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Did Facebook purge accounts?

Did Facebook purge accounts?

Facebook, the social media giant with over 2 billion monthly active users, has faced ongoing scrutiny over how it handles user data and illegal or dangerous content. In October 2022, the company announced that it had purged over 5,000 Facebook accounts linked to various disinformation campaigns. This raised questions over whether Facebook is adequately dealing with disinformation and fake accounts on its platforms.

What accounts did Facebook purge?

According to Facebook, the purged accounts were connected to influence operations originating in China and Russia. Specifically:

  • Facebook removed 3,000 accounts, pages, and groups linked to a disinformation network operating out of China. This network frequently posted content in Chinese and English about geopolitical issues like the war in Ukraine.
  • Another 1,600 accounts linked to a pro-Russian influence operation were also removed. These accounts promoted pro-Kremlin talking points on topics like the war in Ukraine.
  • Approximately 600 Facebook and Instagram accounts connected to a network run by the French military were taken down for “coordinated inauthentic behavior.”

Nathaniel Gleicher, Facebook’s head of security policy, said the purged accounts demonstrated “sustained efforts to manipulate public debate by targeting multiple internet services.” He said Facebook’s investigation found links between the Chinese and Russian networks.

Has Facebook removed fake accounts before?

Yes, the removal of thousands of accounts in October 2022 is just the latest in Facebook’s ongoing efforts to counter disinformation and manipulation on its platform. For example:

  • In December 2021, Facebook removed over 500 accounts linked to Chinese influence campaigns spreading misinformation around the world.
  • Leading up to the 2020 U.S. presidential election, Facebook eliminated over a billion fake accounts to improve authenticity and security on its site.
  • Facebook regularly announces takedowns of coordinated inauthentic behavior originating from countries like Russia, Iran, and Myanmar.

According to Facebook’s community standards, “Coordinated inauthentic behavior (CIB) is when groups of pages or people work together to mislead others about who they are or what they’re doing.” The company uses a mix of AI detection and human review to identify and remove CIB from its apps.

Why does Facebook remove fake accounts?

Facebook outlines a few reasons why it cracks down on influence operations and inauthentic activity on its platforms:

  • To increase transparency and authenticity for users.
  • To disrupt harmful misinformation campaigns and foreign interference.
  • To maintain the security of user accounts and data.
  • To uphold electoral integrity around the world.

In essence, Facebook wants to purge fake accounts that spread misinformation and manipulate public debate. This aligns with its published values around Voice (freedom of expression) and Authenticity (real identity).

Does removing accounts stop misinformation?

Simply deleting accounts is unlikely to fully stop the spread of misinformation and manipulation on social media. As soon as accounts are removed, new ones can be created to replace them. Some experts argue that platforms like Facebook need more systemic solutions, not just reactive takedowns.

There are also transparency concerns around social media companies unilaterally removing accounts without external oversight. Facebook’s decisions have major impacts on public discourse worldwide.

Potential downsides of removing accounts:

  • Can appear biased or political, even if policies are applied evenly.
  • Opens companies to accusations of censorship or suppressing speech.
  • Lack of due process – accounts deleted without allowing appeal.
  • Not a long-term structural fix for misinformation.

Arguments for why removals are necessary:

  • Platforms have a duty to reduce harmful misinformation.
  • Fake accounts directly undermine authenticity.
  • Influence operations cause real-world manipulation.
  • Foreign interference in domestic debates must be checked.

Overall, account deletions are likely just one part of the solution platforms need to pursue in order to improve information quality and user safety. Other potential steps include improving transparency, adding friction to virality, emphasizing authoritative voices, and fact-checking content.

Has Facebook been criticized over fake accounts?

Yes, Facebook has faced ongoing criticism over its handling of fake accounts and other platform issues. For example:

  • In 2021, whistleblower Frances Haugen leaked internal documents showing Facebook was aware of harms caused by its sites but failed to fix them. This included spread of misinformation by fake accounts.
  • Some critics argue Facebook does not do enough to verify real identities on its platform during the account creation process. This allows more fake accounts to slip through the cracks.
  • Others contend Facebook has overreaching power to determine what accounts and speech get removed or demoted from its platforms, which are essentially public spheres online.

Facebook argues it is making substantial investments to address platform harms, including over $13 billion spent on safety and security in 2021. But many believe more regulation, external oversight, and transparency are needed.

Should social media be regulated?

The debate over whether to regulate social media companies like Facebook is complex, with reasonable arguments on both sides. Potential benefits of regulation include:

  • Increased platform accountability and responsibility.
  • Reduced illegal or unethical activity online.
  • More transparency around content takedowns and data use.
  • Consistency in rules and enforcement across platforms.

However, there are also risks that come with increased regulation:

  • Stifling of innovation in a fast-moving industry.
  • First Amendment concerns around censorship of legal speech.
  • Difficulty adapting regulations to evolving technologies.
  • Extra costs of compliance passed onto consumers.

Potential regulatory approaches range from limited rules requiring transparency, to sweeping reforms treating platforms like public utilities or publishers. There are good-faith arguments across the spectrum of options. Overall, the debate involves balancing platform accountability with letting companies operate freely.

Here is a table summarizing the pros and cons of social media regulation:

Pros of Regulation Cons of Regulation
Increased platform accountability Risk of censorship
Reduced illegal/unethical activity Stifles innovation
More content transparency Regulatory delay
Consistency across platforms Higher costs


Facebook’s October 2022 purge of over 5,000 accounts linked to foreign influence operations highlights ongoing debates about social media regulation. While account removals may disrupt specific manipulation campaigns, long-term solutions likely require systemic reforms addressing transparency, authentication, virality, and oversight. There are reasonable arguments on all sides of this complex issue, which involves balancing platform accountability with preserving free expression online. As lawmakers and the public continue scrutinizing Big Tech’s immense power, we are likely to see increased calls for sensible, nuanced regulation of social media companies.