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Did Facebook get rid of donate button?

Did Facebook get rid of donate button?

Facebook’s donate button, which allows users to easily donate to nonprofits and personal fundraisers directly through the platform, has been an important feature for many organizations and individuals looking to raise money. However, some users have recently noticed that the donate button seems to be missing from Facebook pages and posts. So did Facebook really get rid of the donate button?

The Short Answer

No, Facebook has not removed or gotten rid of the donate button feature. The donate button is still available for eligible Facebook pages and fundraisers.

What is Facebook’s Donate Button?

Facebook introduced the donate button in 2015 as a way for nonprofits to raise money directly on the platform. It appears as a blue “Donate” button on nonprofit Facebook pages and fundraisers and allows users to easily make donations without leaving Facebook.

When someone clicks the donate button, they are taken to a payment page where they can enter their donation amount and payment information. The donation then goes directly to the nonprofit.

In order to be eligible to add a donate button, a Facebook page must be set up as a nonprofit and be authorized by Facebook. Personal fundraisers can also use the donate button once the fundraiser is approved.

Why Would Facebook Get Rid of the Donate Button?

There are a few reasons why some users may have gotten the impression that Facebook removed the donate button:

  • The donate button does not show up for all Facebook pages and posts. Only authorized nonprofit pages and approved fundraisers are eligible to use it.
  • If a nonprofit page has not been authorized by Facebook, the donate button will disappear.
  • Facebook has made changes to its nonprofit authorization process and fundraising features over the years, which may have temporarily removed donate buttons until pages were re-approved.
  • Bugs or glitches may have caused donate buttons to disappear for some users.

Additionally, changes Facebook made to political advertising policies may have impacted some donation buttons for politically-affiliated organizations around the 2020 US election period.

The Donate Button is Still Available

Despite some users reporting issues accessing the donate button recently, Facebook has not officially removed or gotten rid of the feature.

Facebook confirmed the donate button is still available in a Facebook Business Help article updated on October 7, 2022. The article provides instructions for nonprofits on how to add a donate button to their Facebook page.

Facebook product expert Chris Cox also reiterated on Twitter on September 26, 2022 that the donate button still exists and “works the same way it always has.”

It’s likely any instances of donate buttons disappearing or not working stem from eligibility or technical issues, not an intentional removal of the feature by Facebook.

Requirements to Use the Donate Button

In order for a Facebook page or fundraiser to display a donate button, it must meet certain criteria:

  • The page must be set up as a nonprofit organization and authorized by Facebook.
  • Personal fundraisers must follow Facebook’s fundraising policies and be reviewed and approved.
  • Nonprofit eligibility differs by country, so pages must ensure they meet country-specific requirements.
  • Pages must have acceptable content and follow Facebook’s Community Standards and fundraising policies.

If any of these requirements are not met, such as a page losing its nonprofit status, the donate button may disappeared or stop working properly.

Nonprofit Authorization Process

To qualify for a donate button, nonprofit pages must go through Facebook’s authorization process. The steps include:

  1. Set page up as a nonprofit organization
  2. Submit tax documentation to confirm nonprofit status
  3. Provide information about the mission and community served
  4. Submit to Facebook’s review process
  5. If approved, agree to Facebook’s Nonprofit Terms

This process must be completed or else the donate button will be removed. If authorization expires, pages will have to reapply.

Personal Fundraiser Approval

Personal fundraisers through Facebook also must be reviewed and approved to use a donate button. Fundraisers for nonprofits must follow additional guidelines.

Facebook looks at factors like the beneficiary, relationship to beneficiary, and content of the fundraiser to determine approval.

Examples of Losing Donate Button Access

Here are some examples of situations where pages may have lost access to the Facebook donate button:

  • A nonprofit page’s authorization expired and the page owner did not go through re-approval.
  • A fundraiser was reported and determined to violate policies.
  • A page switched from a nonprofit to a business or other page type.
  • A political organization failed to comply with political advertising policies before an election.
  • Technical issues caused a temporary disruption in donate button functionality.

In most cases, the donate button can be restored by completing the proper authorization or approval steps again.

How to Regain Access to the Donate Button

If your nonprofit Facebook page or fundraiser has lost access to the donate button, here are steps to try to regain access:

  1. Make sure your page is set up properly as a nonprofit organization.
  2. Confirm you have completed the nonprofit authorization process successfully.
  3. Check that your page and content meets Facebook’s policies.
  4. File an appeal if your nonprofit status or fundraiser was rejected.
  5. If you previously had access, try going through the authorization process again.
  6. Check for any technical issues on your page that could impact the donate button.
  7. Contact Facebook support for help regaining access.

With the proper eligibility and approvals, the donate button can be restored in most cases where it has been removed.


Despite some reports of issues with donate buttons disappearing, Facebook has not gotten rid of or removed the donate feature altogether. The donate button is still available for eligible nonprofit pages and personal fundraisers on Facebook.

Any instances of donate buttons being unavailable likely stem from problems with the page or fundraiser meeting Facebook’s requirements and policies. By maintaining proper authorization and compliance, organization and fundraiser owners can ensure continued access to the donate feature and ability to raise money through Facebook.

Facebook remains an important fundraising platform for nonprofits and personal causes. When utilized properly under Facebook’s rules, the donate button provides a convenient way for supporters to give directly on Facebook.