same regardless of capitalization, choosing how to capitalize yours still has implications for style and perception. Here is a breakdown of the pros and cons of different capitalization options:

Proper Name Capitalization

Proper name format (“JohnSmith”) has several advantages:


  • Looks professional and tidy
  • Easy to read
  • Mimics real name format


  • Not very personalized
  • Can blend together common first+last names

all lowercase

Lowercase usernames (“johnsmith”) have some distinct pros and cons:


  • Casual and friendly
  • Unique look


  • Less professional appearance
  • Readability issues for longer names

Initial Cap Only

A single initial cap (“JohnSmith”) offers a mix of benefits:


  • Compromise between professional/casual
  • Easy to read
  • Stands out from all lowercase


  • Not as formal as proper name format
  • Less personalized than creative capitalization

Best Practices for Capitalizing Usernames

When creating your Facebook username, keep these best practices around capitalization in mind:

  • Be consistent in your capitalization. Pick a style and stick with it.
  • Avoid hard-to-read capitalization like rAnDOm caPs.
  • Consider your personal brand and goals for professional impression.
  • Proper name format is a safe bet for formality and readability.
  • Creative capitalization can personalize common first+last usernames.
  • Keep capitalization in mind if changing usernames later.

Capitalization may seem like a minor detail, but following conventions and best practices can refine your Facebook presence.


While Facebook does not distinguish between uppercase and lowercase usernames, capitalization still matters stylistically. Consider proper name format versus lowercase or creative capitalization to match your personal brand. And remember that changing capitalization requires an entirely new username. Overall, capital letters enable you to customize your username in line with your preferences and goals on Facebook.