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Did Facebook get rid of the job feature?

Did Facebook get rid of the job feature?

In recent years, Facebook has made several changes to its platform, sometimes removing or altering popular features. One feature that has gone through changes is Facebook’s job board. At one time, Facebook allowed businesses to post job listings directly on their Facebook pages. Users could search and apply for jobs without leaving the Facebook app. However, in 2019, Facebook removed the ability for companies to post job listings on their Facebook pages. This led many users to wonder if Facebook got rid of the job feature completely. In this article, we’ll take a look at the history of Facebook’s job features, whether they removed it entirely, and what options exist now for finding and posting jobs on Facebook.

The History of Facebook’s Job Features

Facebook first launched job listings in 2007, allowing employers to post openings directly on their Facebook pages. This provided a way for companies to reach potential applicants where they were already spending time online. At the time, users could search job listings by location, company, and other criteria. They could then apply directly through the Facebook app.

The job feature gained popularity, with over 300,000 companies posting more than 1 million job listings by 2011. To expand on this, Facebook launched a separate Jobs dashboard in 2017. This consolidated all job-related activities like searching, applications, and management.

However, in 2019 Facebook removed the ability for businesses to post job listings on their pages. They cited low usage and duplication with other job sites as reasons for removing this feature. While companies can no longer post job openings on their pages, other job-related features remained intact.

Did Facebook Remove Jobs Entirely?

While company pages can no longer host job listings, Facebook did not get rid of jobs entirely. Here are some job-related features that still exist on Facebook:


Facebook Groups related to job searching and hiring still allow postings for openings. For example, groups for specific industries, locations, schools, and more often have posts about available jobs. Job seekers can join relevant Groups to find openings or post that they are available for hire.


Though not as robust as before, business Pages can still share some job information. For example, the Page can post status updates about openings, direct people to apply on their website, or share employee testimonials. Pages just can’t contain the detailed listings themselves anymore.


Facebook Marketplace allows individuals to post classified ads for things they want to sell, items they are looking for, or services they need. People looking for work can create posts showcasing their skills and experience. This allows connecting with others who may be hiring.

Social Media Management Companies

Many companies that manage social media can post job listings on a business’s behalf. They simply share the listings on the Page as they would any other content. The job details themselves would be on the company’s actual website, with the social media post driving traffic.

So in summary, while FacebookPages no longer contain integrated job listings, there are still ways for recruiters and job seekers to connect via Facebook. Jobs are not removed entirely, they simply don’t have a dedicated dashboard like they used to.

Current Facebook Job Posting Options

Here are some of the main options that businesses and recruiters can leverage Facebook for hiring in 2023:

Share Links to External Job Listings

Companies can create posts on their Facebook Page that link out to job listings on their own career site. This allows driving qualified traffic from Facebook to the careers page to view openings.

Post Content Goal
We have 5 new openings for software engineers! Click the link in our bio to view job descriptions and apply on our website. Drive traffic to external site to view job details and apply.
Looking for a new career opportunity? We’re hiring! Check out our current openings for roles in sales, marketing, engineering, and more. General post to increase awareness of openings and drive traffic to jobs page.
Open positions available in Austin, Miami, San Diego, and more cities! Use the link in our profile to find a role that fits your skills. Target post toward job seekers in certain locations.

Leverage Industry-Specific Facebook Groups

Joining and posting in Facebook Groups related to the industry or location can help attract qualified candidates. Can share brief job details and a link to apply.

Use Facebook Ads to Reach More Candidates

Facebook Ads allow targeting users by location, education, skills, interests, and more. Create ads promoting openings that reach people likely to fit the job criteria. Add links to drive traffic to the application.

Share Company Culture and Employee Stories

Give potential applicants a feel for the company culture and work environment by sharing photos, videos, and employee testimonials. This builds the brand and gets people interested in joining the team.

Promote Employee Referral Programs

Encourage existing employees to refer candidates through their personal Facebook networks by promoting referral bonuses or incentives.

Collaborate with Facebook Marketing Partners

Work with Facebook marketing professionals who can craft campaigns, create ads, manage your Page, and develop hiring-focused content strategies.

So in summary, while the integrated listings on Pages are gone, recruiters can still leverage Facebook to promote their employer brand, connect with more qualified candidates, drive traffic to career sites, and power their hiring efforts.


While Facebook no longer allows formal job listings on Pages, there are still opportunities to use Facebook for hiring and recruitment. Companies can create posts with links driving applicants to detailed job descriptions on external sites. Industry-specific Groups, targeted ads, employee advocacy, and Facebook Marketing Partners can all help attract suitable candidates and spread the word about openings. So Facebook still plays a key role in recruitment marketing, even without integrated job listings on Pages. The platform provides helpful tools to connect businesses with potential talent. With a thoughtful strategy, employers can promote their openings, culture, and branding to the right audience.