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Did Facebook remove edit history?

Did Facebook remove edit history?

Facebook’s edit history feature has been a topic of much discussion lately. The ability to see previous versions of posts and comments is an important tool for transparency and accuracy on the social media platform. However, there have been conflicting reports on whether Facebook has removed the edit history option or limited its availability. This article will examine the current status of Facebook’s edit history capability.

The Importance of Edit Histories

Edit histories allow users to view earlier iterations of posts and comments. This provides a record of what the content originally said if it has been subsequently edited or deleted. Edit histories enable tracking changes and maintaining a log of updates. They are useful for:

  • Fact checking – Edit histories create accountability and make it harder to completely erase controversial or embarrassing remarks.
  • Protecting against abuse – Users can identify if their posts were edited without their permission.
  • Research/archival purposes – Academics, journalists, and others can study how information spread and changed over time.

Edit histories therefore serve a valuable purpose on a large platform like Facebook where billions of posts are made daily. Removing or limiting this transparency tool would likely generate significant controversy.

Facebook’s Official Edit History Policy

Facebook’s publicly stated policy is that they do provide edit history capabilities to users. Their official comment on the matter is:

“Facebook provides the ability to click on a post or comment’s timestamp to view the edit history so people can understand how the post or comment may have changed over time.”

According to Facebook, users should be able to see prior versions of both posts and comments by clicking the timestamp. This suggests edit histories are fully enabled for all types of content.

Accessibility of Edit Histories

Despite Facebook’s stated policy, many users report trouble accessing edit histories or finding the feature has disappeared. There are a few possibilities that could explain these inconsistencies:

  • Buggy/inconsistent interface – The UI for getting to edit histories may be glitchy or working improperly.
  • Limited availability – Edit histories could be restricted for certain types of content or accounts.
  • Phased rollout – Changes may still be slowly rolling out which cause functionality to appear/disappear.
  • External factors – Browser, device, connectivity, or app version could affect ability to see edit histories.

Further complicating matters is that Facebook has not provided technical specifics on potential limitations or how the feature is implemented. This lack of transparency from Facebook means assessing edit history functionality is largely based on anecdotal user reports.

Evidence Edit Histories Have Been Removed

Despite Facebook’s public position, many users insist the ability to view edit histories has been eliminated or significantly curtailed. Here is some of the evidence suggesting edit histories have been removed:

User reports

Numerous users across social media have reported edit histories disappearing. For example:

“Edit histories seem to have been removed or severely limited on Facebook – tried to view edits on my and friends’ posts and comments and the feature doesn’t work anymore.”

“I can’t see edit histories for posts anymore. Looks like Facebook got rid of it without announcement.”

High profile controversies

There have been several recent instances of controversial social media posts where edit histories would have provided clarity, but were not available:

  • AOC tweet regarding billionaire tax – Edit history could have settling debate over whether wording changed.
  • Musk post about Twitter legal team – No edit history to confirm changes.
  • Facebook executive post about Kapernick – Original wording unclear after edits.

The lack of edit history transparency in these high profile cases suggests the feature is not fully functional.

Media investigations

Media outlets investigating edit histories on Facebook have found evidence of limited functionality:

“Testing by The Intersect found that Facebook’s stated policy around comment editing isn’t playing out in practice. It’s unclear when, how or why the discrepancies have arisen.” – Washington Post

“Through our own testing, MarketWatch was unable to view the edit history for Facebook posts. However, users can still view edit histories for comments.” – MarketWatch

These investigations point to edit histories being restricted without notification to users.

Lack of recent announcements

Facebook frequently touts new features and changes to its platform. However, they have not made any public announcements regarding updates to edit histories. The lack of transparency around such a key transparency tool is concerning.

Evidence Edit Histories Remain Intact

Despite the reports of unavailability, some evidence suggests Facebook’s edit history capability remains in place:

Feature still in help documentation

Facebook’s help pages still provide instructions on how to access edit histories. Unless these are outdated, this implies the functionality continues to exist.

“To see the edit history of a post or comment: Click in the upper right corner and select Edit History.” – Facebook Help Center

Third-party tools access edit data

Services like Social Book Post Manager and KickFire claim continued ability to access Facebook edit histories via API data.

“Our software has the capability to track changes thanks to Facebook properly providing edit history via their API.” – Social Book Post Manager

The API would likely not include edit data if histories were removed.

Users can still find examples

While many report issues viewing edit histories, some users share examples where the feature still works:

“While it’s inconsistent, I was able to see the edit history earlier today on a friend’s post confirming they had edited it.”

These cases indicate edit histories may still be active, but buggy.

The Need for Clarification from Facebook

The discrepancies over the availability of edit histories point to the need for clarification directly from Facebook. As a key transparency mechanism on one of the world’s largest social platforms, Facebook should explain:

  • Have there been any changes to edit history functionality?
  • Are there any limitations or restrictions on edit history availability?
  • Is availability dependent on content type, account status, or other factors?
  • Are they aware of issues users have accessing edit histories? Are fixes being implemented?
  • Will they commit to keeping robust edit histories available to all users?

Facebook has avoided commenting specifically on its edit history policies or addressing recent user complaints. Increased transparency from the company would help explain the inconsistencies users are experiencing.


The evidence paints a muddy picture regarding the status of Facebook’s edit histories. On one hand, users widely report the feature being unavailable or inconsistent. On the other, Facebook’s official policy states the capability still exists and some confirm it intermittently works.

Without transparency from Facebook, it’s impossible to know definitively whether edit histories have been eliminated, restricted, or simply made unreliable by technical issues. The company’s unwillingness to address the topic continues a pattern of poor communication and lack of candor regarding its platform policies and capabilities.

Robust edit history functionality is crucial for maintaining accuracy and trust on a platform used by billions worldwide. Facebook should clarify its policies, restore access if broken, and commit to keeping this transparency tool available to all. Users deserve the accountability and insight edit histories provide.

Evidence Edit Histories Removed Evidence Edit Histories Remain
User reports of unavailability Still documented in help articles
Lack of histories for controversies Accessed via API by third parties
Testing showing limited functionality Some users report seeing histories
No feature announcement from Facebook