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Did Facebook remove layout?

Did Facebook remove layout?

Recently there have been some rumors circulating that Facebook may be removing their layout options for pages. As a social media manager and content creator, this would be a pretty big change that could impact my work and strategy. So I wanted to dig into this rumor a bit more and see if there is any truth to it.

What are Facebook Page Layouts?

For those who might not be familiar, Facebook Page layouts allow you to customize the structure and format of your Facebook Business Page. There are a few main layout options:

  • Standard – This is the default simple timeline layout
  • About – This highlights the About section at the top
  • Shop – For ecommerce businesses to showcase products
  • Services – Highlights the Services section
  • Restaurant – Optimized for restaurants with menus etc

Page admins can select whichever layout best fits their industry and goals for their Page. The layout impacts where key sections are placed on the page to optimize for the type of content you regularly share.

So for example, a restaurant would want to use the Restaurant layout to feature their menu, hours, contact info, and directions prominently. An online shop would want to use the Shop layout to showcase their products and conversion paths.

Layouts allow Pages to structure their content in a way that makes the most sense for their fans and customers. It enables customizable navigation and surfaces the most important page sections up top.

Where Did This Rumor Originate?

So where did this rumor of Facebook removing page layouts come from?

In September 2022, Social Media Today published an article stating that Facebook would remove custom page layouts as part of an effort to simplify page customization. The author noted that FB had begun surveying page admins about the possibility of removing layouts.

A few other social media news sites also covered this as a rumor based on the survey questions. However, Facebook itself did not make any official announcement about removing page layouts.

It seems the idea originated from these survey questions gauging user responses about the possibility. Oftentimes companies will survey users about potential changes to gather feedback before deciding whether to actually go through with new features.

Facebook’s Official Response

While the tech press discussed this as a possibility, Facebook had not actually confirmed anything as of October 2022.

In October, Facebook representatives responded that they had no plans to remove custom page layouts. They clarified that the surveys were just sent to a sample of users to gather feedback about page customization strategies in general.

So as of now, Facebook has confirmed page layouts are here to stay and they have no plans to eliminate them. The surveys were simply researching ways to improve the experience, not indicating an actual change planned.

Should Businesses Be Concerned?

While layouts are staying put for now, should business pages be concerned about the possibility of Facebook removing them in the future?

It’s always smart to keep an eye on any rumors of big platform changes that could impact your strategy. However, in this case, I wouldn’t be too concerned yet for a few reasons:

  • Facebook denied this rumor clearly. Unless they make an official announcement, layouts are not going anywhere.
  • Surveys are very common for product research and don’t necessarily mean changes are imminent.
  • Layout customization is an important part of many Pages’ strategies. Removing it completely would likely upset a lot of users.
  • Facebook has kept layout options intact for many years now. While they may tweak the options, it’s unlikely they’d remove personalization entirely.

So I would take this rumor with a grain of salt for now until we hear any official word from Facebook. Continue using your selected page layout as normal until further notice.

Should You Make Any Preparations Just in Case?

While major concerns aren’t warranted, it could be smart to make some small preparations in case layouts do eventually go away:

  • Review which layout you currently use and why it was selected.
  • Look at your key content sections and priorities – would your page still achieve those goals reasonably well without a layout?
  • Make sure you’re taking full advantage of your current layout and customization abilities while they’re still available.
  • Brainstorm how you might restructure your page within a standard timeline layout if needed.

Basically, understand why your layout was chosen and how to highlight your priorities without layout help if necessary someday. I don’t anticipate needing to change things now, but it never hurts to be prepared!

The Benefits of Facebook Page Layouts

To understand why layouts are so useful for Pages, let’s look at some of the key benefits they provide:

  • Customization: Layouts allow you to customize the structure of your Page to fit your specific business.
  • Organization: Layouts make it easy to organize all your important info in one place.
  • Prioritization: You can ensure your most important content and sections are highlighted up top.
  • Navigation: Fans can easily navigate to your key sections.
  • Industry Optimization: Certain layouts like Restaurant and Shop are designed for those verticals.
  • Visual Appeal: Well structured layouts look more visually appealing and professional.

Without layouts, Pages would a one-size-fits-all timeline structure. So it’s easy to see why most admins would be frustrated if customization was taken away entirely.

What to Do if Facebook Pages Remove Layouts

If Facebook does ever remove Page layout options, here are some tips on how to adapt:

  • Review your page and identify your most important sections/calls-to-action to showcase without layout help.
  • Make sure your profile and cover images are on-brand and convey your key messaging.
  • Use the About section prominently to share your story, services, products, etc.
  • Add relevant buttons like Contact and Shop to your page header.
  • Use pinned and featured posts to highlight important content.
  • Organize your page menu categories to guide visitors.
  • Potentially use Facebook tabs for some sections you can’t feature prominently in the main timeline.
  • Optimize your posts with visuals and text to convey key info all in one post.

You may need to get a bit more creative without relying on layouts. But with strategic posting and customer service, you can still achieve most of your core goals.

Example Business Impact

To make this more concrete, let’s look at a few examples of how losing page layouts could impact some types of businesses:


Layout: Restaurant Layout

Current Advantages:

  • Menu is prominently displayed.
  • Hours, location and contact info is easy to find.
  • Food photos and posts are visualized nicely.

Without Layouts:

  • Menu may get buried in timeline posts.
  • Hours and location contact require more clicking to find.
  • Posts with menus and food photos won’t be as visually appealing.

Adaptation Needed:

  • Feature daily specials directly in cover image.
  • Pin operating hours post to top.
  • Add buttons for reservations and online ordering.
  • Ensure strong food photos in posts.

Ecommerce Stores

Layout: Shop Layout

Current Advantages:

  • Products are prominently displayed.
  • Checkout flows are clear.
  • Sales and promos stand out.

Without Layouts:

  • Products get lost in general timeline.
  • Checkout steps require more clicking around.
  • Sales can be missed in the mix of posts.

Adaptation Needed:

  • Feature products directly in cover and profile images.
  • Create shoppable posts highlighting sales and promos.
  • Use shop now button and link frequently.
  • Leverage shop and catalog tabs.

Service Businesses

Layout: Services Layout

Current Advantages:

  • Service list is easy to find.
  • Client testimonials are featured.
  • Contact and appointment setting is smooth.

Without Layouts:

  • Services get lost between other posts.
  • Testimonials don’t stand out.
  • Contacting for appointments is more difficult.

Adaptation Needed:

  • Highlight services in About section.
  • Pin an appointment booking post.
  • Share client reviews and testimonials prominently.
  • Feature before/after visuals of work.

The Need for Some Customization

Reviewing these examples makes it clear that while page layouts going away would certainly require adaptation, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Savvy business owners and social media managers would adjust.

However, it underscores the benefits personalized layouts provide different types of businesses and organizations. Some degree of customization options is extremely helpful for:

  • Organizing relevant business info.
  • Effectively showcasing products/services.
  • Surfacing key contact options.
  • Prioritizing vital content.
  • Enabling intuitive navigation.

So while Facebook may be able to streamline layout options or improve the customization experience, removing personalization entirely could significantly hurt many Pages’ strategies.

Use Layouts to Your Advantage While You Can

For now, layout customization is still available. So business Pages should be taking full advantage of these options to amplify their content while it lasts!

Be sure you are:

  • Choosing the layout that best fits your business needs.
  • Making great use of the sections your layout highlights.
  • Keeping the customized sections filled with share-worthy content.
  • Optimizing profile/cover images to work with your layout.

Don’t take this customization for granted. Use layouts to organize your vital info, share your best content, and guide customers to key conversion points while you’re still able to!

Key Takeaways

To summarize this deep dive on Facebook page layouts and whether they are going away:

  • Rumors circulated about layouts being removed after FB surveyed users.
  • Facebook has denied these rumors and confirmed layouts are staying put.
  • Businesses shouldn’t worry yet, but staying aware of changes is smart.
  • Layouts provide many benefits that would be lost without customization.
  • Strategic businesses could adapt if necessary in the future.
  • For now, leverage layout options fully before anything changes!

I’ll be sure to keep monitoring any updates on this front. But the key for now is to maximize your selected layout to organize your page and reach your business goals!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions people have about Facebook removing page layout options:

Why would Facebook remove custom layouts?

If Facebook did decide to eliminate layouts (which they haven’t yet), it would likely be to simplify the page customization process and provide a more unified cross-device experience. Removing layouts would discontinue a lot of customization, but may reduce confusion for some users.

When will Facebook remove page layout options?

As of October 2022, Facebook has confirmed they have no plans to remove page layout options. Unless they announce they are getting rid of layouts, businesses can continue using them indefinitely.

How do I know if Facebook removed my page layout?

If Facebook does ever discontinue layouts, they would likely announce it directly to page admins and automatically migrate pages to the default timeline layout. You would immediately see your page’s structure change.

What will happen to my page if Facebook removes layouts?

In the hypothetical scenario layouts get eliminated, Facebook would likely automatically switch all page layouts to the standard timeline structure. Any content you had in customized sections would get merged into the general timeline.

How should I prepare my page if layouts get removed?

To prepare for the possibility of losing layouts, review your key sections and content and think about how to highlight them without a specialized layout. Take full advantage of options like pinning posts, adding buttons, and using images to customize your page.

The Future of Facebook Page Layouts

While page layouts are likely here to stay for the time being, it’s impossible to predict the future. Facebook’s algorithms, features, and design are constantly evolving.

It’s possible that someday layout options could get removed or significantly changed. Facebook may aim to streamline the experience with more unified layouts across devices.

However, removing customization altogether risks alienating a huge portion of business Pages who rely on these options. Drastic changes seem unlikely.

More plausible would be the introduction of new layout templates or formats to choose from. For example, Facebook could add more advanced ecommerce focused layouts for shops.

No matter what changes may come down the road, savvy business owners will adapt. We’ve survived algorithm shifts, new ad formats, and countless other updates over the years.

As marketers, we must stay flexible and open-minded. While layout changes would require adjustment, they wouldn’t make Facebook advertising totally obsolete.

With strategic posting and some creativity, Pages can continue achieving their core social media objectives with or without default layout options. The fundamentals remain the same.

For now, stay tuned for any official updates from Facebook and leverage your current layout to maximize results. Rest assured, layouts or no layouts, we’ll figure out how to drive value on Facebook!


In summary, Facebook removing page layout customization would certainly require businesses to adapt their strategies. However, recent rumors of layouts going away turned out to be unfounded.

Facebook has denied any plans to eliminate layout options. Until further notice from the company, business Pages can feel free to take full advantage of their customized layouts.

While Facebook may evolve its layout offerings over time, drastic changes seem unlikely given how heavily users rely on these options. For now, use your page layout to organize your content, highlight key sections, guide visitors, and visually showcase what makes your business unique!
