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Did Facebook app change its name?

Did Facebook app change its name?

Yes, Facebook the company changed the name of their Facebook app to Meta in October 2021. This was part of their larger rebranding effort to reflect their focus on building the metaverse.

When did Facebook change their name?

On October 28, 2021, Facebook announced that they were changing their company name to Meta. This change affected all of their products and services, including the Facebook app.

Why did Facebook change their name?

According to Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Facebook, the name change to Meta reflects their new focus on building the metaverse. The metaverse refers to a virtual reality space where people can interact, work, and play using avatars or digital representations of themselves.

By changing their name to Meta, Facebook is signaling their commitment to developing this new computing platform and expanding beyond just social media. The metaverse has the potential to be the next major computing platform after mobile, and Facebook wants to be seen as a metaverse-first company.

What is the new name of the Facebook app?

The Facebook app was renamed to Meta. This change took effect in November 2021 after the company name change was announced. Users may have noticed the app icon change from the classic blue Facebook logo to a blue infinity shape representing the metaverse.

Did the functionality of the Facebook app change?

No, the core functionality of the Facebook app remains the same. Users can still connect with friends and family, share updates, photos, videos, and more. The app icon, name, and some branding elements changed, but the user experience is still focused on connecting people through social media.

Some additional metaverse-focused features may be added to the Meta app over time as the company builds out its vision for the metaverse. But the classic Facebook features remain the backbone of the app now known as Meta.

What other Facebook apps were renamed?

In addition to the Facebook app being renamed Meta, some other Facebook-owned apps also got new names:

  • Oculus was renamed to Meta Quest
  • Facebook Reality Labs is now Meta Reality Labs
  • Facebook Portal video calling devices are now Meta Portal

The Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger apps have kept their original names and branding so far. But they are also owned by Meta and may receive some integration into the broader metaverse experience over time.

Did users have to download a new app?

No, users did not have to download a new app after the Facebook name change. The original Facebook app was automatically updated to the new Meta name via an app store update.

Users who already had the Facebook app installed on their smartphones continued to use the same app, with the same login and account information. The update was seamless in the background.

Could users keep using the old Facebook app name?

No, all Facebook apps worldwide were updated to the new Meta name by November 2021. Users could not opt to keep the old Facebook app name. The update happened automatically through the app stores and could not be avoided.

Some screenshots or discussions online may still show the old Facebook name since it can take time for new names to propagate everywhere online. But the app itself was forcibly updated to Meta.

Did Facebook force users to make new accounts?

No, existing Facebook accounts continued to work in the renamed Meta app. Users were able to log in with their same username and password as before. No new signups were required due to the name change.

Could users request to keep the old Facebook name?

No, individual users could not request for their app to keep the old Facebook branding or icon. The update was required for all users worldwide. Meta did not provide an option to stay on the old Facebook branding.

Did Facebook pay users to update to the new name?

No, Facebook did not pay or compensate users to update to the new Meta app name. It was a mandatory update required on all platforms.

How was user data affected by the change?

User data, privacy settings, posts, photos, friends lists, and all other account details remained exactly the same after the update from Facebook to Meta.

Meta states that their data collection and advertising practices also remained unchanged. The app rebrand had no direct impact on user data or privacy.

Could users delete their accounts in protest?

Yes, users could choose to delete their Facebook/Meta accounts if they strongly objected to the name change. Account deletion worked the same as before the update.

However, most users opted to remain on the platform despite the renaming. Meta has billions of users who connect with friends and family on the app now known as Meta.

Did Facebook lose many users from the name change?

No, Meta did not report any significant loss of users due to the Facebook app being rebranded to Meta. In their Q4 2021 earnings, user numbers continued to grow as normal after the name change.

This suggests that the renaming did not have a major impact on people’s usage of the app and willingness to remain users. The core social networking features remain unchanged, so user behavior is largely unaffected.


In summary, Facebook renamed their marquee social media app Facebook to Meta in October 2021 as part of their corporate rebranding and shift towards the metaverse. The app icon and name changed, but functionality remains the same. Users did not have to download a new app, make new accounts, or take any action. Adoption of the new Meta name was mandatory worldwide. While some may have objected to the change, overall user numbers remained steady, indicating minimal impact to usage and retention.