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Did Christ United Methodist Church disaffiliate?

Did Christ United Methodist Church disaffiliate?

Christ United Methodist Church (CUMC) in Memphis, Tennessee has been in the news lately regarding whether or not it plans to disaffiliate from the United Methodist Church (UMC) denomination. There has been much speculation and interest in this topic within the local Memphis community and among United Methodists across the country.

Background on Christ United Methodist Church

Christ United Methodist Church is a large church located in east Memphis with around 2,500 members. It was founded in 1953 and has grown into one of the biggest United Methodist churches in the Memphis area.

CUMC has a contemporary worship style with three Sunday services. The church is known for having an active youth and children’s ministry. They host popular events throughout the year like trunk or treats and Easter egg hunts that attract many families.

The senior pastor of Christ UMC is Rev. Jim Thomas who has led the church since 2005. Under his leadership, the church has grown substantially over the last 15+ years.

The United Methodist Church denomination

The United Methodist Church is a mainline Protestant denomination that traces its roots back to John Wesley in the 18th century. It has churches and members located throughout the United States, Africa, Europe, and Asia.

In 2019, the UMC held a Special Session of General Conference to address issues related to human sexuality and specifically same-sex marriage and LGBTQ ordination. The Traditional Plan was passed reaffirming the denomination’s teachings that homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching.

This sparked renewed debate within the UMC around issues of inclusion and theological differences. Since then, some progressive churches have looked into disaffiliating from the UMC while more traditional churches have wanted to remain part of the denomination.

Why would Christ UMC consider disaffiliating?

There are a few key reasons why Christ UMC may consider disaffiliating from the UMC:

  • Theological differences – Christ UMC likely leans more progressive on issues like same-sex marriage and LGBTQ inclusion versus the traditional stance of the UMC.
  • Reaction to General Conference 2019 – Many progressives strongly disagreed with the outcome of the Special Session.
  • Response from other churches – Other large, progressive congregations like Foundry UMC have disaffiliated which may influence CUMC.
  • New Methodist denomination – The formation of a new traditionalist Methodist denomination, the Global Methodist Church, provides a path for disaffiliation.

Overall, the mismatch between Christ UMC’s likely more inclusive theology and the current doctrine of the UMC creates an impetus for disaffiliation.

What issues and process is involved in disaffiliating?

For a local church like Christ UMC to disaffiliate from the UMC, there is an extensive process defined by the denomination that must be followed:

  1. The church council must approve a motion to explore disaffiliation by a majority vote.
  2. The proposal is sent to the district superintendent outlining the reasons for disaffiliation.
  3. A church conference is held where church members vote on the disaffiliation proposal.
  4. If approved, final terms for disaffiliation are negotiated, including the local church paying a disaffiliation fee.
  5. Once terms are agreed upon, the church council and district superintendent sign a formal disaffiliation agreement.
  6. After disaffiliating, the local church will join or form another Methodist denomination like the Global Methodist Church.

It is a lengthy process that requires agreement among church leadership and membership. There are also financial considerations around assets, property, and disaffiliation fees that must be addressed.

What issues could prevent CUMC from disaffiliating?

While there may be an appetite for disaffiliation at Christ UMC, there are some issues that could prevent it from ultimately happening:

  • Lack of consensus – There may be disagreements among the leadership and congregation about whether to disaffiliate.
  • Financial costs – The disaffiliation fee which is based on a church’s assets could be very high for a large church like CUMC.
  • Connection to UMC history – Some long-time members may be unwilling to sever ties with the Methodist denomination they grew up in.
  • Uncertainty of new denomination – Joining a new denomination like the Global Methodist Church comes with risks versus remaining part of the established UMC.

With a church the size of CUMC, getting full consensus on disaffiliating could be difficult. The financial costs and uncertainty of realigning with a new denomination gives some reasons for caution.

Have other large churches disaffiliated?

Christ UMC is not alone in considering disaffiliation. Here are some other prominent, large Methodist churches that have decided to disaffiliate from the UMC over the past couple years:

Church Name Location Membership
Foundry UMC Washington D.C. 2,000
Asbury UMC Tulsa, OK 4,500
Clarendon UMC Arlington, VA 600
Chapelwood UMC Houston, TX 2,500

These prominent churches decided to disaffiliate due to theological differences with the current UMC positions. They were willing to pay substantial disaffiliation fees and join new, more progressive Methodist denominations aligned with their stances on issues.

What new denomination might CUMC join?

If Christ UMC decides to disaffiliate from the UMC, the most likely denomination it would join is:

Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX)

The LMX is a recently formed progressive Methodist denomination launched in 2020. Key facts about the LMX:

  • Formed in response to the 2019 General Conference vote.
  • Focused on inclusion – embraces LGBTQ clergy and same-sex marriage.
  • Emphasis on social justice issues.
  • Around 200 congregations have joined so far.

The Liberation Methodist Connexion seems the best ideological fit for a church like CUMC based on their likely progressive theology and social justice stances.

What are the benefits if CUMC disaffiliates?

There are some potential benefits if Christ UMC decides to disaffiliate from the UMC:

  • Can fully embrace LGBTQ inclusion and progressive theology
  • Align denominational positions with the local church’s views
  • Make a statement against the 2019 General Conference vote
  • Join denomination focused on social justice causes

Disaffiliating would allow CUMC to take a firm stance aligned with their principles and values. However, there are also drawbacks like the costs and risks of realigning denominations.

What impact would CUMC disaffiliating have?

If Christ UMC, a prominent Methodist church in the Memphis area, chose to disaffiliate it could have some broader impacts:

  • Inspire other regional Methodist churches on the edge to disaffiliate
  • Influence public perception around inclusion issues within the UMC
  • Continue momentum of progressives realigning into new denominations
  • Financially impact regional UMC conference budget with loss of disaffiliation fee

Particularly in the Memphis region, a CUMC disaffiliation could trigger other churches to follow suit. It would carry symbolic weight as a progressive stance within the struggle over the UMC’s future direction.


Christ United Methodist Church in Memphis faces a challenging decision around whether to remain part of the United Methodist Church or disaffiliate. There are arguments on both sides of the issue.

Disaffiliating would allow CUMC to fully embrace LGBTQ inclusion, progressive theology, and social justice causes. However, severing ties with the UMC also carries significant costs, risks, and lack of consensus. Much debate remains among the church leadership on the best path forward.

The next year will be pivotal as churches like CUMC determine their future denominational affiliation. Their ultimate choice will send ripples throughout the United Methodist community in the southeast and across the US.